I Can Incarnate Everything

V1.Chatper 19

"By the way, buddy, I don\'t know your name yet. What\'s your name? My name is Ma Hongyu."

In the teahouse, Ma Hongyu said to Ji Yu enthusiastically.

"Ji Yu, Ji of the Four Seasons, Yu of the Universe." Ji Yu said after taking a sip of tea.

"Hey, that\'s a good relationship. If you look at me, let me say that we are destined. Your name is Ji Yu and my name is Ma Hongyu. We both have the same name Yu. Maybe we were brothers in the previous life."

Ma Hongyu was too enthusiastic.

He kept pestering Ji Yu all the way, his familiar appearance made Ji Yu speechless.

The posture is low enough and enthusiastic. Although it is a bit talkative, it is not very annoying.

After all, Ji Yu used to be in charge of decoration budget, and often had to go out to contact Party A, so he was considered a warm person when getting along with Party A.

It doesn\'t matter if you are not enthusiastic.

Therefore, Ji Yu\'s attitude towards Ma Hongyu is not bad, otherwise he would not have been invited to drink tea in the restaurant.

Along the way, when Ma Hongyu knew that Ji Yu didn\'t run a pet shop, but was waiting for work at home, his eyes lit up instantly.

He also said that he had been unemployed at home for a long time, and had been working as a code farmer for a game company before.

For some reason, he resigned and stayed at home for more than half a year.

He follows Ji Yu now, in fact, he invites Ji Yu to open a pet shop.

"Okay, you\'re pretty good at talking, let\'s get down to business, what\'s the specific plan you want to invite me to open a pet shop?"

Ji Yu has been out of work for four months due to illness. Before that, he has been taking medicine and various inspections every month. Renting a house and eating are all a lot of money.

Although he still has about 100,000 yuan in his possession, but now that he has recovered from his illness, he still has to consider practical issues and find a stable job after all.

Hearing Ji Yu talking about the pet shop, Ma Hongyu immediately stopped talking.

With a pensive expression on his face, he said: "Brother Ji, that\'s what I think. I pay the money, and you pay the people. How about we split it fifty-fifty?"

"I saw your charm today, Brother Ji, so I think it is certain to make money, so you are the first-class resource in this pet store, Brother Ji, so I think this is actually quite reasonable."

Ji Yu was stunned, although what Ma Hongyu said sounded quite reasonable.

But in reality, Ji Yu is blind to the whole process of caring for pets, and if he really opens a pet shop, he must recruit additional employees to take care of the work.

If calculated in this way, the money that Ma Hongyu will pay is not a small number.

Renting a house, decorating, buying goods, and recruiting employees, even if the store is small, it is not a small amount in Wuyang City, a million or so is definitely needed.

In this case, wouldn\'t Ji Yu take advantage of it?

What Ji Yu dislikes the most is receiving favors for nothing, and even if he is a resource to attract customers, he doesn\'t like to go out and run around and cause riots.

Therefore, Ji Yu frowned, and after thinking about it, he wanted to refuse, and put forward his own idea.

However, maybe seeing Ji Yu\'s concerns, Ma Hongyu hastily said:

"Brother Ji, looking at you, you must feel that you have taken advantage of me, and you also have some other concerns, but I think you should listen to me first."

"It\'s like this. Under my dad\'s name, there are more than ten stores in Times Square not far in front, so there is no need for any money to rent a house."

"Besides, I actually asked you to open the store. After all, I don\'t want to go out and work for others."

"As for my dad\'s company? I don\'t want to go either."

"Brother Ji, you don\'t know. My dad runs a nightclub. It\'s very troublesome to be there, to accompany drinks, and to engage in interpersonal relationships. I worked there as a reception manager for two months at the beginning. That feeling Honestly, it’s just not human.”

"Anyway, I don\'t plan to go anyway, and I don\'t want to be a code farmer anymore. As for starting a company by myself, I haven\'t tried it. I can see that I am not a programmer at all. Boss\' material."

"I still have self-knowledge on this point, so, isn\'t this meeting you, brother Ji, so, hehe."

Ma Hongyu smiled cheaply with a look you know.

This, I can\'t tell, he is still a rich second generation!

Ji Yu was almost jealous and envious.

The guy who co-authored Ma Hongyu didn\'t care about money at all. The reason why he wanted to pull Jiyu to open a pet shop was also under the pressure of his parents.

After all, a rich second generation can\'t do anything, and it\'s impossible to be a libertine every day, right?

When Ji Yu was working on the budget, he knew big bosses, and most of their children were actually quite good, not as dandy and miserable as in most novels.

On the contrary, many people are quite easy to get along with, and actively follow their parents to learn business experience.

"So, that\'s all you want to say, and you think the 50-50 split is reasonable." Ji Yu asked back.

"Yes." Ma Hongyu said as a matter of course.

Well, Ji Yu can see that this Ma Hongyu really doesn\'t know how to do business.

Forget it, since one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, then Ji Yu will follow suit. After all, it is really trivial to open a pet shop with his little money.

However, Ji Yu also has his own principles.

Therefore, Ji Yu pondered for a while, and then said to the expectant Ma Hongyu:

"It\'s okay to open a store, and you can pay to open the store, but our share needs to be changed."

"You are seven and I am three."

Ma Hongyu was stunned, it was the first time he met someone like Ji Yu who didn\'t take advantage of him.

"Um, isn\'t this a little less? How about Brother Ji, four of you and six of you?"

For Ma Hongyu, Ji Yu was also helpless.

"Okay, don\'t tell me about the share, it\'s just you and me."

"Because, when this pet shop is opened, I don\'t know how to do many things. You need to handle the manpower and material resources. In this regard, I actually take advantage of it."

"So let\'s settle things down like this now!"

Ji Yu looked at Ma Hongyu with an expression that he didn\'t need to talk anymore.

Ma Hongyu was stunned for a while and didn\'t know how to refute, so he finally said: "Okay! Since you have said so, Brother Ji, I want to pester you again, but it seems that I am a little reserved."

After finishing speaking, Ma Hongyu showed a relaxed expression as if a boulder had fallen from his heart.

"Hey, now I won\'t be nagged by my parents for nothing."

"When I make money, I must show off in front of them, but before that, I need to hide it from them."

Thinking of the possible scenes in the future, Ma Hongyu was a little excited for a moment.

Ji Yu was speechless, Ma Hongyu\'s temper was really too out of character, to put it bluntly, he was a single-minded person.

To be honest, if he hadn\'t met him, Ji Yu felt that this guy would only live to be old if he inherited property.

It\'s true that you don\'t know how to be blessed when you are born in blessings.

Ji Yu smiled and did not express any opinion on Ma Hongyu himself and his family.

Next, the two began to chat in detail about the details of opening a store, and searched the Internet for the complete conditions required to open a pet store.