I Became The Mother Of The Male Lead's Children

Chapter 30

Chapter 30

They didn’t realize how much they helped each other to improve during their time serving as knights. Until they each became commander of their respective Knightly Orders.

There was a reason why Xandarvan didn’t reject Daisy’s invitation.

Things have changed a little since Carlyx became the Commander of the Zistanter Knightly Order.

He always went to war, but his war achievements began to stand out and his status changed.

In the past, knowledge of his successes was buried because he was ‘just a knight’ and not even a single rumor came out.

However, the ‘achievement’ the public knows and the ‘achievement’ that the knights know were completely different. Since there was a limit to stopping people’s tongues.

About Carlyx’s achievement after he became the commander.

The public and most of the new knights had not heard, but high-ranking knights knew about it.

Hearing of Carlyx’s exploits, Xandarvan started to doubt himself.

The rivalry between Xandarvan and Carlyx ended when Xandarvan became a commander first. That fact made Xandarvan anxious.

Did Carlyx really lose to him or did he lose purposely?

For a prideful knight like Xandarvan, the question haunted him like a nightmare.

If you were curious, you could just send a letter or visit him, right?

But his vanity would not allow him to do that.

‘That’s why he won’t be able to refuse my suggestion and provocation.’

Harboring such a doubtful feeling was considered disgraceful for a knight. So no matter how much he cared about others’ opinions, he wouldn’t be able to ignore that provocation.

A way to resolve his doubt had finally come, so he would never refuse.

Contemplating the matter, Daisy eventually muttered in a confident tone.

“….Carlyx will win that day.”

It wasn’t a hunch, it was a conviction.

It was true that Carlyx had never beaten Xandarvan when they were Imperial Palace knights.

But it’s not like they have that much difference in skill. At least she thought so.

While Xandarvan was strong in individual fights, Carlyx was strong in mass battles.

She came to this conclusion after researching their fighting styles.

Xandarvan was excellent at plying strong blows at once while Carlyx was good at maintaining his concentration for a long time.

Their differences were revealed through their performance in the war.

Overall, Carlyx was better than Xandarvan. All he needed to do was to push Xandarvan to his limit.

“…Let’s take a nap first.”

She had awakened early and was exhausted.

Hoaam! Yawning, Daisy closed her eyes. The rising sunlight came through the curtains and embraced her.

Just in time, Carlyx, who had finished training, entered the mansion. As he passed by the office, he noticed Daisy sleeping on the sofa.

‘How troublesome.’

The bothersome feeling during their conversation earlier still remained in his heart.

Carlyx looked at her dully for a moment and then continued on his way.

Waking from her nap, Daisy hurriedly sat up. She opened her eyes wide when her dress, which had been raised up to her knees, fell down.

Even though the fabric touched her skin, she didn’t feel any pain.

“The doctor must have been here and left.”

Daisy bent down to lift her skirt. A bandage was wrapped around her injured knee.

She must have been hurt quite badly judging by the blood stains showing through the bandage.

‘Was it Carlyx?’

The thought crossed her mind for a moment, but she dismissed the possibility right away.

Since there was nothing pleasant about the conversation they had this morning.

He had no reason to visit her, so he would never have seen her wound. Even if he passed by the office, he wouldn’t have noticed the wound unless he came close.

“May or Tyler must have called a doctor.”

Daisy stood with a reassured smile.

Thump, thump. Her heart was pounding in excitement.

“My dear Princess and Prince, I’m on my way!”

Today was the day she promised to draw with River and Luciana.

It was like a light on a gloomy day.

What kind of masterpieces will they draw? Would they rival Van Gogh?

She was already looking forward to seeing their art.


Daisy opened the silver container with excitement. The colorful paints hidden inside were exposed.

At that moment, River raised his body and Luciana opened her eyes wide.

“Guess what this is!”

“Stepmother! Is this Whitey? Will he be breathing fire?”

Revealed before them was not 50 but 100 colors of paint.

‘This is exactly the reaction I wanted to see.’

She tried hard to stifle her own excitement. She was able to evoke such a reaction from them because she personally brought the present.

In the children’s eyes, everything was special and magical.

“Woww! This many?”

“One, two, four, six!”

The children’s eyes shone brightly. Daisy naturally wrinkled her eyebrows due to how dazzling they were.

‘How refreshing! I don’t need a fan in this hot summer!’

The elated Daisy then said,

“That’s right! Whitey made each, one by one using breath of fire!”

A smile spread across her face.

‘When I recall Carlyx imitating Whitey, this morning’s fear seems to disappear.’

“Whitey’s the best!”

Clap! Clap! Clap! River clapped excitedly. His chubby white fingers were so adorable.

“That’s right. It’s all made by Whitey. You heard the ‘cawwww’ last time, right?”

Upon hearing that, Luciana began working through a difficult equation in her head.

Whitey is Carlyx; Carlyx is her daddy.

My daddy is Whitey. Whitey did a fire breathing…

So my daddy breathed fire….?

Luciana quickly lifted her head.

‘Daddy made the paints!’

I thought my daddy only knew how to lift a sword and stayed away from painting. I’m mistaken!

Luciana blinked slowly upon the new realization.

So there are a lot of things I don’t know about my father.

My father may have an emotional hobby unlike his behavior and appearance.

Then I must become a Master in drawing to catch up with my daddy!

“Here, there’s a canvas, too. Whitey took this out of its treasure box.”

“Whitey is breathing fire again! Canvas, cawwwwww!”

The excited River began to wriggle.

Maybe he was excited about Whitey, breath of fire, or canvas.

Daisy had no idea, but as long as he looked happy, Daisy felt happy too.

Grabbing her hands, River swung her arms back and forth.

“Caaaaaaaaaawww! Stepmother! Ravi, too, cawwwwww!”

“Caaaw! And that’s how we got the canvas.”


Daisy placed the canvas in front of River.

River giggled, perhaps he was having so much fun. His dimples dug deep in his cheek and his small teeth were revealed.

‘Oh my god! You must be good at brushing your teeth!’

Three minutes after breakfast, lunch and dinner. He must have been very diligent because there seemed to be no cavities or yellowness at all.

After making so much fuss inside her head, Daisy handed Luciana the canvas this time.

Staring intently at the canvas, Luciana suddenly took it and pointed to the wall on the right with her other hand.

“Auntie, there.”

“What’s there?”

Is there a bug? Daisy followed Luciana’s thin fingers.

There was nothing on the wall.

“Luciana, what—”

Luciana, hiding the canvas behind her, bit her lips.


When Daisy looked back to her again, Luciana raised the canvas from behind her back and gently placed it on the floor.

“I made a canvas, too!”

Her eyes twinkled as if looking forward to Daisy’s response.

‘How can you be so lovely?! You don’t have a share of Carlyx’s ugly DNA at all!!’

So Daisy applauded louder than before. Clap, clap!

At times like this, she was grateful to Duke Jean, who allowed her marriage to his son.

“Luciana also has a canvas!”

“…Yes! I was able to make it because my Auntie clapped for me!”

Luciana smiled shyly. Her sparkling purple eyes curved like a half-moon.

It washed away her fatigue.

Then Daisy pushed the silver container filled with paint toward them. The brush and water were already prepared.

Daisy picked up one color and spoke gently.

“Let’s draw!”

“Yup! Rappi is going to draw everything! Oh, today I’ll draw this too!”

River turned around and took an apple out of his messenger bag.

Not only that, he took out other objects while mumbling something.

“Tree leaves are yellow and green. Quill pen is white.”

It seemed to be the stuff that he wanted to draw.

Unlike River, Luciana just stared at Daisy.

Huh? Daisy saw Luciana looking at her intently, so she asked gently.

“Luciana, what are you going to draw?”

“Um…I’m just going to draw scenery.”

Ah…she wants to draw scenery. I got my hopes up for nothing.

Swallowing her disappointment, Daisy smiled at her.

“Do you want to draw outside? It looks pretty these days. Did you see the leaves turn orange?”

“Yes, but…”

Luciana slurred the end of her words and gestured to Daisy to come closer.

Her soft cheeks were turning pink.

As Daisy leaned over, Luciana put her finger on her own lips. Soon, as if she were sharing a secret, she whispered loudly,

“I’ll draw a lot, and if I can draw well, can I draw Auntie?”