I Can Incarnate Everything

V1.Chatper 6

under the tree.

The elders of the tribe cut off a large cluster of \'vines\' and soon walked to the stone pot with a bonfire beside the high platform.

The water in the pot was boiling, and mixed with unknown herbs.

The tribal elders threw the \'green\' into the pot, then picked up the pounding stick and began to fiddle with it in the pot.

A bright half-moon has appeared over the rainforest.

The bottom of the rainforest is so quiet that only the sound of insects remains.

The potion rolled in the stone pot, and countless people waited quietly on the approach.

In the end, it was probably only about five minutes.

As the elder of the tribe took over the scepter that was handed over again by the person next to him, he immediately gave the next step instruction to everyone excitedly.

"Oh! Roar!"

Cheers sounded.

There was a festive atmosphere on everyone\'s faces.

They started to pick up the pottery bowls beside them, and then lined up in an orderly manner under the lighting of dozens of bonfires and walked to the sacrificial platform.

At this point, the delivery of the \'holy medicine\' brewed by the elders of the tribe began.


"How interesting! This tribe."

In the room, Ji Yu stretched his back on the chair.

Today\'s game was full, and the moment he went offline, he began to search for information in his notebook.


It has the effects of relaxing tendons and activating collaterals, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis.

For muscle and bone pain, limb spasm, low back pain, bruises.

It also has the effects of invigorating the liver and kidney, strengthening bones and muscles, dispelling rheumatism, and anti-abortion.

What\'s more, its extract can also improve microcirculation, and its total alkaloids are exaggerated to have anti-tumor effect.

When Ji Yu read these introductions, he was astonished.

"It\'s outrageous, is there such a versatile thing in this world? It\'s a foul!"

The introduction of mistletoe on the computer webpage can be said to be very complete, and the pictures are exactly the same as those Ji Yu saw on the oak tree just now.

There are still a lot of information about mistletoe.

It has a very profound cultural heritage.

It also has special meanings in the languages ​​of the countries of the West, and it is generally regarded as a holy object by some sects of nature worship in the world.


Ji Yu sighed unconsciously, and at the same time Ji Yu thought of something else.

"Will the mistletoe on the oak tree be mutated because of the benefits of game digitization indirectly? Will the effect become more powerful?"

At this moment, Ji Yu\'s face showed a pensive look, and soon showed a playful expression.

"If the effect of mistletoe is outstanding, with the status of my oak incarnation in that tribe, it seems that the avatar\'s safety will not be a problem, at least it will not be cut down?"

Thinking of the scenes of \'outsiders\' armed with miniature charges, Ji Yu couldn\'t think of any forces that could attack the Oak Tribe regardless of cost.

And if the tribe deliberately conceals it, outsiders will not be able to know the magic of the incarnation of the oak tree, right?

In short, Ji Yu is in a good mood at the moment, and there is no need to worry about Oak\'s safety in the short term.

As long as he passed the first month safely, Ji Yu believed that his tuberculosis body could fully recover or even get better.

After having the second incarnation in the second month, Ji Yu doesn\'t have to rely entirely on the blessing of the oak tree\'s characteristics.

In this regard, Ji Yu\'s expectations for the future are even better.

In a good mood, and on the basis of jet lag, Ji Yu went downstairs to buy breakfast after searching for information at 9 o\'clock in the morning of Ryan\'s time.

The weather in Wuyang City today is not bad, the sun shines brightly when we wake up in the morning.

"It feels so good not to be out of breath and without chest pain!"

Walking out of the gate of the community, Ji Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

Walk dozens of steps and come to the familiar breakfast stall opposite the community.

"Boss, here are two meat buns, one vegetable porridge, take it away."

"Okay, you wait, right now."


Ji Yu nodded with a smile, and then found a seat to sit down on his own.

Because he has tuberculosis, Ji Yu is wearing a mask, and he doesn\'t plan to eat in this restaurant.

Although he is no longer hemoptysis and is beginning to improve, but after all, there is still a risk of infection.

Who knows if one\'s own immune system has completely killed tuberculosis under strengthening?

Therefore, with the attitude of not harming anyone, Ji Yu will definitely choose to pack up and leave.

After all, like this kind of open-air stall, the boss\'s tableware will definitely not be sterilized by high temperature.

There were a lot of people coming to buy breakfast in the small shop, and while waiting, Ji Yu casually started looking at his phone.

It just so happened that someone sent a message in his short message at this time.

"Ji Yu, are you feeling better recently?"

Looking at the news, looking at the familiar ID, Ji Yu was stunned, and at the same time smiled, and then quickly began to reply.

"It\'s much better, at least I won\'t open my mouth and get blood spattered three feet..."


The person who sent the news was a young girl at the front desk of Ji Yu\'s previous company, and the usual relationship with Ji Yu was neither salty nor warm.

Of course, this refers to Ji Yu\'s unilateral feeling, and the other party\'s feeling may be more than that.

Because the company he worked for was a decoration company, there are very few young people.

When the girl at the front desk had no other choices, she took the initiative to pursue Ji Yu, a budget clerk who was quite handsome and had certain development potential, as a matter of course.

Although the saying goes that women chase men\'s spacer yarn, in reality there are often more variable factors.

But to put it simply, it was actually because Ji Yu felt that the character and appearance of this little girl did not match his wishes.

Looking back on all the things in the company\'s work, Ji Yu felt a little melancholy.

I still remember that when tuberculosis was detected during the company\'s routine physical examination, the whole company was panicked, and Ji Yu couldn\'t help but look a little disappointed.

Everyone\'s attitude towards Ji Yu is like treating a plague god.

Although it is a bit exaggerated, it is actually the case. Although some colleagues who have a good relationship try not to show their dislike on the surface, Ji Yu can still see that they have different opinions from their actions, words and demeanor.

Ji Yu didn\'t complain about this, who made himself suffer from this disease?

He just felt that the warmth and coldness of people in this society were too real and cruel.

After checking out his illness, Ji Yu offered to resign, and the small boss of the company also kindly subsidized his salary for one year.

Regarding this, Ji Yu was not arrogant, but accepted the little boss\'s kindness very realistically.

He had no income during the isolation and recuperation period of tuberculosis, and this extra year\'s salary could greatly solve his living plight.

Could he still pretend to be noble and not accept it?

Tuberculosis is not an occupational disease, and you cannot apply for work-related injury. In this regard, how do you think Ji Yu should choose?

Facing reality is the most reasonable choice.

After chatting with the girl at the front desk for a few words, Ji Yu hurriedly ended the conversation, then he took the breakfast packaged by the boss and walked towards Hebin Park.

Ji Yu planned to finish this little breakfast in Hebin Park, and then trot along the path of Hebin Park to stretch his body a bit.