I Became The Mother Of The Male Lead's Children

Chapter 28

Chapter 28

I received a report.

Daisy went to Jeffrey and Frederick and asked for information about the Knights. She also invited Jeffrey to the mansion the day after tomorrow.

At first, I wanted to ask Jeffrey about her reasons, but I decided to send him out after I had heard enough of his report.

‘It’s better to ask in person.’

Jeffrey’s explanation won’t help me understand the situation.

That’s how unpredictable Daisy is.

Carlyx woke up and headed to Luciana’s room like usual. A lovely smile played on her mouth as she hugged her rabbit doll tightly.

‘You must not have had nightmares today.’

What a relief.

A relieved smile spread over his mouth. He stayed there for a long time before turning around.

Next, he went to River’s room.


Carlyx lowered his head to see the source of that sound. He stepped on a sheet of paper lying on the floor.

I heard you drew pictures with Belia. I guess this must be it.

However, Carlyx’s eyes trembled after he picked up the paper. There were five people drawn on the white paper.

Himself, River, Luciana, Vera, and Daisy.

‘Daisy is smiling brightly while I’m expressionless.’

Clearly, unlike him, Daisy was drawn with a kind smile on her face.

Carlyx carefully looked at the other images. Vera was stained with ink, perhaps he accidentally smeared it while drawing. The line was also crooked.

The last one, Luciana, was looking at River with a heroic expression. A yellow cape fluttered on her shoulder as she posed so dignifiedly.

Only Luciana was colored with paint.

“…River, your drawing skills aren’t bad.”

River, hugging Tino tightly on his arms, also wore a similar expression to Luciana’s.

He smiled in relief again as he placed the picture he was holding next to the sleeping River.

Again, he stayed there for quite some time.

It was already past 5 am when Carlyx left the mansion. Walking to the stables, he suddenly stopped mid-stride.

“Why are you here?”

The sky reflected the predawn darkness. Leaves tinged with light green and orange were flying between them.

Today was too chilly to call it summer, and too warm to call autumn.

A peculiar feeling fitting to that kind of season enveloped him.

“I just want to know.”

Daisy stepped from the shadow. Even in the dark, her beautiful blonde hair was blown about by a cool wind. His heart sank as he noted her determined expression and confident posture.

“A profession where one risks his life to go out and save people. I want to learn about knights.”

She’s out of her mind. She’s crazy!

He was taken aback by her strong curiosity.

“So, tell me, Carlyx.” Daisy said, her features shining even in the dark.

Alone this early in the morning, holding a wooden sword with such determination. There’s no way that she’s sane.

“….Please go back. It’s cold.”

The perplexed Carlyx replied a beat late after finally returning to his senses. However, his cold words did not shake her.

“It’s not that cold. You don’t think I’m very smart, do you?”

“No. It’s because you’ll only suffer.”

“Then you just don’t want to teach me.”

“I’m not…”

Carlyx breathed a small sigh, and added as calmly as possible.

“I’m not interested. I have to train alone from now until 6 AM.”

Carlyx inhaled again, and turned his eyes toward her.

“You’re getting in the way. I have a fixed schedule that I must follow.”

“I know. Just 20 minutes. We can fully utilize the time we have.”

“I refuse.”

“You can easily get back the 20 minutes you lost by finishing your lunch faster.”

“I want to eat leisurely.”

Geez, you won’t give in at all.

Shluk- The wooden sword sharply penetrated the ground, and Daisy leaned toward him.

A distinctive friendly smile spread over her face.

“Don’t you want to know? The reason why I called Jeffrey and Logan separately?”

Perhaps it was an unexpected remark, but Carlyx’s gaze found Daisy again.

And he took a step toward her.

“Did you call Logan, too?”

Daisy nodded. As expected, Logan didn’t tell him about it.

For some reason, she imagined Logan said ‘I’ll do anything for my friend’ and winked.

Daisy tried to suppress her laughter as she held the wooden sword again.

“If you want to know, give me 20 minutes of your time. Then I’ll tell you.”

The reason why I called Logan and Jeffrey separately. And the reason I sent a letter to Xandervan, which he still didn’t know yet.

There was no reason to hide it. Rather, I must tell him everything.

Carlyx straightened his bearing. Soon he stood next to Daisy with a resigned look.

“Your posture is wrong.”

A large, reliable hand wrapped Daisy’s pale hand.

His warmth touched her. Unlike his chilly voice, he touched her fingers with a gentle movement.

“Your thumb shouldn’t be like this, Daisy.”

His clear but warm tone resounded in Daisy’s ears.

“Again, fix your grip.”

Fifteen minutes later, Daisy gasped for breath as she was drenched in sweat.

Throughout the quarter hour, many thoughts passed through her mind.

Should I not have come?

Even though I knew it was a necessary process, I have no choice but to think about it.

‘What an insensitive guy.’

I know that he’s meticulous, but I didn’t suspect it would be this severe.

During those 15 minutes, Carlyx didn’t allow Daisy even a few seconds of rest.

Adjusting posture and grip, swinging the wooden sword, and spinning around.

After that he wanted her to spar with him using a wooden sword.

“Wait— why do you want to fight someone who’s never held a sword before?”

Finally getting a break, Daisy gasped and leaned against the stable wall. She slid down against the wall and sat on the ground.

She could feel Carlyx’s gaze fixed on her.

‘That gaze irks me.’

Daisy muttered inwardly, and glared sharply at Carlyx as if waiting for his reply. A moment later, he spoke shamelessly.

“I just spent 20 minutes efficiently. You wanted to know about knights, and I just did my best to provide that information. You should be grateful instead of grumbling like that.”

Tch, he is good at talking.

Daisy took another breath before bowing her head. Exactly five seconds later, Carlyx instructed.

“Get up. We have four minutes left.”

“Yes. Four minutes left.”

The hellish 20 minutes finally came to an end.

Humph. Daisy took a deep breath and exhaled.

In the first place, I didn’t mean to take his time for a long time.

I know I need to find the right time to do this. And when the opportunity presents itself, I have to persuade him.

Even if I can’t persuade him, I have to talk to him somehow.

“I told you to get up. You’re the one who asked me to teach you.”

“No. The 20 minutes that I proposed includes a conversation.”

Daisy got up from her place and looked straight at Carlyx. The sound of her breathing returned to its original state, and her voice also returned to normal.

“Carlyx. The reason I called Logan and Jeffrey is because…”

A moment of silence passed between the two.

Daisy clenched her fist.

I have no idea how he will react to this.

Angry. He might be angry.

Still, I have to say it.

“What is the reason?”

“…To change the system in the Zistanter Knightly Order.”

“What are you talking about?”

A chill swept down Daisy’s spine. She knew what this eerie change in the air meant.

She felt it every time there was a drastic change in Carlyx’s mood.

“No matter how much I believe in you and follow what you want, the Knightly Order is a different matter.”

His calm voice was icy. His purple eyes, which seemed to suck one in, shook for a moment.

But he quickly regained his composure and focused his attention on her.

Daisy’s body stiffened as if bound by those eyes. Fortunately, she was able to squeeze out her voice.

“You’re right. But the reason why you can be a marquis is mainly because of the Knights of Zistanter. I can’t say that it has nothing to do with what I want to do.”

“The Knightly Order of Zistanter belongs to the Marquis of Jean, and I’m the one who leads the Order. But actually, it belongs to the Imperial family, and not you. Strictly speaking, it belongs to the Emperor of Avalrevan.”

Carlyx took a step forward to stand right in front of Daisy. Now there was only a few centimeters’ distance between them.

Daisy clenched her fists. Her sweaty hands paled under the sudden pressure.

“Didn’t you say it yourself? You’re the one who leads the Order.”

You are the Marquis of Jean.

Even if she didn’t say it aloud, Carlyx understood the meaning.

“…Then tell me first. What system do you intend to change?”

His usual tone returned slightly at the end of his question.

Daisy hid her trembling hands behind her. Now she was able to breathe.

“First, I plan to provide them with nutritious meals. And I want to have a doctor on stand-by while they are training, depending on their situation.”

Carlyx’s eyes grew bigger, apparently surprised by her proposal. But she wasn’t finished.

“To do that, we need to change the most basic things first. You must let those who believe in you and follow you remain by your side, and remove those who don’t.”


“Select those who have an outstanding performance and give them a reward every month. Give additional private lessons to those who have improved their skills.”

As she continued, Carlyx’s expression darkened. The corners of his mouth stiffened and his forehead furrowed.

He stared at her steadily with an icy look.

“A fancy meal will be served to one person who scored the most during sparring—”

“I don’t want to.”
