I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 125: I am the anchor 64 open

These players came almost at the same time. The first group to come was naturally the group of 11 thousand members of the Temple of Gods led by Zhang Tianlei of the Twilight of the Gods. Of course, a group of players followed!

The more players come, the more excited Zhang Tianlei is. Otherwise, in his opinion, it is not enough to simply ravage Chenmo in front of the members of the Temple of Gods. He needs to get more players to come over and witness this scene with their own eyes. They filmed this scene one after another and posted it on the Internet. In this way, the topic of his previous humiliation will be completely covered, and he will be able to thoroughly wash himself!

   "Big Brother... many people."

   Xiaoyuan said timidly.

   "It\'s okay."

  Chen Mo glanced at the crowd.

  Zhang Tianlei led people around, and immediately surrounded them here!

  Zhang Tianlei is not afraid of Chen Mo running away. There are two little loli he cares about here. Is he willing to let them go and run away? Even if he ran away, he would be infamy.

   Facing the underwhelming crowd, Chen Mo\'s eyes were cold.

  Zhang Tianlei jumped off the horse, and there were tens of thousands of temple players behind them holding weapons and surrounded them. What is he afraid of?

  Zhang Tianlei glanced at the corpses on the ground, but he was actually quite surprised!

  He killed that old man?

Although he didn\'t know how powerful the old man was, he captured the little loli who killed more than 20 of them in a second. It must be not weak, but now he... is nailed by a sword. On the tree, the death is a bit miserable!

   "Hey, Chen Mo, I didn\'t expect you to die yet!"

Zhang Tianlei suddenly threw the giant axe in his hand and stood in front of Chen Mo. Of course, he kept a certain distance, which was a safe distance in his opinion, because to be honest, he was afraid of Chen Mo in his heart, and he was even more afraid of being here. In front of everyone, he was killed on the spot again! Moreover, before being sealed by Chen Mo with a sword, he even touched his neck subconsciously more than once on the way he was here. There was a sense of panic from the heart, as if the feeling of death came in the next instant. !

  The thing Chen Mo regretted was that he just let him die too painfully, 200 pains, just such a second, he could barely notice the pain, was it too gentle?

  But, don’t you have another chance now?

For the first time, the gods provoke him in Xinshou Village at dusk. Chen Mo didn\'t take it seriously, so he just treated him as a clown. The second time, people in Linfeng City let Xiaoyuan curse him... Chen Mo didn\'t have much anger!

  It wasn\'t until Chen Mo talked with Shui Shui that he learned that before they were arrested, this man brought a lot of people to kill them, and Chen Mo was completely angry!

  Behind, groups of players gathered one after another, looking at the situation here from a long distance!

   "I\'m going! The handwriting of these temples is exaggerated!"

   "It has only been such a short time since leaving the village. The Temples of Gods gathered tens of thousands of players just to deal with Chenmo. To be honest, if Chenmo hangs up today, he will not be defeated!"

   "What is a if? You still have an unending expectation of him? How could it be possible?"


  There are more and more players in the rear, including other guilds, including those from the Shengshi Dynasty, but they all belong to the crowd.

  Chu Naihe looked at this side from a distance.

   "Even Gongzi Mo is in desperate situation in this situation."

  Chu Naihe sighed!

Gong Zi Mo is indeed a legend. He can achieve a dozen hundred thousand dollars. This is a fact. That earth-shaking big move has been circulated on the Internet. It is called the most shocking picture in the virtual online game industry. ! He also saw that scene, saw the unrestrained figure in the dark crowd, and completely admired this person!

  However, there is a premise that Gongzi Mo achieved this level of combat in the late game, and with the blessing of the ultimate move, in the early game, no matter how strong his personal ability is, it is impossible to do it!

  However, Chenmo at this moment, in a sense, in the early stage of the game, at level 19, surrounded by more than 10,000 people, is actually more dangerous than the time when the son Mo was once, because this is the early game!

  In Chu Naihe\'s view, this Chenmo is a master, he admitted, but this time there is absolutely no way! If in the late game, he will look forward to it, but this is only the early game.

"Hello, I’m Lou Xiaoqian, a reporter from Tianlin Battlefield. What I bring to you today is the most sensational event since the launch of "Heaven’s". The subject player Chenmo, the dense crowd behind me is the members of the Temple of Gods. Surrounded by them, the one in front of the mountain is Chenmo. Next, I will continue to broadcast the event live for everyone. Please remember to tell each other , Come and watch this live broadcast in room No. 14250 of Fried Fish tv."

A beautiful young lady player is holding a communicator unique to Tianlin players, and broadcast live on the live broadcast platform that is connected to the reality of fried fish tv. Players can also perform Baidu in the game, whether it is a game or a reality. Watching, so the birth of virtual online games really opened up various channels for making money.

  "Hello brothers, I am the anchor of June 4th, and the picture behind me is the temple of gods and thousands of people encircling and suppressing Chenmo. Next, I will broadcast the follow-up development for everyone throughout the whole process. Let everyone brush up on gifts!"

"Brothers~www.novelhall.com~ I originally wanted to broadcast a live broadcast of mob spamming for everyone, but I just heard about this important event, so now I will broadcast live video of Chen Mo being abused by thousands of people in the Temple of Gods to warn you. Everyone, you really can\'t provoke this kind of big guild without strength! I am the anchor qdd, and I speak for myself!"


  Regardless of whether it is an anchor or not, everyone wants to publish this event so that everyone can see it. After all, this kind of thing happening at this time is really the hottest topic! Moreover, the protagonist is still Chen Mo, a topical character who has been controversial since the first day of Tianlin\'s opening service. You may not know who he is, but everyone must have heard of this person during this time! This time the topic level is high, and the attention level is also higher!

For a time, major TVs have many anchors, and even many temporary live broadcasts by passers-by. The popularity of each live broadcast room is rising, hundreds of thousands of heats, millions of heats, and even tens of millions of heats, or even two. The big anchor is here, and their popularity has directly broken hundreds of millions. For a while, the platform crashed and the staff is in rapid repair!

   Popularity does not represent the number of people, but the number of people must be very high!

Many people at this moment have heard the news here. Those from the other four empires and even Skyblue Star are working outside, and those who are not online at home after get off work. Anyway, they are interested in taking out their mobile phones or turning on the internal search function of the game to remotely Watching the live broadcast here!

  In the beautiful living room, three beauties in pajamas sit on the sofa with their pretty little feet.