I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1153: Top 10 artifacts of Sky Blue Star

Chapter 1044: Sky Blue Star\'s Ten Sacred Weapons

It was almost midnight in reality, and Lin Kexin and the others did not go offline until midnight, so there are not many people in Tianhua City!

In Tianhua City, a few people gathered near a green belt beside a road near Chen Mo and their residence!

At this point, there is only Haoyue, only Fanxing, and occasionally one or two vehicles pass by, and there is no monitoring around this area!

About ten people gathered here, two were the leaders, one was the master of the heavenly family, and one was the top master of the Qin family!

There were two masters in the Qin family, and they were all destroyed by Chen Mo at that time!

"Master Tian, ​​we will follow your instructions."

Several people from the Qin family gathered here, looking at the old man with white hair and beard!

There are not many people, but they are really not too few. These are all top masters. It is absolutely no problem to hit them by surprise!

"Well, yes! So now the old man talks about the plan."

Tian Yuan, the Grand Master of the Tian Family, glanced at the crowd, then beckoned, a person walked over with a tablet in his hand, and then projected onto the lawn!

"This is Chen Mo\'s home. The room on the far left lives in Chen Mo\'s right. There is a girl who is not worth mentioning. On the other side, there is a little girl who is not worth mentioning. On the opposite side of the house lives the Zi Qingcheng of the Zi Family!"

Everyone stared at these template pictures.

"Come directly? Or say, bomb?"

Qin Li, a middle-aged man from the Qin family, frowned and asked.

"It\'s okay to explode. Now that Chen Mo hasn\'t gone offline, his threat is absolutely eliminated. Even if he is powerful, it is definitely not a steel frame. If this building is directly destroyed, he will definitely die! Of course there will be Other people died, including Zi Qingcheng, but these are not important. Even if Zi Qingcheng died, even if dozens of people died, the Zi family and the country could not find any evidence, but... do you think this is feasible?"

Tian Yuan asked.

"It’s hard to say, this kind of thing is beyond our control. We don’t even know whether Chen Mo is there in that house. If we do, we think he is dead, but in fact, the person is no longer in that house. Do? We\'ve been stunned, and the next action will be impossible!"

Qin Li said.

"Yes! It doesn\'t matter if Zi Qingcheng is dead, but there is no guarantee of success, so we can only sneak in a dozen people, and then rush into their homes, kill Chen Mo at an absolute speed, and everyone else can ignore! That Chen Mo Just die! However, since Zi Qingcheng dares to be here, it proves that there must be experts from the Zi family nearby. How many and how strong there are is unknown! In addition, many people from our two families were silent before. Die, it also confirmed this."

"In the opinion of Grandmaster Tian, ​​what is the safest thing?"

"There is no safe way. All you need is to increase the success rate. Twelve people, Qin Li, you take seven people, a total of eight people, the main task is to defend the powerhouse of the Zi family who may come, I will personally lead three to kill Chen Mo! , Put on all of these! Also, put on all the human pi masks. We don\'t have to hide in. Instead, we may be found hidden. We will pretend to be from that community and go in!"

Tian Yuan Road.


Then twelve people were ready to go.

"Also, pour some wine on my body and drink some of it. I waited in a while and pretended to be a group of people who had just finished the party and had a drink. This would reduce my suspicion!"

After that, the twelve of them were divided into two groups. First, Qin Li’s group of eight people swayed into the community "drunk" and walked to their building. After a minute or two, Tian Yuan waited for four. The individual "drunk" also walked in.

Five minutes, ten minutes...

Qin Li and Tianyuan and the others met!

"Weird, Master Tian, ​​have you seen Building 8?"

The two groups passed by, while Qin Li lowered his head and said in a low voice.


Tian Yuan was stunned!

How can you not find Building No. 8?

Something is wrong! Very wrong!

Tianyuan frowned!

Suddenly, he raised his head and looked forward.

The leaves are shaking, but...what about the rustling sound?

"No! We are in an ambush! Everyone, come together!"

After the day is far away! Then shouted.


The twelve of them rushed together!

"Master Tian, ​​what\'s the matter? Why are we in ambush?"

Qin Li quickly asked.

"Look at that leaf, what\'s wrong?"

Tianyuan has released his sense of consciousness!

This Purple Qingcheng, how did she know they would come?

No, in other words, she might be able to guess something because of Chen Mo, but how did she know it was tonight?

Qin Li and the others looked at a tree!

"The leaves are shaking, but there is no sound!"

Qin Li\'s pupils shrank suddenly!

He just said, why didn\'t it feel right to walk for a while after coming in.

"This...is a phantom?"

Qin Li\'s pupils shrank again!

"That\'s right, from the moment we entered the community or at a certain moment after entering, we entered the illusion! This is why we can find Building No. 7 and Building No. 9 but have been unable to find Building No. 8! "

Tian Yuan frowned.

"What kind of power is this? It actually created an illusion?"

They showed shocked expressions.

"The Vientiane Map, one of the ten great artifacts of the Sky Blue Star, is in the hands of the Zi Family!"

This Vientiane map can create illusions!

how to say? The ten great artifacts of the Sky Blue Star existed a long time ago. Even now, eight of these ten great artifacts are unknown. They may be in the hands of a certain person, a certain family, or a certain force, but No one knows in whose hands it is! They also did not expect that this Vientiane map was in the hands of the Zi family!

The Vientiane Map may not have much destructive power, but it is definitely a very tricky functional artifact.

"Then we..."

"I\'m afraid we have been under the eyes of the enemy!"

Then Tianyuan looked up at a building in front of him.

Behind the window of a certain room in a building in the distance, a few figures stood there looking at them, behind which was the darkness in the room!

The corners of Zi Qingcheng\'s mouth rose slightly~www.novelhall.com~ Miss, do you? "

Behind him, an old man asked respectfully.

"Do it!"


Whoosh whoosh——

"Everyone, get ready to fight!"

Tianyuan shouted angrily!

When he found himself in the illusion, he knew that this battle was inevitable!

There is nothing wrong with the plan, but everything has changed because of Vientiane Map!

You must consider everything when you do something. You dare to say that they, the Heavenly Family, and the Qin Family are incompletely considered, but who can take the artifact into consideration?

(End of this chapter)