I Can See Health

Chapter 218: Dingley's arrival

Chapter 218 The Arrival of Dingdeli

  Yin Xinhua quickly brought a portable echocardiograph.

  A very small instrument, the screen is only the size of a palm, it can only be used for cardiac ultrasound, and cannot be used for other parts.

   "Actually, I\'m not very good at using ultrasound, but I can still see pericardial effusion." Yin Xinhua said.

   She took the probe of the portable ultrasound machine and checked the pericardial effusion under the patient\'s xiphoid process.

   "Compared to before, it\'s a little less."

   From time to time, it is necessary to dynamically observe the condition of the patient\'s pericardial effusion.

  Lu Chen followed Yin Xinhua with great interest, learning her operation techniques.

The accuracy of the   cardiac ultrasound examination has a lot to do with the operator\'s technique.

   Ultrasound doctors with high-end techniques can not only judge cardiac function and ventricular wall motion, but also assist in the diagnosis of critical diseases such as aortic dissection and pulmonary embolism.

   "Do you want to learn cardiac ultrasound?" Yin Xinhua looked at Lu Chen beside him.

   "Yes." Lu Chen nodded.

  How many skills do you not push yourself!

   "It\'s good to have this idea." Yin Xinhua smiled, "Do you know what major Cao Zhiying, director of our Cardiology University, used to be?"

  Lu Chen was taken aback for a moment, "Could it be an image?"

Yin Xinhua nodded: "Director Cao studied ultrasound for his master\'s degree, and he was transferred to the Department of Cardiology when he was a Ph.D. Director. Therefore, Director Cao is very familiar with the entire cardiac anatomy, which makes him better than the general cardiology department on the road of cardiac intervention. Doctors are smoother."

   This is the first time that Lu Chen heard that Cao Zhiying actually spoke out from the ultrasound department!

   From an ultrasound auxiliary department to an intracardiac clinical department, Cao Zhixin\'s span is not too big!

   What is even more commendable is that Cao Zhixin almost single-handedly raised the level of Jinghua Cardiology to the top ten in the country.

  Cao Zhixin is already a legendary figure in the Jinghua Second Hospital.

   "If you want to learn ultrasound, you must first learn to read pictures, then learn basic theoretical knowledge, and learn several commonly used aspects of cardiac ultrasound." Yin Xinhua said.

  Lu Chen nodded, cardiac ultrasound technology must be learned.

   Ultrasound technology, there is no shortcut, that is, practice makes perfect, see more, learn more, and do more!

   What Lu Chen lacks the most is this "do"!

   He also saw the "Cardiac Ultrasound Technology (Elementary skill card in his system mall.

   This skill card can be exchanged for 40 thanks points.

  Although Lu Chen now has more than 100 points of gratitude, the most important thing for him now is to exchange the "Clinical Research Card".

  This "Cardiac Ultrasound Card" can only be redeemed when there are remaining thank you points in the future.


   Jinghua Second Hospital.

   Twelve o\'clock in the evening.

   The condition of the patient with pericardial effusion gradually improved.

  Yin Xinhua added the doctor\'s order, and Lu Chen wrote down the course of the disease.

   The three returned to their respective lounges again.

   "I hope you will be more comfortable in the second half of the night." Yin Xinhua prayed in his heart.

  Lu Chen also wiped his face again and lay on the bed.

   After chatting with Fan Zhiping for a while, Lu Chen heard his small snoring.

  Lu Chen stared at the pitch-black ceiling, but he didn\'t fall asleep, everything from the past few months appeared in his heart.

   With the help of the system, most things went smoothly for Lu Chen.

   Now that he has the system, he must become the top doctor, otherwise he will be no different from salted fish.

   However, as he deepened his clinical work, Lu Chen was able to discover his own shortcomings.

   "It\'s really hard!"

   It is really hard to become a top doctor!

   The distance he has traveled now is only one-thousandth of the distance.

  Medicine is a life science.

   In addition to curing diseases and saving people, we must also strive to explore the meaning of life.

  Lu Chen took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

  This road is destined to be extremely difficult, but he has no turning back.

   This night is doomed to be sleepless.


   It is true that the doctor has no sleep.

  Lu Chen had just slept for an hour, and at about one o\'clock in the middle of the night, the nurse knocked on his duty door again.

  Lu Chen woke up.

  Fan Zhiping also got ready, but he stopped him.

   "Brother Fan, I\'ll just go see it myself, you can continue to sleep."

   Every time the nurses see each other, two people get up, which is not worth it.

  Fan Zhiping was getting older and more prone to fatigue. Seeing what Lu Chen said, he lay down and went back to sleep.

   came to the ward.

  Lu Chen found out that a heart failure patient was ill.

   The more it is late at night, the easier it is for patients with heart failure to fall ill.

   The patient\'s blood pressure was measured, which was about 150/80mmHg.

   "Push a furosemide." Lu Chen said.

"it is good."

  The nurse nodded.

   For patients that Lu Chen could handle, the nurse would not call Yin Xinhua.

   After waiting for the nurse to execute the doctor\'s order, Lu Chen paid close attention to the patient for half an hour, and his chest tightness was relieved.

  Lu Chen returned to the ward and continued to sleep.


   The whole second half of the night.

  Although none of the critically ill patients have changed their condition, but every half an hour, a certain patient has minor illnesses and pains.

  Lu Chen went back and forth, not knowing how many times he got up.

   Every time I felt like I had to stop for a while, I was woken up by the nurse immediately.

   "Hey, is it really not me who is black, but Comrade Fan who is too black?" Lu Chen glanced at Fan Zhiping, who was sleeping soundly in the upper bunk, and this thought popped into his mind.

   He also worked a few night shifts before. Although he was busy, he wasn’t that busy, right? !


  Unconsciously, the sky turned white.

  Lu Chen picked up his phone and looked at it, it was six o\'clock.

   Around seven o\'clock, people will come to the department one after another.

   Even if I sleep now, I can\'t sleep for a while.

  Lu Chen took a shower and went to the doctor\'s office.

   At this time, he suddenly met an unexpected person.

   "Mr. Ding, you are here..."

   Ding Deli, the chief physician of the eight districts in his heart, actually sat in the doctor\'s office.

   He was not wearing a white coat, but casual clothes.

   Since the medical incident, there have been two less people in the eight districts in my heart.

  One is Liu Mei, and the other is Ding Deli.

  Liu Mei resigned, what about Ding Deli?

   "Come back and get some things." Ding Deli glanced at Lu Chen, then withdrew his gaze.

   He stood up and rummaged in his closet for something.

  Lu Chen nodded, but did not speak.

   about ten minutes later.

  Tin Deli found several books and a stack of materials.

   "I found it." Dingley muttered to himself, then got up to leave.

   As soon as he reached the door of the office, he suddenly stopped.

   "Lu Chen, I\'m leaving."

  Lu Chen turned his head in surprise and glanced at Ding Deli.

   "Mr. Ding, aren\'t you going to work today?"

   "Haha." Ding Deli smiled self-deprecatingly, "I don\'t go to work today, and I won\'t go to work in the future."

  Lu Chen was startled, what Ding Deli meant...he also resigned?

   "After working for so many years, I\'m still attending." Ding Deli shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Many of those who were the same age as me were deputy high school students, and even high school students. What\'s the point of me continuing to work?"

  Lu Chen was silent, he didn\'t have much say in this kind of thing.

  Lu Chen raised his head and found that Ding Deli was staring at him.

   "Lu Chen, you are not bad, you are a smart boy." Ding Deli said, "I hope you can stick to this path."

After   , Ding Deli left the ward without looking back.

   Looking at Ding Deli\'s back, Lu Chen didn\'t know what it was like.

   He didn\'t have much contact with Dingdeli, but through the descriptions of others, he and Dingdeli\'s usual performance.

   He gave everyone the impression that he was a very irresponsible doctor.

   However, hearing what Ding Deli just said, Lu Chen was willing to believe that Ding Deli used to be a good doctor.

   What changed him and made him what he is now is unknown.

   "Don\'t worry, I will persevere." Lu Chen murmured in his heart.

   (end of this chapter)