I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1232: Reshape success

Chapter 1223

Flower Saint quickly walked out of the room!

Well, this is definitely the first time everyone sees the person wearing the flower saint\'s appearance!

The clothes that used to look old, even torn, are different now!

And when he shaved his beard, he felt a lot more energetic!

Although he still looks old, there is nothing he can do about it!

"I have to say that Senior Hua should be quite handsome when he was young."

Tang Panpan said.

Ji Lingluo smiled and said: "That\'s for sure, otherwise it is impossible to fall in love with such a beautiful and outstanding woman as the master of Fengshen Sect at that time."

"Grandpa Hua has no beard."

Xiaoyuan\'s little mouth pursed.

Long Xiaorou also puffed.

So is water!

Oh, I can’t pull it anymore.

Hua Sheng couldn\'t help but smile and looked at these little girls and said: "Although the old man\'s beard is gone, isn\'t there another one here?"

He pointed to Long Xiaorou\'s grandfather, Long Xu.

Long Xu: "..."

"I said old man Hua, you can\'t be like this!"

Long Xu said.


Hua Sheng laughed, and then took a deep breath!


He also used a smile to cover up the tension in his heart.


At this time, the figures of Chen Mo and Linglong appeared under the Fengshen Sect!

The reason for not coming up directly is because the flower saint knew about this place, at least he can make psychological preparations in advance! It is equivalent to giving him a buffer of time!

Although Chen Mo has no personal feelings, he can understand the current mood of Flower Saint!

This is not simply the feeling of not seeing you in a few years!

It\'s a situation where they haven\'t seen each other for hundreds of years, and even one party has fallen and there is no chance to meet again. They will meet again soon... this is it!

"Senior Flower, Senior Flower, here comes!"

Ye Qingqing said excitedly next to him!

Flower Saint looks at the distance below! The body was trembling slightly.

Fengya raised her head and looked upward...

"Let\'s go somewhere else!"

Chen Mo said to them!


Chen Mo then took them to the other side, but couldn\'t see the situation here anyway.

Above, they saw Chen Mo’s news and understood what Chen Mo meant.

At this time, it is not a theater. Although it is full of blessings to them, at this time, they should be left alone!

Feng Ya walked up slowly, the Flower Saint was very nervous, he subconsciously looked back, where are these people?

He then took a deep breath and walked down.

Two people can see each other clearly.

After the flower sage saw her, his eyes instantly turned red.

"Ok... long time no see."

Flower Saint looked at Fengya in front of him, subconsciously wanted to raise his hand, but let it go again.

Fengya looked at Flower Saint.

"Sorry, I can\'t remember too many things, so some things..."

Flower Saint wiped his tears.

"It\'s ok."


Fengya looked at Flower Saint.

"You...are still so beautiful, but I...hahaha, I\'m almost becoming an old man."


Fengya shook her head.

the other side……

"I go!"

Xiao Ruhan looked at the two beautiful girls brought by Chen Mo!

What\'s the situation?

This Fengshen sect is really going to become a woman sect.

It\'s not as if these are beautiful!

This Chen Mo, really found such a beautiful woman in the underworld?

Still saying that he is not good? Just take a look at how many beautiful women in the Feng Shenzong have nothing to do with him.

Lin Xiaoyu looked at them nervously.

So beautiful, so beautiful, are they all the women whose master is here? ? Indeed, the young master is so good, and it is normal for girls to like it so much.

Nangong Yu was also secretly surprised.


Xiao Ruhan said.

"Good sister."

Lin Xiaoyu quickly shouted.

"so beautiful."

Xiao Ruhan stretched out his hand, only to remember that they were in the state of soul, and then let go.

"Are you also Master Chen Mo\'s partner?"

Tang Panpan looked at Nangong Yu blinking and asked.

"Huh? I...I\'m not."

Nangong Yu shook his head quickly.

"So this is ah."

Tang Panpan puffed up his mouth.

Many people say no, but in the end, it is estimated that this beautiful sister is also like this.

"Okay, let\'s talk slowly when the two bodies are reshaped. Now let the two of them relive the past. Let\'s help you reshape the bodies first!"

Xiao Ruhan glanced at the Flower Saint He Fengya who was sitting on the steps in the distance, and then said to them.


Nangong Yudao.

"It\'s okay!"

Chen Siniang and Chen Xinyue walked over: "The heaven and the earth are ready!"

Their eyes looked far away, and they were all set.

"The strong are already in place!"

Xiao Ruhan nodded; "That\'s good! Start reshaping the body!"

More than a dozen strong men released their powerful forces against the souls of the two women to enhance their ability to withstand them later!

On the other side, dozens of strong men began to reshape those specific heaven and earth spirits!

"Nine-colored sacred lotus, reshape the flesh!"


About an hour later...

"Okay! Two of you go in!"

Above the void, two groups of golden and white lights twinkled.

Nangong Yu nodded with Lin Xiaoyu, and then jumped into the upper side!

Soul and light are united together.

Chen Mo stood below, to be honest, a little nervous.

"Ai, ai, look, Senior Hua and Senior Fengya are not close together yet, do you want us to help?"

Tang Panpan suggested.


Ran Qingqiu then said: "If Senior Fengya has memory, we don\'t need us, but now they don\'t have memory. In fact, they need to love each other again. This requires a process. It can only rely on the two of them. Let\'s not do anything!"

"Um... alright!"


At the same time, above the void, two forces burst out! Then the light slowly dissipated, and two figures stood above the void.


Then they landed!

Nangong Yu and Lin Xiaoyu glanced at their own body, looked at their hands, and then showed a surprised expression.


Lin Xiaoyu happily ran to Chen Mo and threw himself into Chen Mo\'s arms.

Chen Mo smiled and rubbed her hair.

"Is there anything uncomfortable?"

"No~www.novelhall.com~ Very comfortable!"

"That\'s good!"

Nangong Yu also took a look at herself, and then slightly owed her to everyone: "Thank you! Please take care of you in the future!"

"From now on, you will be a family, you will be good friends. You don\'t need to be cautious. Everyone likes to make friends! Especially friends brought by someone."

Xiao Ruhan glanced at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo; "..."

Flower Saint came over with Fengya!


Chen Mo nodded.

"Great! Aya, reshape your body too!"

Feng Ya nodded: "Trouble you all."

(End of this chapter)