I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1243: Huh? You are here too

Chapter 1234 Huh? You are here too

Qingcheng is Chen Mo\'s best friend.

No, they shouldn\'t be called buddies, just say... good friends! Especially good friends, the kind of friends who can give their backs to each other.

In fact, the two of them have known each other for so many years and haven\'t met too many people, but their relationship is very good, it should be said that they are very iron!

Mu Hanyu has a task that needs him...

To be honest, Chen Mo was quite surprised! What is the task, can\'t she do it alone? Although this is the late game, it also means that Mu Hanyu, Qingcheng\'s strength is very strong.

"Thanks, to toast you."

Allure raised his cup.

"What are you polite to me."

Chen Mo smiled.

"This city is very lively, and the elves are also very beautiful."

Qingcheng said.


Chen Mo nodded.

"Have you tried how an elven girl feels in bed?"

Qingcheng asked abruptly.

Chen Mo:? ? ?

"I said eldest sister, your question makes me think, are you yourself? Did someone use your account to get online."

Chen Mo said helplessly.

Qingcheng Dai\'s eyebrows frowned slightly: "Is there anything? You are so lusty. I guess you have tried it. I guess you are ready to do it after seeing the elf for the first time. This race is so simple and kind, and it\'s easy to deceive, right? ."

Chen Mo; "..."

Foggy grass! What the **** is this.

"I said, eldest sister, why, I just want to ask one question now, why do you always say that I am horny? I really want to know, why?"

Chen Mo is convinced! why!

"Are you nasty?"

"Why am I lustful?"

"Then how many girlfriends do you have? Are you nasty?"

Chen Mo: "..."

"There are so many girlfriends here that can\'t be said to be lascivious? To be honest, they chased me."

"Then you are not lustful? I ask you, have you been in bed with several?"

Chen Mo; "..."

"It seems to be true, so why do you always feel confident that you are not a **** person?"

Chen Mo touched the tip of his nose.

"ok I admit it."

Chen Mo was helpless.

Qingcheng took a bite of food.

"The taste here is not bad."

"Of course, although this is a shop opened by humans, they have also been taught some skills of the elves. They may not be so refined, but there is more or less the flavor of the elves." Chen Mo said.

"The elves love flowers."

Chen Mo nodded: "Yes, even if it is a spicy dish, you can actually taste a hint of floral fragrance if you taste it carefully, but if you want to eat it, let the spirits make it. I will take you there?"

"Forget it, there are too many people."

"I can go through the back door."

Qingcheng still shook his head: "They were already so busy, but they are gone. Anyway, the city and the elves are here, there is always a chance."

Chen Mo nodded: "By the way, what is your task? Can\'t you do it yourself?"

Qingcheng said: "Three-turn mission."


Chen Mo touched the tip of his nose: "You haven\'t turned three yet?"

"Aren\'t you?" Qingcheng looked at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo nodded; "I can\'t turn three times. I can control Shura\'s power in two turns. Once the third turns, I may lose consciousness and become a killing machine. For the sake of safety, I don\'t plan to turn three. ."

"It turned out to be so, how is your strength in reality?"

Chen Mo said: "It should be more than a martial arts master, how about you?"

"Almost! The improvement here is an improvement in reality, but it is not great! After all, we are in the soul, but in a sense, it is simpler than in reality, so if you are not sure about your third turn, it will be true. Don\'t touch it."

Qingcheng Road.

"I know." Chen Mo nodded, "But why is your third turn so slow?"

Qingcheng Road; "I just received it."

"Can someone help with your third turn?"

"It\'s a public map, but because it can only be entered once, I think it\'s safer to bring you." Qingcheng said.

"So in your mind, I can give you such a great sense of security."

Chen Mo sighed.

Allure; "..."

"Then you may be thinking too much. If you are an ordinary player, you will not pay attention to it, and... it turns out that it is a person with a lot of girlfriends, so that the original wood can now speak some normal human words. "

Qingcheng said.

Chen Mo; "..."

"Stop making trouble, go, and go out together? Or, go now?"

"Don\'t worry, you can go shopping, but you can go with other people, I will go shopping by myself."

"Let\'s go together, friends have all met, why do you need yourself?"

Chen Mo said.

"And they want to go shopping with you."

Qingcheng paused: "Okay."

Then she got up and walked out, which walked to the door and came back silently.

"what happened?"

Chen Mo leaned over.

"Too much."

This person is too much, she glanced at the people on the road, although it was not crowded, but...too noisy!

"Then sit down for a while."

Qingcheng nodded.


Chen Mo took out a can of wine.


"The Elf Clan\'s Baihuanong is the kind of Baihuanong that can only be taken with one person. I don\'t know how many people can drink it. Try it."

"Actually I don\'t know how to drink, let alone alcohol."

Qingcheng said.

"Neither do I, but I just need to know if it tastes good."

Chen Mo fell on her.

At this moment, outside, Feng Xueling, Xiao Ruhan, Leng Xi, Mu Yao, Ran Qingqiu, Han Jiangxue, etc., a group of beautiful girls came quietly!

"Xiao Momo is inside, do you remember the bet you just made?"

Feng Xueling nodded: "Hmm, of course!"

"Well, he has a few girls in it, you\'ll know it later! Xiao Yuan, you go quietly to see if your elder brother is dating some sisters."

Xiao Yuan blinked her big eyes and then shook her head: "No way, no, Xiao Yuan won\'t betray her big brother."

Xiao Ruhan smiled and said: "You are not betraying your big brother. Anyway, if you don\'t go, we will go too. You just save a little trouble and won\'t be discovered."

"Don\'t don\'t, Xiaoyuan won\'t go anyway."

I have to say, Xiao Yuan still loves Chen Mo very much.

"Okay! Shuishi, you go up."

"Don\'t don\'t~www.novelhall.com~Xiao Rourou..."


Xiao Ruhan stroked his forehead.

"Well, since you choose not to go, then we will show up together and catch him right away!"

"Ai, ai, ai, but be careful, we will pretend to be a chance encounter."

Zhao Yingmeng suggested.

"Good proposal, go! Pay attention, don\'t show your stuff."

Then they walked in!

"Ah, Xiao Momo, why are you here too!"

Xiao Ruhan "wonderful" said.

Chen Mo: "..."

(End of this chapter)