I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1024: died? nice!

Chen Mo has experienced his disciple\'s test consumption, which is considered to be a bit of a problem. No matter where the disciple\'s test is, the first round of assessment is always a gift!

Because this kind of thing is the most direct way to show your potential, what kind of height you can reach in the future, and what kind of height you can eventually reach, then another!

Sure enough, this first round of assessment is also a bonus assessment!

Chen Mo can’t help it. This Wind Snow Palace is very powerful. There are many top powerhouses in the Demon God Continent. Chen Mo must be exposed to this top level existence before he can know about the rules, including how to return to the mainland. method! Therefore, this time in the assessment, he will be a blockbuster! Not low-key anymore!

Feng Xueling came over, and a lot of eyes fell on her.

"It\'s so beautiful! Is this the beauty of Snow Wind Sect?"

"This is Feng Xueling, the thirteen elder of Fengxuezong? It should be her, a character who has lived for a thousand years, but she is only seventeen or eighteen years old, like a child. I don\'t know why."

"But it\'s over if it\'s beautiful!"


When those people saw Feng Xueling, their eyes shone brightly!

Chen Mo took a look.

Is this a person of direct blood from the Fengxue Palace?

Not only her, Chen Mo looked at several people in the distance, they were all Xuefa! The people in this Palace of Snow and Wind seem to have snow hair.

This beautiful woman with Xuefa is really beautiful, isn\'t Linglong also Xuefa? Xuefa Lolita and Xuefa Maiden, that\'s really...tsk tut.

But when I heard the people around, this girl who looked like a girl turned out to be a thousand years old...

But Chen Mo doesn’t matter anymore. He’s used to it. He’s even a Loli who has lived by his side for many years. What kind of girl is this girl, but although she is a demons, they are similar to the human group, and they are similar to the human race. She is still a girl, which is a bit strange.

"The first round of assessment, Fu assessment, put your hand on the appraisal stone. The appraisal stone will determine your merit based on your strength, potential, talent, age, etc., and it will appear red, orange, red, green, and blue. The purple light is the weakest, the red is the weakest, and the purple is the strongest. Any warrior whose gift has not reached the green level will fail the first round of assessment! Okay, now please proceed to the first round of assessment in an orderly manner."

A strong man from the Snow Wind Palace glanced at the crowd and said.

Feng Xueling sat there, eating fruit with her legs up.

"Hey, bet with you, this time there will be five people who will reach the full purple riches. Do you gamble?"

Feng Xueling elbows a Ninth Elder next to him.

The Xuefa woman glanced at Feng Xueling and said, "Don\'t bet."

"Gamble, gamble, it\'s boring not to gamble!"

Feng Xueling shook her arm.

"Don\'t bet."

"Bet! Please."

Feng Xueling felt uncomfortable when she heard that she was not betting! The kind to be crazy.

The nine elders sighed helplessly.

"Okay, bet."

"Then what are you!"

Feng Xueling\'s eyes lit up.

"I don\'t have five new disciples who are full of purple gifts!"

"Okay! What do I bet on then?"

"A tier spirit weapon!"

Feng Xueling\'s eyes lit up.

"no problem!"

Then she sat there excitedly, looking at everyone with beautiful eyes.

Elder Nine shook his head helplessly.

These thirteen elders, the sister of the palace lord, are good at everything, just like gambling! Her fascination with gambling is unimaginable! It\'s really gone!

Are you normal? She is also normal, but the one thing she can\'t hear most is... Don\'t bet...

If she wants to bet with you, if you don\'t bet, she can die uncomfortably, just as uncomfortable as if she took drugs and then stopped taking drugs! Then if she can bother you for the rest of your life, you have to bet with her.

Anything, she can always find a way to find someone to gamble.

Fortunately, this Fengxue Palace has a big business, this Feng Xueling can\'t lose much, and the palace owner restricts her resource acquisition...

"Purple Manfu cannot produce a few people in a year, and the entire Fengxue Palace only has less than a hundred people, and it is still a gathering of mainlanders. After so many years, it is difficult to produce five here."

Nine elders.

"So do you want to increase the bet?"

Feng Xueling then asked expectantly.

"Don\'t add it, just play around."

"That\'s all right."

Then she looked at it.

In the past, it was difficult to produce five warriors with full purple fullness because the quality of the disciples who came here was relatively not as high as before. Now, Fengxue Palace has directly imposed a restriction, and the lowest realm to come here must be Guixuan. , Then you, is the probability of purple full riches high? It must be much higher than before!

Feng Xueling\'s career as a gambler for so many years is not a boast! In terms of gambling, although she has lost many, many times, but the experience is not comparable to these people! Before gambling, she must make some preparations.

Then her gaze suddenly fell on Chen Mo.

Because Chen Mo didn\'t wear a mask, this was the Demon God Continent, and his mask really didn\'t need to be worn.

"It\'s him?"

Feng Xueling touched her delicate chin when she saw Chen Mo.

At that time, people from the Vulcan Sect chased her, she just ordered a passerby who he stole, and then she ran away, she didn\'t know what happened later, but he actually appeared here, he still came to join the disciple of the Snow Palace Exam consumption!

Huh? How did he escape from those people? Although the strength of those people is not too strong, they are not too weak, and from his appearance, there seems to be nothing wrong with him.

"Go behind!"

Chen Mo finally walked forward two steps, and then someone came over and pulled Chen Mo back directly, and then stood where Chen Mo was originally!

Chen Mo frowned...

"Yo, unconvinced? What can you do if you cut into your team?"

The man smiled and looked back at Chen Mo. The two men beside him also smiled playfully.

"Return the three breath time, or you will die."

Chen Mo said coldly.

"Oh, then I want to see how I died!"

The corner of the man\'s mouth slightly tick!

Would the son of the Lord of the Blood Demon City be afraid of an unknown son?


The Supreme Edge flew out without hesitation ~www.novelhall.com~ directly penetrated the chest pain of the man in front of him, and then penetrated the chest of the two people next to him.

The strength of these three people is not bad, but they really didn\'t expect Chen Mo to dare to do something, nor did they expect that this ultimate front was as sharp as hiss!


Then the three people fell into the crowd.

"What\'s wrong over there?"

Feng Xueling and the others saw the commotion here and ran over!

"Isn\'t this the son of the Lord of the Blood Demon City?"

Feng Xueling\'s beautiful eyes lit up!


nice! She still owes him a gambling debt of millions of gold coins!

I can unleash the ultimate move infinitely