I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1236: City of Elves

Chapter 1227

Feng Xueling is uncomfortable!

This person, this person...

When you made you up, you didn\'t make up, but now you don\'t want to make you up, are you so up for it again?

Wow! ! I can\'t stand it anymore, I really can\'t stand this person!

"Xiao Chenmo! You, you, you!"

Feng Xueling ran out and pointed at Chen Mo.


Chen Mo saw her touch the tip of her nose.

"what happened?"

"You, you, you, why did you go?"

"Didn\'t you let me go?"

Feng Xueling pouted her mouth.

"Yes, but this girl thinks that you will not go. Although there are some possibilities, after a whole night of deliberation, this girl still thinks that you will not, but why did you go?"

Chen Mo touched the tip of his nose: "Why can\'t you go?"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh last night

Chen Mo nodded.


Feng Xueling was crazy.

"No... she\'s not your daughter, or your cousin, why are you crazy?"

"Elder Feng lost the bet with me." Mu Yao said with a smile.

Chen Mo; "..."

Is he that weak?

"Deserve it." Chen Mo said.


Feng Xueling wiped "tears".

"Xiao Chenmo, Xiao Chenmo."

She caught up with Chen Mo and took Chen Mo\'s arm.

"What\'s the matter?"

"Look, with this girl\'s help, you successfully ruined Xiao Lengxi, shouldn\'t you be very happy?"

Chen Mo; "..."



Mu Yao is helpless!

This Leng Xi has such a senior, but it is really her misfortune! But it can also be said to be her luck!

What about her?

Mu Yao looked at Chen Mo\'s back.

Like it... I will really like this person slowly, but she doesn\'t know what to do.

He also revealed his thoughts to him, but it was sitting in front of people... These days he didn\'t take the initiative to talk to himself, so Mu Yao really didn\'t know what to do.

Let\'s go with the flow.

"Na na na, you said it, this girl helped you, so, you don\'t plan to help this girl gambling money? If this girl loses to Mu Yao, you will be the one who loses or loses?"

Chen Mo: "..."


"It\'s not that I bet with her."

Chen Mo said.

"But this girl helped you win Xiao Lengxi, don\'t lift your pants and deny you."

Chen Mo; "..."

"I didn\'t lift my pants to you."

Chen Mo is helpless!

"You, you! You ungrateful guy!"

Chen Mo; "..."

"Well, I\'m out, I\'m out!"

Chen Mo couldn\'t laugh or cry.

Feng Xueling and Mu Yao looked at Chen Mo\'s figure in the kitchen.

"No, good man, cook for Leng Xi."

Feng Xueling quietly stole a piece of cake and tasted it!

The taste is not bad.

"It\'s pretty good."

Mu Yao nodded in agreement.

"I made some for you."

Chen Mo turned his head to look, I rely on! Feng Xueling is almost eating up?

"I said that you are a big man who knows how to cook and make dim sum. Have you studied it specifically? Or do you practice this aspect hard to make a girl?"

Feng Xueling leaned there and said!

"Do you still know if I will be a girl?"

"Also, then you can help make a big meal by the way."

Feng Xueling suggested.

Chen Mo; "..."

"Alright, it\'s okay today anyway."

Chen Mo nodded.


Feng Xueling smiled.

nice! This Chen Mo\'s cooking skills are really amazing, and the taste he makes is very special, anyway, it is delicious!

"Then I can help bring things to Leng Xi?"

Mu Yao asked.


Chen Mo nodded.

She then took the cake to Leng Xi\'s place.


Mu Yao knocked on the door lightly and walked in!

Leng Xi opened her beautiful eyes and looked at Mu Yao who walked in, her face blushing.

"Master Chen Mo made this. He cooked us a big meal over there, so I brought the things over."

She sat up with a blush, then picked up a piece and took a bite.


"Yes, it\'s delicious. Mr. Chen Mo is really different from other men. He can cook and make pastries again. You will be lucky in the future."

Leng Xi blushed.

"You too."

Mu Yao: "..."

"Cough cough cough--"

She coughed dryly.

"I... don\'t know what\'s going on."

Leng Xi looked at her and said, "It\'s okay for you to be so beautiful and take the initiative. Although Mr. Chen Mo is a bit dull,... you are a boy after all."

"You mean he is lustful?"

Leng Xi smiled and said, "There is no man who doesn\'t look bad, right?"


Mu Yao laughed.

"By the way, what happened last night? I learned from it."

Mu Yao asked curiously.

"Also... it\'s nothing."

"What\'s that feeling like?"

Mu Yao asked curiously.

Leng Xi: "..."

She blushed.

"It\'s strange."


"It will hurt at first."

"Sure enough, those people said it would hurt."

"But it won\'t be there later, it\'s a feeling I\'ve never felt before."



If Chen Mo knew what these two were talking about here, he would have to vomit blood.

Why are you two noble cold girls talking about this kind of stuff here?

Chen Mo stayed here for another day, early the next morning, and then took them to leave the Demon God Continent!

Today’s Tianlin Continent is very lively!

The Wind God Sect had already spread this news to the mainland a few days ago! Caused an uproar in the mainland!

The elves and dwarves have appeared!

And even in the Fengshen Sect! Even the city they built was built for these two races!

It exploded completely!

Many powerhouses are really excited to come here, dwarves! They might be able to create top-notch spiritual weapons from the hands of the dwarves!

And some people come to see the legendary elves! What does the most beautiful race look like!

For men ~www.novelhall.com~ Elves must be a very beautiful, very beautiful creature! They are willing to trek through mountains and rivers just to come and have a look.

And I heard that they can taste the craftsmanship of the elves in the city of elves, they really can’t wait!

For players, that is simply more shocking news!

They are all people from the Sky Blue Star, and there are always contact with the elves in animation, novels and other places. In every man\'s mind, they want to get such an elven girl!

Now, not only have the chance to meet the legendary elves, but even if they don’t, they can come and get one!

I rely on! Simply invincible!

Therefore, in the middle of the night, the entire Elf City and the locations around the Fengshen Sect have been fully surrounded, just waiting for the Elf City to officially open!

(End of this chapter)