I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 116: 1 thunder, then nothing

Outside, the sky was already dark, which proved that Chen Mo had indeed stayed in the ancient site of Feng Mo for a long time. The two little girls were in the inn, and Chen Mo did not have to worry about anything!

   "Help me identify two pieces of equipment."

  After Chen Mo walked over, he put the two pieces of gold robbed on the table with four hundred gold coins.

  The girl raised her head and saw Chen Mo\'s expression of surprise.

   "Hmm, please... please wait a moment."

   Then she helped Chen Mo identify the equipment!

  The little boy was next to her today. Chen Mo looked at him, and he just looked up at Chen Mo.

  Before it was far away, Chen Mo didn\'t look carefully, but now it\'s so close, Chen Mo can see clearly, his face is pale and terrifying! There is not much strength between the gestures, obviously he is dead soon.

"All right."

  The girl then handed Chen Mo the golden boots and trousers.

  Chen Mo nodded slightly, and put away the two pieces of equipment.

   "Your brother is very sick."

  Chen Mo looked at her and said.

  Hearing Chen Mo\'s words, the girl bit her lip slightly and looked a little panicked. Then she stroked his brother\'s hair and said, "No...No, it will be fine in a while."

   Then she hurried back to the room with the little boy.

  Chen Mo frowned slightly. It was obvious that he was already dying. Why did this girl deceive herself? Can\'t she see? No, it shouldn\'t.

   "Sister... I\'ll be fine after a while. Sister should go and rest too. Don\'t be too busy. Kohan is fine."

  The boy smiled stubbornly at the girl.

   "Well... take a good rest, rest and get sick."

  She helped the boy cover the quilt, and then went out.

  The boy looked at the girl’s back, his eyes were full of resentment, and he gradually turned red.

  Although he is young, he knows his body too well.

"Sister...Xiao Yu really wants to grow up to take care of you, so that you can live a good life, but... I\'m sorry... Xiao Yu really can\'t hold on... I\'m sorry, sister." He slowly closed his eyes, tears flowing out of the corners of his eyes, and then smoothed. Cheeks flowed down on both sides.

  When she walked out, Chen Mo had already left.

  The girl sat there, looking at the crowds outside, and then gently wiped the tears she couldn\'t help leaving.

  Yes, why doesn’t she know that her brother’s illness is already serious? But she couldn\'t help it. Over the years, she had sought too many doctors and tried too many methods, but it was useless, because she knew that her brother was not actually sick...

   said that he was not in serious trouble, and it would be fine after a while. She was thinking in her heart not to tell her brother the truth, to comfort him, and to make him persevere. But thinking like this, why is she not comforting and deceiving herself?


  Magic wolf trousers grade gold, use any profession that requires level 15, attribute health +700, defense +150

  Devil Wolf Boots are gold grade, requiring 15 melee occupations to use, attribute health +1000, movement speed +100, and movement speed slowing effect reduced by 50.

The    skill Zongyun Jump is released instantly, allowing you to jump ten meters in height. The cooling time is ten seconds.

  In the next ten seconds of the magic shadow step, the movement speed is increased by 150, and an afterimage will be left behind to confuse the enemy. The cooling time is ten minutes.

These are the two pieces of equipment that have just been identified. The commonly worn equipment has only two attributes that are strong. One is weapons, and the other is armor, boots, trousers and so on. They are almost pure attribute bonuses, nothing else, and Relatively speaking, attribute bonuses are much less than martial arts and armors, so the so-called start million is also aimed at gold armors and weapons. Trousers and boots are definitely several times cheaper, silver tools, and even Ghosts, ghosts, and celestial spirits are like this, but after all, they are still golden tools, and the attributes are indeed here! There is still value.

  Wearing the two pieces of equipment directly, a flash of light on his body basically means that Chen Mo is now in a golden suit! The blood volume reached 7990, which was four thousand higher than the average player.

  After returning, they took the two little girls out to eat a big meal and have fun, they also went to rest, and Chen Mo also went offline.


  Early the next morning, Chen Mo went online again.

During the day, the city is very lively, with people coming and going. As time goes by, more and more players go out of the city, and more and more players outside, even in Chen Mo\'s view, it was once faster than the city. There were too many people inside. Chen Mo took Shui Shui and Xiao Yuan to stroll around Linfeng City, and by the way brought them some delicious food. As for the City Lord\'s Mansion, it seems a bit early now, so Chen Mo is not in a hurry.

   "Big brother, big brother, want to eat that."

  Xiao Yuan pointed at the candied fruit.

   "I want to eat water, too."

  Chen Mo smiled in his heart, this is to raise two snack goods.

  One minute later, the two little girls handed two candied haws and ate them happily. Their big happy eyes were all crescent-shaped, very cute.

  "Go away, go away! Get out of here!"

  Suddenly, there was a riot in front, and everyone evaded.

  Chen Mo and the two little girls were shopping happily, and then they saw the commotion ahead. Because of the large number of people, he didn\'t see it until the front crowd ran to the sides!

  Four young men who seem to be riding horses, running wild on the street, as if they are racing horses. The crowds on this road seem to be blind to their eyes, and their lives are like grass.


  Chen Mo responded quickly and pulled Xiao Yuan and Shui Shui aside, almost wiping the horse to avoid it!

   "Xiaoyuan\'s candied haws!"

After    avoided, Chen Mo was furious! What if you can\'t avoid it?

  At this moment, Xiao Yuan pouted her little mouth and looked aggrievedly at the candied fruit on the ground, tears in her big eyes.


  The sound of a small girl crying came from her ear. A middle-aged woman was knocked down by a horse, vomiting blood, lying on the side of the road, dying, the girl cried and hugged her.

   "Inflict evil! What an evil!"

The people next to    made a sad voice!

   "Xiao Yuan and Xiao Xiong\'s candied fruit..."

Both Xiaoyuan and Shuishui\'s candied haws fell to the ground because of avoidance~www.novelhall.com~ Xiaoyuan\'s big eyes were full of tears, and her small face was angry. This is the candied haws given to her by her favorite big brother. , Got to the ground by bad guys.

   "Bad guy!"

  Xiao Yuan\'s milk screamed.


   Just as Xiaoyuan’s voice fell, and a roar from the sky, a black thunder directly blasted on one of the people not far away, that person, that person, in that instant...


  Because of the sudden thunder falling, the people in front screamed and avoided, but that was all!

  Chen Mo "……"

  Couldn\'t it be because Xiaoyuan got angry, and then a black thunder killed him?

  Chen Mo subconsciously swallowed.

  This little fate...really invincible!

  What do you say?

  She laughed, and the sky was clear; she was angry and clouded.