I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1149: Big game

Chapter 1040

Qi Chao doesn\'t believe in this evil, this person writes so fast, can he really be better than him? If it is not the latest in this world, how many people can recite this poem more completely?

Then Qi Chao handed what he wrote to the princess!

The princess took a closer look.

Chen Mo was all right, and Qi Chao was wrong.

Qi Chao is still quite confident in his own, he only has one sentence that is not sure, the others are absolutely no problem.

Few others could write a few sentences at all, and they almost forgot all of them.

Feng Xueling and Leng Xi looked at Chen Mo strangely.

He writes so fast? Could he?

Impossible, he said he was a human from Tianlin Continent, and when a human came to their Demon God Continent, how could you learn these things? This is unreasonable.

The corner of Qi Chao\'s mouth slightly ticked, and the winning ticket was already in hand.

Yanagawa next to him is helpless! Although this Qi Chao can hold down Chen Mo, he himself is not dazzling at all.

"I declare that the winner of this round is..."

Qi Chao is already ready to go forward.

"This son."

The princess pointed to Chen Mo in front of her.

Qi Chao:???


He showed a surprised expression.

"This young man\'s poem is all right, there is no mistake, but you are wrong!"

The princess looked at Qi Chao lightly and said.

The corner of Chen Mo\'s mouth twitched slightly.

It feels really good to cheat.

Qi Chao clenched his fists.

Why? It\'s not logical at all. Why did he lose? Why is this person all right?

"I go!"

Feng Xueling had no hope at all, when she heard these words suddenly, her mouth opened wide, and her beautiful eyes flashed with little stars.

"Xiao Chenmo, this girl loves you so much! Wow ha ha ha!!"

Then Feng Xueling laughed and put those chips into her pocket.

The corner of the princess\'s mouth twitched.


Another hundred thousand amethyst coins are gone.

Lost 300,000!

Don’t underestimate 300,000 Amethyst Coins. Ten Amethyst Coins can allow an ordinary family to spend normally for a year. This is the status quo at the bottom of the society, and 300,000 Amethyst Coins are definitely not a small amount. what!

Three hundred thousand amethyst coins, if it is changed into RMB, there are three hundred million!

Who can think of it? Who can think of this?

Qi Chao clenched his fists.

Nima! All his heavenly weapons have lost!

Leng Xi also froze for a moment.

Although this seems to be a very small thing, but... he is amazing! Inexplicably, he can do many things that you think are impossible.

Chen Mo then walked up, and in the eyes of everyone\'s envy and regret, he collected the two Great Gui Yuan Pills.

Feng Xueling doesn\'t matter anymore!

In two rounds, she won close to 5 million Amethyst Coins! She sent it!

This Xiao Chenmo is really her lucky star, she doesn\'t need Leng Xi\'s mind reading ability.

"Hehehe, I didn\'t expect Brother Chen Mo to remember this so clearly, he won\'t be wronged this round."

Qi Chao laughed at Chen Mo.

"You may lose a bit wrongly in the next round."

Chen Mo looked at him and said lightly.

"Brother Chen Mo, what do you mean? You mean, the next round has been won?"

Qi Chao frowned and looked at Chen Mo and asked.


"Did you know the content of the next round?"

Chen Mo shook his head; "No."

"Then how do you make sure you win?"

Qi Chao laughed.

"Be confident."

Chen Mo said lightly.

Everyone: "..."

"Damn! This new disciple of Snow Wind Palace is so crazy, he doesn\'t even know the content of the next round, dare to say such a thing?"

"Or, he thinks he has won the first two rounds, and he has gone crazy?"

"This TM is too rampant, who can bear this TM? Place a bet! Thirteen elders, quickly open the market, we want to bet! I still don\'t believe it! Who is used to him!"


A group of people can\'t wait to let Feng Xueling open!

Why is Chen Mo so confident?

He only knows one thing. The last reward is the Little Demon Order, and the Empire definitely hopes that the Little Demon Order will fall into the hands of a more powerful character. In this case, if the Little Demon Order is involved, the empire can get a slightly more powerful role. Even the support of the forces behind it! This is the place for chicken thieves in the Empire!

Therefore, Chen Mo doesn\'t know the content, but he is sure that the content of the final round of competition will definitely be related to his strength! In this respect, at least among these people, Chen Mo is not afraid of anyone at all, even Chen Mo believes that Leng Xi is not afraid of him!

That\'s why he dared to be so rampant.

He knew that he was crazy, and everyone would be unhappy with him, and then bet that he would continue to suppress his own negative side, even more than the previous two rounds!

Think of it as earning more for Feng Xueling!

And Chen Mo must have this little demon order, because there is a piece of the demon **** stone in the hands of the emperor of the demon empire. With this little demon order, at least Chen Mo is equal to something related to the emperor before he can see her. .

Do multiple things in one fell swoop!

"My son, I\'m afraid this last round may not be as you wished."

The princess looked at Chen Mo and said.

This man is so rampant, why dare he say that? He doesn\'t know the content, only he knows what the third round is! Why can he dare to say that he can win? Really, she still had a good impression of this person, and thought he was quite powerful, but the good impression was gone, and she also won her 300,000 amethyst coins!

Although she is a princess, she doesn\'t have much money.

After hearing what the princess said, everyone probably understood!

This princess\'s words probably said something.

"I can\'t press him! Press it all!"

"I\'m all down too!"

"And me and me!"


Then a group of people bet crazy!

Feng Xueling\'s beautiful eyes are shining!

I rely on!

If Xiao Chenmo can win this time, she has sent it! Really posted!

"Huh! Ben Shao go on! This god-level spiritual weapon is Ben Shao\'s saber, worth not less than 50 million Amethyst Coins."

Qi Chao put his saber into it!

This is what the princess said. She knew the content of the third round, so she knew that Chen Mo could not win!

The princess reached out her hand and put a spiritual weapon in it!

"Super Artifact~www.novelhall.com~ bet!"

Everyone took a breath.

Feng Xueling scratched her head.

The bet on the other side is so big, she...

She glanced at Chen Mo, who panicked inexplicably.

Wow! Do you want to make it so big?

Feng Xueling gritted her teeth!


If she wins this time, she will come back directly, and the debts outside will be paid off directly, and the debts of Fengxue Palace can also be paid off!


Then Feng Xueling put all her amethyst coins in, and then took a look, put all the valuable things on her body including the heavenly weapon that she had just won!

(End of this chapter)