I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1139: Are they the illegitimate daughters of Chen Mo and 13 Elders?

Chapter 1030 Are They the Bastard Daughters of Chen Mo and the Thirteen Elders?

Chen Mo walked with two girls in the huge Snow Palace, which attracted the attention of many people.

This man, they are more or less impressed, but the two little loli around him, why don\'t they have any impression? When did they come out?

"Have you heard? The little Lolita next to Chen Mo seems to have walked in through the back door, the back door opened by the thirteenth elder."

"Have you heard that the two little loli around Chen Mo seem to be Chen Mo\'s younger sisters, and the back door opened by the thirteenth elder let them in directly."

"Ai, ai, have you heard? The two little girls next to Chen Mo are the illegitimate daughters of him and the thirteenth elders."

"Huh?? Impossible? How is this possible?"

"Of course it is possible. That Chenmo is so handsome, and the 13th elder is so beautiful, and the baby must be very beautiful. Moreover, for so many years, the 13th elder has not accepted any disciples, so why did you choose this Chenmo as a disciple? , Because Chen Mo is her man, she lives with him first, and then slowly tells everyone their identities, and, as soon as Chen Mo arrived, the thirteen elders were dragged out to go shopping, there is no doubt about this of?"



"Let\'s go, no, I\'ll take you out to stroll around, buy some food by the way."

Chen Mo said helplessly.


At exactly this time, Feng Xuening and a few elders came out to blow the cold night wind, discussed some things by the way, and then saw Chen Mo\'s side.

"When did the two girls join the Snow Wind Palace?"

Feng Xue Ning frowned slightly and then asked.

"Just now I heard from the disciples of the sect that they are the illegitimate daughters of Chen Mo and the Thirteenth Elder."

Feng Xuening:? ? ?


"Palace Master, this will not come from nothing. The Thirteenth Elder had an experience outside before, and he hasn\'t come back for more than a year. Palace Master, do you think it is true?"

"Yes, in addition, the frequency of gambling by the thirteen elders has not been so heavy recently, and she even has to pay off her debt to the Fengxue Palace. It seems that she wants to live a good life."

"Well, plus she hasn\'t asked for any disciple for so many years, but she just accepted the dust, and then two little girls came out inexplicably, and then they just went out shopping, the palace lord, would you... The thirteen elders want us to slowly accept them and then tell the truth?"

Wind and snow;? ? ?

Why is my sister inexplicably having two daughters and a husband?

She didn\'t quite believe it.

Then Feng Xuening heard several disciples nearby whispering about the matter.

"How did you hear about it?"

Feng Xuening walked over and asked.

"Huh? Palace... Palace Lord, we... we also heard."

"In the future, don\'t ruin such things."


Then Feng Xuening walked over.

"Dust Mo."

Chen Mo glanced back.

"Palace Master." Then he saluted.

"Well, no need to salute."

Following that, Feng Xuening\'s eyes fell on the two girls.

What an amazing girl!

Without releasing their breath, none of them knew that these two girls were monsters.

"Chen Mo, these two girls are..."

Feng Xuening asked.

"Oh, I...I am the younger sister of the Thirteenth Elder."

Chen Mo said,

He was afraid to say that they were his sisters, and then they would not stay here. After all, Chen Mo was not familiar with them, and simply said that they belonged to the thirteenth elders. In this case, there should be no problem. Strike up with Feng Xueling, it should be all right.

Fengxue\'s eyebrows frowned.

Feng Xueling\'s sister? Why doesn\'t she know that she still has two younger sisters?

Could it be...

Are they really hiding something? Isn\'t this really her illegitimate daughter?

So beautiful, with the genes of these two people, such beautiful children can be born!

And this Chen Mo is so talented, he doesn\'t need to come to the Snow Palace, but he is still here...

Is it true?

"Um... stay in the Snow Palace from now on, just let them find us anytime if there is something."

Feng Xue Ning said faintly, beautiful eyes looking at these two girls.

"Thank you Palace Master, but... Is there anything to eat in this Snowstorm Palace? They are a little hungry."

"I heard Leng Xi say, aren\'t you making food?"

"It was snatched away by the thirteen elders alone."

Chen Mo said helplessly.

"This Feng Xueling!"

Feng Xuening was also helpless.

"Come with me."


One day passed, and Chen Mo took the two girls and did not go back, because Feng Xueling really had no place to live, and he didn\'t want to clean it either! Wow! Who wants to clean, I don\'t expect to live there for many days anyway!

Then Feng Xuening arranged a place for Chen Mo, and Chen Mo and the two girls lived in that room together.

"Palace Master, that Chen Mo and these two girls sleep in the same room, will they really say... They are Chen Mo\'s daughters? Otherwise, the relationship shouldn\'t be so good?"

"Moreover, those two girls grabbed Chen Mo and wanted to sleep with him. It should have been like this for a long, long time, maybe..."

Fengxue condensedly said; "Don\'t spread it."

Not to mention, she also has a little doubt!

Because it’s a coincidence. Really, Feng Xueling really went out and practiced for more than a year before coming back about ten years ago, and Chen Mo looks like he is in his twenties. God knows if he is really in his twenties. ? Unless she probes!

Even if not, ten years ago, he should be seventeen or eighteen years old, and that could be...

Wow! Feng Xueling, the dog thief, don\'t you even let the teenagers go?

wrong! This is not Feng Xueling either!

Forget it, always know.

Early the next morning, Chen Mo woke up and chatted with Lin Kexin and others on the communicator.

"When can Brother Chen Mo go offline?" Lin Kexin asked worriedly.

"I don\'t know. According to this situation, it is estimated that it will take half a month."

"Ah? Is it really okay? Do you want to give Brother Chen Mo a nutrient solution?"

Chen Mo smiled and said, "Nothing will happen, but the body may be dirty in time."

"It\'s okay, Kexin and Sister Zi had wiped off Brother Chen Mo last night."

Talking about this ~www.novelhall.com~ the girl\'s face blushed.

Chen Mo; "..."

Not to mention, Chen Mo\'s face was a little red.

"Nothing, right?"

"Ah...but... Kexin doesn\'t."

Lin Kexin blushed and said.

"That means, what did Zi Qingcheng do?"

Lin Kexin blushed at the thought of that scene.

"Neither... nor."

At this moment, there was a noisy movement outside, and Chen Mo frowned.

"Well, hang up first, I will go back as soon as possible."

Then Chen Mo walked out.

(End of this chapter)