I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 114: Used to? Backhand spike!

In the group of monsters and beasts, the two figures are particularly noticeable, but basically the woman who has hidden the id can see clearly, after all, she is standing on a high place!

  A dagger appeared in her hand, and then with a wave of her hand, the dagger flew through the air and flew behind Chen Mo who was fighting among the beasts.

Chen Mo, who was fighting, suddenly felt a dangerous aura. He leaned forward completely relying on his experience, the dagger flew over his head, and then hit a monster who was fighting in front of him, and was killed in seconds. Up.


  The damage is high!

  The woman\'s beautiful eyes lit up, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly.

   "Sure enough, I am a master!"

  Chen Mo slowly turned around, his eyes half-closed, and his gaze swept directly to the figure standing on the roof not far away.

  The two stared at each other for two seconds, and then the woman turned and galloped back to a place where there were not many people.

  Obviously, she is asking Chen Mo to chase her, and the two of them will stand alone!

  "Ding...Nine-day explosion three pedals have locked the target."

   "Ding...you get the ultimate death ray."


   Then a black death ray shot from behind.

  The woman was shocked and couldn\'t move?


  A huge damage came directly from the top of her head, and the health bar was almost empty.

  Followed by another ray, kill it there in seconds!

  A second before she turned into a light and disappeared, she saw Chen Mo turn around and continue to fight, and she was even too lazy for a second!

Of course, Chen Mo knows that this female player is here for him. You can come here or if you have something to do. Either you come here and honestly, or don’t think it’s the same as in the TV series, attract the attention of the male lead, and turn away. , The hero must catch up!

   Used to?

   even snatched him off, she was lighter once every second! However, the 200 pain sensation will not be triggered. This pain is physical, that is to say, the physical property of the sword stabbing, the dagger stabbing, and the kick will cause the 200 pain, but in Chen Mo\'s opinion, this is good. !

  At this moment, a certain city was resurrected, and the woman was really standing there in a daze!

   "Damn it!"

  A few seconds later, she clenched her fist!

Luckily, the place where she came is not far from Chen Mo. The things Qin Heyu confessed to her, it is difficult to find Chen Mo in reality for the time being, but she may be able to check it in the game. I thought she turned and left, and Chen Mo could. Chasing her, and then taking him to a place where no one else is, but he didn\'t expect that this man backhanded her back!


  Three hours later, Chen Mo successfully reached the nineteenth level, and at the same time, because he did not need double experience to upgrade his level, the water also reached the nineteenth level! But now it actually means that water needs double experience, because pets and mounts can\'t be higher than the owner, but Chen Mo took a look at the experience of raising level 19 to level 20, which is very exaggerated! I\'m afraid ten...no, twenty level 20 gold bosses can only be upgraded!

  This day\'s upcoming upgrade is already more difficult than any other virtual online game. Chen Mo also has to double the experience, and then score with the water level. It really takes too much! But he did not think that water was a burden.

In fact, Chen Mo killed not many monsters. After practicing swordsmanship for a while, he went to the roof tiles again, but he stole dozens of death ray skills in advance, which has a distance of 100 meters. The damage is equal to the attack power, but Chen Mo is 100 crit, so his next thing is to grab the blame! Later, there were more golden bosses. Chen Mo basically grabbed the golden boss experience. Unfortunately, the monsters here only have experience but will not explode anything.

Because the following is simply too "lively", they can\'t notice Chen Mo at all, nor can they notice the situation in all directions, because it is too chaotic, suddenly a death ray comes over, even the player thinks that the monster killed it, although it is unhappy , But there is no way!

  In this way, Chen Mo effortlessly robbed the boss who didn’t know how many...

  It\'s cool to grab monsters, but it\'s always cool to grab them.

  Five hours later, Chen Mo opened his eyes. He was awakened by the system prompt. He was lying on the roof tile and even fell asleep. Two little loli on either side occupied Chen Mo\'s arm on the pillow.

  "Ding...the number of remaining monsters is 10,000, and the number of remaining players is 21030. The mission is about to be completed, and you get the clue of the magic orb in advance."

  Chen Mo raised his brows slightly. This task is humane. The number of players is much higher than that of monsters. The system feels that the task is bound to be completed, so it gave Chen Mo a clue in advance.

   Then Chen Mo slowly took out his arms, and the two little loli were hugging each other without thinking. There was a yellow dot in his sight, which should be where the magic energy beads were.

  "The neighborhood has been emptied. The player is a few kilometers away, and the monsters in the sky are gone."

   Thinking of this, Chen Mo safely left the two girls here, and then galloped in the direction of the yellow dots!

  Twenty minutes later, Chen Mo came to the location of the clue! This is a very large manor, and at the same time, it has been cleaned up by players, and monster bodies are everywhere.

  Chen Mo walked in through the gate, there was a well in the courtyard, and Chen Mo jumped down without hesitation!

  There is no water at the bottom of the well, and there is a passage leading to the distance.

  100, 100, 100

   "Ding...please put away the equipment as soon as possible, otherwise the equipment will be corroded by magic energy!"

  The two-to-one system prompt came, and Chen Mo immediately put away his equipment~www.novelhall.com~ At the same time, his head kept falling damage.

Erosion of devilish energy, in simple terms, is actually losing blood every second, similar to the freezing of ice and the burning of flames. Chen Mo is immune to special effects damage, which means he is immune to blood loss from frostbite, but it does not mean that Chen Mo is immune. Ice power and fire!

  To put it simply, now that Chen Mo walks into a sea of ​​fire, he still has to lose blood, but he will not be in a burned debuff state, which means he will lose a part! The erosion of demonic energy is caused by the damage caused by the demonic energy to Chen Mo. It is directly caused. It does not cause Chen Mo to lose blood in a special negative state. It is equivalent to a player constantly attacking Chen Mo to lose blood. One truth! As for why he was immune to the killing force in the air in the Asura Trial, it can only be said that Chen Mo was immune to the negative state blood drop effect brought by that force.

  Drops one hundred per second, but Chen Mo\'s advanced recovery potion can recover 600 under the green holy light and cool down for five seconds. That is to say, the advanced recovery potion is enough, and he can keep full of blood!

  However, Chen Mo only has twenty bottles! He can\'t stay here long.


   Then Chen Mo quickened his pace and rushed forward.

A door appeared in front of   . The door was very old and very old, but it gave Chen Mo a strange feeling.

   "Sura kills pupil!"

  With experience, Chen Mo started Shura to kill pupils, and he saw Ni Duan!