I Broke Through Too Fast (I'm Leveling Up Too Quickly)

Chapter 246: Burning Gu Poison Sect

Chapter 246 Burning Gu Poison Sect

   Looking at the distant Gu Po cultivators, Zhu Wuyang smiled and waved: "Goodbye, idiots!"

   Then he began to arrange the formation without restraint. The formation arranged by Zhu Wuyang was just a simple fire-supporting formation. As the name suggests, it was a formation that could help the flames burn.

  Since the monks of the Gu Po sect left the entire nest to him, Zhu Wuyi naturally could not live up to the kindness of the cultivators of the Gu Po sect, and he had to make a hole in the Huxin Island.

   The fire-assisting formation is just a simple formation, and it is very easy to set up. In just a few hours, Zhu Wuyang filled the entire lake island with the fire-assisting formation.

   Then start kicking people!

  撵 is the Gu poison sect mortals on Huxin Island. Although Zhu Wuyang has killed a lot of people, he still has a bottom line, at least he will not rely on his identity as a cultivator to slaughter mortals unscrupulously.

   Doing this not only violated the unspoken rules of the Immortal Cultivation World, but also did not conform to Zhu Wuyang\'s consistent behavior, and he couldn\'t do such vicious things.

   In fact, most immortal cultivators have similar qualities. It has almost become a consensus in the immortal world that immortal cultivators do not kill mortals, unless those mundane mortals deliberately provoke immortal cultivators.

Even some people in the sect will not abuse the lives of ordinary mortals to refine magic tools and spiritual tools. Strong, on the other hand, because of the consensus of the Xiu Xian world.

  Although the world of cultivating immortals does not despise ordinary mortals and regard them as ants, every immortal cultivator also knows in their hearts that it is these ants-like mortals who have forged the foundation of the incomparably huge immortal world.

  If there were no such worldly mortals, the world of immortals would not have endless fresh blood, and it would not be able to prosper at that time.

   Immortal cultivators with a little foresight will not indiscriminately kill mortals.

   Zhu Wuyi was of course one of them, so he drove out all the mortals of the Gu poison sect on Huxin Island.

   In the face of the vicious Zhu Wujie, the tens of thousands of mortals from the Gu Po Sect left very honestly, not a single one of them squeaked. After all, if Zhu Wujie got angry, they would definitely kill them.

   Although Zhu Wuyi would not arbitrarily kill worldly mortals, if these worldly mortals delayed his affairs, Zhu Wuyi would not hesitate to send them back to the West.

Fortunately, these secular mortals of the Gu poison sect are very sensible. Seeing Zhu Wuyang driving them away, they left Huxin Island one by one. By the way, they secretly passed the news to the cultivators of the Gu poison sect who had gone to expedition against the Baidu sect. about them.

   After receiving the news from these people, the monks of the Gu Po Sect were also a little confused.

"We shouldn\'t have left anything good on the island in the heart of the lake. As for those mines and medicine fields, we can\'t use them without enough time. Mine needs a lot of manpower to mine, medicine fields need long-term cultivation, and Some other resources and treasures also take a long time to cultivate, so what\'s the use of Zhu Wuyang occupying the island in the center of the lake."

   "Isn\'t this guy trying to take over the mountain and be the king by himself, then give him the Lake Heart Island for the time being, and when we break through the poison gate, we\'ll come back to clean up this idiot."

   "You said that Zhu Wuyang, this little beast, is not trying to destroy our ancestral land, otherwise, why would he drive out all the worldly mortals on the island in the heart of the lake? This is a bit strange."

"Haha, there must be other reasons, it is definitely not to destroy our lake island, there are so many mines and medicine fields on the lake island, how could Zhu Wuyang be willing to destroy it, he must also be thinking about destroying it. We Gu poison sect, and then **** these medicine fields and mines."


   Hearing what some sect cultivators said, a small number of the top officials of the Baidu Sect who were worried that Zhu Wuyang would destroy the island in the heart of the lake laughed, secretly thinking that they were thinking too much.

   After all, as these colleagues said, the mines and medicine fields on the island in the center of the lake are of little value if they are occupied for a short time. Only if they are occupied for a long time, this is a huge wealth.

   As the head of Baidu Sect, Zhu Wuyang definitely wants to occupy the headquarters of their Gu Po Sect for a long time, and then use the resources here to provide himself with endless wealth.

   Just like the cultivators of their Gu Po sect, even if they have conquered the Bai Po Sect, they will try their best to preserve the mines and medicinal fields above, and never allow anyone to destroy them.

   After all, these are the foundations of an immortal sect, who would be willing to destroy them?

   But if destroying these things can bring greater benefits to Zhu Wuyi, why would Zhu Wuyi be reluctant to destroy it?

   Seeing that all the mortals of the Gu Po sect were driven away, Zhu Wuyi smiled and raised the torch.


  The flames rolled up, and under the action of the fire-supporting formation, it spread towards the entire island in the center of the lake at an alarming speed, and soon burned into the gray ghost forest.

   The raging fire radiated thousands of meters, illuminating a radius of hundreds of miles, making the mortals of the Gu poison faction who had just left Huxin Island stunned and could hardly believe their eyes.

"Zhu Wuyi... How dare Zhu Wujie, this is the ancestral land of our Gu poison sect, there are so many mines and medicine fields, the number is so considerable, it is the foundation of an immortal sect, Zhu Wujie doesn\'t want it, he Why did you burn this place down?"

   "Hurry up and tell the immortals of your family, and let them come back to put out the fire. If it\'s too late, I\'m afraid that the headquarters of our Gu poison sect will be finished."

   "Is Zhu Wuyang crazy? He would actually do such a thing to our headquarters, or his head was flooded, and he couldn\'t even value such a rich foundation of Immortal Sect."

"Zhu Wuyi, this **** is definitely not intentional, as long as a slightly rational monk would never do such a thing to a piece of Xianmen foundation, Zhu Wuyi must have made a mistake, so he would do such a thing, Let\'s get him to put out the fire now."


   These terrified mortals of the Gu poison sect did not know that at this moment, Zhu Wuyi had already brought rich harvests and found a hidden place to retreat and do penance.

   "Congratulations to the host for setting fire to the headquarters of the Gu Poison Sect for the first time in his life, you have obtained 30,000 breakthrough stones..."

This move brought 30,000 breakthrough stones to Zhu Wuyang, and half of the breakthrough stones were forcefully poured into Zhu Wuzheng\'s body. Shi, Zhu Wuyang\'s Dao Chu Zhen Yuan in his dantian can definitely expand to a radius of 13,000 kilometers.

   At that time, Zhu Wuyang can condense the real essence of the beginning of the Dao into the Yuanjing of the beginning of the Dao, just like when he entered the Dao with martial arts, he condensed the innate inner essence into the innate Yuanjing.

   Xiaomengxin Diary: Some book friends have said that Xiaomengxin is also subscribing to her own book. In fact, Xiaomengxin wants to say, if even I don’t approve this book and subscribe to the original version, who else will approve it? And this is also done to do a third check, to see how the reading experience is, and to flip through every comment and chapter and so on...



   (end of this chapter)