I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1262: 3 turns

Chapter 1253

No blood loss...There is no special system prompt, and some are very real pain.


Chen Mo sprayed out a mouthful of blood, and then half-kneeled on the ground.

Shura\'s eyes behind Chen Mo shone viciously!

"What are you...doing!"

Chen Mo gritted his teeth and said.

"What are you doing? Of course it\'s for you. As Shura... but you didn\'t get Shura\'s true power..."

Shura slowly walked in front of Chen Mo and looked at Chen Mo with a sneer.

"This makes me very sorry, you are Shura! You must get Shura\'s true power, otherwise why is it called Shura? Isn\'t that ashamed of the name and power of Shura?"

Chen Mo frowned!

"So, for various reasons, out of good intentions, the deity will give you the power of Shura! Perhaps it is not the real, most absolute, legendary power, but it is definitely not a power that some people in this world can contend!"

He showed a **** smile!

"No! This is not your idea!"


Shura laughed wildly!

"Yes! It\'s really not the true thoughts of the deity, the deity can\'t figure it out, why is the same Shura, you can live so well, but the deity died early, even if not dead, it is like a walking dead? Why! I am not convinced!"

He roared angrily!

Shura then walked behind Chen Mo.

"So, I also want you to feel the sense of despair of becoming Shura! Everyone is afraid of Shura, but Shura is also afraid of Shura...Hahaha! I want you to die, and I want you to do it yourself Kill your love, destroy everything, and be killed by others, hahaha—"

That Shura laughed, and then the figure gradually disappeared!

"It\'s a pity, the deity can\'t see this scene anymore, but it\'s a happy thing to leave completely with this good news!"

After speaking, his figure disappeared!


Chen Mo pulled out the sword from his back!

No blood!

"Ding...Congratulations on completing the third round of Shura."

System upgrade came!

Chen Mo\'s pupils suddenly shrank!

Shura... Three turns?

That\'s it!

At this moment, Chen Mo was full of regrets!

Blame him! Blame him!

He should have thought of it long ago, this is Shura, this is not Ye Ming! This is some Shura before! Not all Shura are Ye Ming!

Why is he not careful at all?

"Ding...Congratulations on turning on the skills [Gods Annihilation] and [Eternal Life]."

"Ding... [Sura\'s Intention] is strengthened, [Sura\'s Name] is strengthened, [Tianni Zhan] is strengthened, [Sura Killing Pupil] is strengthened..."

"Ding...Congratulations on doubling all your attributes, your health is +100,000, and your mana is +100,000."


System prompts came all over, but Chen Mo was not very happy.

Three turns, especially Shura\'s three turns, the improvement is unimaginable, this Chen Mo knows well, but...

He doesn\'t want it!

Because if you didn\'t perform the third revolution, Chen Mo would have no worries about losing his will, and once the third revolution was completed, everything would be over! He may become Shura again!

On the contrary, now that he has performed three rounds, he absolutely can\'t use Shura\'s skills, and can\'t use any skills! He fears!

Moreover, with lessons learned, Chen Mo has already gone through a rampage once, and Ye Yuhan died in his hands during that runaway, so Chen Mo would be particularly frightened.


Chen Mo couldn\'t feel any other strangeness anymore, he stood up and took a deep breath!

Three turns!

This also means that he absolutely can no longer use Shura\'s power! It really can\'t be used! If it is used, he will definitely be over!

Then Chen Mo took a look at the newly acquired skills.

[The Annihilation of the Gods]: Holy Forbidden Skill, one of Shura\'s strongest skills, possesses the power of slaying the gods, the effect is unimaginable! No consumption, can be used once in a lifetime.

Chen Mo frowned!

A very general explanation, not to mention the damage or the effect, that is to say, it has the power of killing the gods, it can be used once in a lifetime, and the others are gone.

This is still rare!

Or, now that it has reached the late stage of the game, no matter what, it has gradually begun to no longer rely on the game?

Chen Mo then looked at Yongsheng.

[Eternal Life]: Shura possesses divine power, has been out of the scope of human beings, Shura\'s power is extremely powerful. Passive effect: if any damage is received, it will rebound with 20 times the damage, and it can be charged. During the charging period, the damage will remain, but it will not rebound. After the charging is over, the damage will be added and the damage will be rebound. Passive effect: Suffered Damage, the health value will be instantly restored to full blood, unless it is killed by a second move, otherwise it will never die!

Chen Mo; "..."

This is a purely passive skill with two effects. The first effect is the effect that killed those players before. After being damaged, it will rebound with 20 times the damage!

To be honest, this effect is a very powerful effect for high-volume bosses, but for Chen Mo, this effect is a bit tasteless!

Even if Chen Mo turned three, his blood volume was not particularly high. Of course, compared to ordinary players, his blood volume was ridiculously high, because Chen Mo\'s blood volume reached 200,000! But this effect is not good! 1V1 is still very strong!

But the second effect is very exaggerated!

Unless you are killed by a single move, you will never die!

With a blood volume of 200,000, there are not many that can kill Chen Mo in one shot!

Moreover, under this premise, Chen Mo also possesses the law of soul, the meaning of Shura! How to die?

To be honest, Chen Mo was very excited about what he got, but it was useless because Chen Mo couldn\'t use it!

He dare not! He is scared! Yes, I am really scared!

[Name of Shura]: All attacks of Shura, UU reading www. All offensive skills of uukanshu.com are 100% crit, and the crit damage is ten times. The damage caused ignores the pain elimination, and the pain is increased to 1000%. When the blood volume is less than 50%, the damage is increased by 50 times, which is less than 10%, the damage is increased by one hundred times. All attacks and all offensive skills have a 1% chance to ignore the grade, and trigger the death effect regardless of the grade.

Chen Mo then looked at Shura\'s meaning.

[Intention of Shura]: User: Shura (Chen Mo), Shura\'s will is not to be disobeyed and speculated. Shura has the will and ability to despise the world. When Shura bursts out of this will, the world is king. Effect: Turn on Shura\'s meaning, attack power increased by 2000%, movement speed increased by 2000%, critical strike damage increased to 2000%, all attacks will spread out of the range of Shura\'s power, the range is ten meters, all units will receive the same damage, lasting Twenty seconds, when the will of Shura exists, Shura is unstoppable, immune to death, and the minimum blood volume is maintained to 1 point. After the end, the blood volume returns to full value. Mana consumption: 1000, cooling time: one minute. Can be upgraded, upgrade conditions are unknown, current level: 4

The effect of skyrocketing! A terrifying skill that lasted twenty seconds, the cooldown was reduced to one minute...

But... Chen Mo dare not use it!

(End of this chapter)