I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1271: Spirit world

Chapter 1262 God Realm

Chen Mo is really dumbfounded!

What exactly is going on?

What uncle?

What lady?

"Are you sure you didn\'t admit the wrong person?"

Chen Mo asked.

"Grandpa, how could I forget Grandpa."

The girl looked anxious.

"Then tell me, what is my name?"

Chen Mo said.

"What\'s the name... I don\'t know what the current uncle should be called."

The girl said anxiously.

Chen Mo shook his head: "Okay, what\'s the matter, just go back, I will save you too, so don\'t cause trouble with me."

Then Chen Mo stood up.


The girl said, then stretched out her hand and took out a piece of jade pendant.

Chen Mo frowned.

He then showed a shocked expression!

Why is it so?

Because there is a jade pendant on Chen Mo\'s body, this jade pendant was born by Chen Mo, which was told to Chen Mo by the master, and Chen Mo always regarded it as a treasure.

But then this jade pendant was lost, and Chen Mo didn\'t know how it was lost. Maybe he lost it during the time he was blind.

And this jade pendant is completely mirror-inverted from one\'s own. To put it simply, the two jade pendants should be positive and negative, as if they can be put together.

Chen Mo frowned and took Yu Pei over.

"This jade pendant, where did you come from?"

"From Miss."

"Miss? Who is your miss? Why is there this jade pendant? Do you know what the jade pendant represents?"

Chen Mo asked continuously.

"I...I don\'t know, I only know, if it\'s my uncle, I will recognize this jade pendant!"

Chen Mo frowned.

"where are you from?"

"Tianyu, from Tianyu."

Chen Mo;? ? ?

"Tianyu? You mean... God Realm?"

"Yes, from the God Realm, I guess, go and save Miss."

Chen Mo sat down.

"Tell me quickly."

The girl nodded and said, "That\'s it. The lady has been waiting for my uncle. It has been many years since the last parting. The lady has been waiting for these years. For so many years, the lady has been imprisoned in the Nine Heaven Hall of the Heavenly God Palace. If it weren’t for the young lady’s powerful spiritual power, she would have been possessed by the **** Ditian long ago, and we are the young lady’s personal maids, who have been following the young lady from birth to now, although the ditian wanted to possess the lady, But we didn\'t do things too terribly, we still shut us and the young lady in the Nine Heaven Hall.

"But now... the power of the spirit weapon is almost gone, and there was an agreement before. The agreement is that Ditian can\'t move my uncle for some years. If my uncle comes, then let her go, and Ditian promised Now, the time is coming, but my uncle has not heard from it for a long time."

Chen Mo frowned!

"Who is this Emperor?"

"Ditian is the son of the first person in the universe."

Chen Mo; "..."

"You keep talking."

The girl paused, and then quickly said: "The time is coming, but the lady still didn\'t mean to contact my uncle. I really can\'t wait, so I secretly ran to the lower realm to find my uncle, I know, uncle It’s reincarnation and rebirth, even if it loses the previous strength, but the uncle is the uncle, absolutely not comparable to others, as long as the uncle is there, the young lady will definitely be fine!"

"So, those people did your injury?"

"Well... By the way, Uncle, you hurry to Tianyu, those people are chasing over, I can stop you, you must go to Tianyu soon, miss... the physical condition is getting worse and worse, Ditian years ago I have given the young lady a poison. It has been a very, very long time now. Master must be fast."

After she finished speaking, she handed Chen Mo a token.

Chen Mo reached out and took it.

"Let\'s go together!"

Chen Mo said.

The girl shook her head: "Auntie, I won\'t do it. I kept the secret from the young lady. I don\'t see the face of the young lady anymore. I only hope that the young lady and the uncle can be in peace!"

She looked at Chen Mo, her eyes flashed with determination.


In the next instant, she released a wave of strength, and Thunder made a hole in the void!

"Auntie, go!"


Chen Mo disappeared in front of her!

At the same time, in the dark outside...

"What? That guy who was looking for death actually opened up this passage!"

That Ditian\'s eyes flashed with killing intent!

"Young Master, that is just right. It seems that he should have gone to the God Realm. Since he has been to our place, there are so many ways to kill him!"

"What do you know!"

Ditian\'s eyes condensed slightly.

"A **** that can be killed here, in the God Realm, although it can still be squeezed to death with bare hands, but he has lost his goal. The king has been looking for so many years, but he has gotten closer to it. It can be solved here. No need to go to the gods to solve it, trouble!"

After speaking, he stretched out his hand!


The figure of the girl was pinched in his hand, pinching her neck!

The girl seemed to be a person who had no power to restrain a chicken, kicking her legs continuously, but her eyes were stubbornly looking at the Emperor!

"You know? What this king hates most is your look!"

The strength in his hands gradually increased.

"You think it\'s difficult for this king to kill you? This king has always expected you to bring this king here. Unexpectedly, you slipped away from this king. Okay, well done!"

His eyes condensed, blood was flowing from the corner of the girl\'s mouth, and the strength of her legs was getting weaker.


Then his neck was squeezed off.


Di Tian threw his body aside.

"Strip it naked and throw it on the street."

Di Tian slowly wiped the blood from his hands with a handkerchief.


"Give me an order to block the ninth heaven directly after going to the sky domain, and give me all my strength to search for his location for the rest. After seeing it, if you can keep alive, then keep alive."

"Young Master, why do you want to stay alive?"

The corner of Ditian\'s mouth ticked slightly: "I want her to kneel in front of me, crying, and begging me to let him go."


"I want to see, a trash reincarnated in the world, what can he do! Go back!"


On the other side ~www.novelhall.com~ Chen Mo came to a completely strange and unknown place.

To be honest, it\'s really strange and terrible!

Even when Chen Mo came here, he had a feeling...like a world away!

It feels like...

He went to a brand-new map in the sky, like the illusion of the Underworld, Demon God Continent, etc.!

But it\'s not an illusion, it looks like this!

Chen Mo glanced around!

Is this the God Realm? The place he always wanted to find, by accident, he really came here!

"Then she..."

Chen Mo frowned!

(End of this chapter)