I Became The Mother Of The Male Lead's Children

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

My heart felt uncomfortable seeing him kneeling down while speaking so respectfully like that.

Daisy, who raised her upper body, tapped the empty space next to her and said.

“Let’s talk.”

It’s not like I couldn’t understand what triggered Carlyx’s outburst today.

On the contrary, I thought it was justified.

Carlyx only said what he wanted to say as a father, and this problem was caused by our lack of communication.

‘That’s why I say we should be a colleague rather than a contractor from the start.’

Since I knew about Carlyx’s past, I had expected that it would take time. But half a year was too much to bear.

That was why I had to provoke him.

Daisy crossed her arms and looked at Carlyx.

“Why didn’t you introduce me to the kids?”

“Don’t you know already?”

Carlyx sat on the empty spot next to Daisy. There was still some distance between them since it was a king-sized bed. When Carlyx turned his head, he met with Daisy’s unwavering eyes.

After a few days of observation, he came to realize that she wasn’t a woman who was trapped in her own imagination like he originally judged. Despite her beliefs in fated love, she was smart and realistic most of the time.

He didn’t hate it.

“I know. But you need to tell me. That’s the point of conversations.”

“…Unlike me, children are emotional. It’ll be hard to convince them that it’s only a contractual marriage, and even if they do, they’ll forget easily.”

The bluntness in his words made it seem like he spoke about someone else’s children. However, there was plenty of room for consideration.

“As you spend more time and get closer to them, they’ll look up to you as their mother. It’s probably only a matter of time if we look at Luciana’s behavior today.”

Carlyx was rational. It also occurred in Daisy’s mind as well.

When they decided to have a contractual marriage, they had their own purpose. Carlyx needed someone to fill the role of the Marquis’ wife, and she had to seize this opportunity for her future.

Mom. It’s not like she didn’t know the weight of that word.

“I’m not telling you not to meet the children.”

Carlyx, who inclined his back, looked at her with cold eyes. Unlike the way he spoke, his eyes seemed to be asking for a favor.

He knew it. Since Daisy was his wife, her meeting with the children was inevitable.

“Let’s delay the date and reduce the frequency.”

Daisy stared at Carlyx’s purple eyes, which seemed to unwittingly suck her in. That made her completely focused on the person in front of her.

“The contract was only for you and I.”

Daisy and Carlyx were the only ones involved in the contract from the start. The children weren’t included in the clause. Unlike their relationship, the ending with the children wasn’t clear.

Then, Daisy said in a gentle voice.

“I didn’t sign a contract with your children.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ll still be the mother of the children after the contract is over.”

When I said I would play both the role of a wife and a mother, I didn’t spit it out recklessly.

We would be a divorced couple, but the children had the right to see their mother after the divorce.

Honestly, I had no confidence to be pretentious in front of the kids who deserved to be loved.

“I’ve been thinking for a long time. Of course, the children will be affected when we get a divorce.”

I was worried, but the heroine would eventually take my place and shower them with love.

Time would heal everything.

‘He’s mean to me, but that doesn’t mean he’s mean to everyone.’

When I actually read the novel, the heroine’s appearance, personality, and temperament were so wonderful.

More importantly, the children’s age was on my mind.

“The role of parents has a big impact on the children’s growth. More than we can imagine. Two years is not short.”

Behind his back was the light of the burning candle. Perhaps because of that, his eyes felt unexpectedly warm.

“Think about the aftermath of our divorce when the time comes. Let’s just focus on the present first.”

“…I’ll think about it.”

Carlyx slowly turned his head and settled down. Her words were stuck in his head.

Other worries that he couldn’t tell her yet were holding him back.


“Here’s the document you requested, madam.”

Tyler let out his business-like smile and passed a thick bundle of papers to Daisy. Daisy, who briefly nodded, hesitated when she saw the documents.

The last page was the most crucial, but it was left empty.

Daisy asked, pointing at the empty part with her quill pen.

“Why is the information about Carlyx empty?”

“I’m sorry, madam. But that part is also something I don’t know.”

“I thought I already told Carlyx to write it down and hand it over?”

Daisy’s eyes become sharper. Her gentle but cold voice made Tyler flinch.

‘Was she originally like this?’

Although their first meeting was quite memorable, he had never felt this sense of incompatibility.

Tyler, who fixed his posture, replied.

“I’ve asked him a few questions, but he told me to just ignore it.”

“Ignore it, huh?”

Tyler, who sensed Daisy’s dissatisfaction, quickly added.

“Madam, perhaps my master doesn’t want to talk about it.”

Tyler spoke in a more gentle tone than usual, just like comforting a child. It felt like he was trying to encourage her to do what she was capable of, instead of doing these things.

It was irritating, but Daisy first filled the blanks without covering the documents.

She didn’t know anything about his likes, but she knew that he cared about the children so much.

‘Because I saw it with my own eyes a few days ago.’

Tyler, who was wondering whether the conversation was over, said quietly.

“My master is someone who hates to talk about personal things.”

“Are you saying you don’t know?”

Daisy was smiling, but her voice was icy. The atmosphere had changed dramatically.

Daisy, sitting cross-legged, tapped the paper with her quill pen. Tuk-! Tuk-! The small sound continued to pester him as if it was questioning Tyler’s ability.

“Tyler, what have you been doing all this time?”

“…I was managing the mansion and the estate.”

Tyler answered honestly. He also expected her next reaction. She would either disrespect him, get angry, or make fun of him.

‘Where in the world does a butler have the authority to manage the family and the estate? And is this how you manage the estate? She’s probably going to say that.’

Not only the mansion, but also the estate of Marquis Jean was in such a bad condition that no words could describe it. It was full of dust and many places were rusted.

“That should be Carlyx’s job, isn’t it? Why is the butler doing it?”

Unexpectedly, Daisy didn’t say that. Tyler was surprised by Daisy’s relaxed and elegant attitude.

‘I thought she would just sit and watch while spending money or ask me to teach her trivial things.’

“I’m not blaming you. I’m just asking because I have to know as the madam of this house.”

“…My master gave up his duty to manage the mansion and the estate.”

“I suppose so.”

Daisy agreed without hesitation. There was nothing good to gain from sugar coating the harsh truth into flowery words.

Before marrying Carlyx, she remembered the day when she looked around the Marquisate.

There were several buildings where people lived. But they were like people who were forced to live every day. There was a small population, but it was cold and lifeless.

“No matter how hard I try, nothing will change.”

“There’s nothing wrong with that.”

Just like what he expected. Tyler’s small hope was quickly crushed. Even the new madam said that.

Then Daisy called him, who was busy managing his twisted expression.

“I’m going to take over from now on. Take your hands off it.”

“Pardon? Didn’t I just say that nothing will change no matter how hard I try?”

When the bewildered Tyler asked back, Daisy shook her head.

“I said you’re not wrong, but I never said I won’t change it.”

The reason why she could comply with it was because she understood Carlyx’s situation.

Since Carlyx was known as ‘an illegitimate child with the blood of another empire’, the credit he received so far must not have been his.

Although he was called the ‘war demon’ in the novel, he wasn’t really a man who received public attention. To be exact, even if he got attention, it wasn’t because of a good reason.

‘Maybe that’s why Carlyx gave up.’

People didn’t trust Carlyx.

Since all his efforts would be shunned by people no matter what, he passed his duty to someone else. He might have attempted to change the estate at first. But even if he did, he might have ruined the estate even more.

But not anymore.

“That’s enough.”

No matter how hard Tyler worked, he was only a butler. The power granted to him was limited.

But there was no such limitation on her.

“Leave the work to me.”

Daisy raised the corners of her mouth coolly. She was strangely attractive and reliable.

Tyler held back his rising hope.

‘Don’t look forward to it. Let’s not get disappointed like before.’

He deliberately faced the cold reality.


At that time, May walked in with a broad smile.

“Madam! I’m here!”

At times like this, she resembled a loyal puppy.

‘But, what’s wrong with that kid?’

May’s eyes were glistening to the point it was burdensome.

“Madam! I did my best!”

Daisy raised her hand when May opened her arms wide.

“Didn’t you hear what I said before?”

“You told me to ask first. My elegant lady, may I give you a hug?”

Daisy nodded at her question. Then Daisy embraced May, who was bigger than her. It was a reward for what she had done so far.

It has only been a few weeks, but May’s jawline was slimmer than it used to be. She must’ve been working hard on her task.