I Became Cinderella's Vicious Stepsister

Chapter 78

The two looked at each other in the dim light.

He could not see, but Liu Yu felt that he was clearly using his extremely keen perception to perceive himself bit by bit.

Eyes, nose, mouth, clavicle


At this time, a sharp, high pitched bird song suddenly sounded.

A grey finch flutters its wings and dives from top to bottom:

[babe! Spot cross ~ match! Spot cross ~ match! ]

Liu Yu:

[spotted found a beautiful bird, especially beautiful! ]

the spots seemed to be too excited to stop and kept circling Liu Yu.

All right, there's no heat left.

"when you say hello to the birds, you turn your eyes gently? How many worms have you caught? "

A disgusted expression appeared on his small, furry face: "ouch, who wants to eat worms? Are you stupid, babe? ]

"this is Your bird? "

Gaia was curious.

"Spot --!"

[ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah Mr. Leslie!!! It's Mr. Leslie!!! The great Knight of the stars!!! Spot good happiness! ]

the spot screams like a stimulant.

[babe, you must have been dating Mr. Leslie! This charming smell ]

the grey spotted finch circled around the two people, and did not know that its owner would like to shave off its feathers.

When it turned to Gaia, it suddenly made a dive -

Oh, it was coming into contact with Mr. Leslie's delicious meat!

At this moment, a tender white hand grasped its wings precisely:

"eh? You can't be rude to others

She gave it a terrible smile.

All of a sudden, the spots withered.


[babe One, just one Let spot feel the embrace of Mr. Leslie ]

Liu Yu pressed it on her shoulder without any expression and brushed a handful of bird feathers heavily before answering Gaia's previous question:

"yes, it's that bird."

"May I touch it?"

The voice of the noble Mr. Leslie's voice, which fell into his ears, was almost the sound of nature.

[of course! unable to hold oneself back! ]

he was dazzled as if he was drunk and thought: ah, how could there be such a perfect man in the world that would fascinate birds. If you can, mottled hopes to be drunk forever in this gentle human male eye.

"Sorry --"

[oh no! ]

the shrieks of heart broken make Liu Yu's refusal impossible to say.

Looking at the tears in black bean's eyes, Liu Yu reluctantly thought, forget it, just this time, I hope there won't be any trouble

She still remembers that on the day she and Gaia met for the first time, the memory bead appeared abnormal - although later, it did not appear again.

"Of course." She carefully took Gaia's hand and asked him to touch the speckled feathers, and planned to stop him if there was something wrong. "You have to be gentle. It's very shy."

[Oh! Mr Leslie! Push! Please push ]

pout the bird's buttocks.

Liu Yu:

This unruly bird.

Fortunately, Gaia's contact with dappled did not appear abnormal, but the shameless male bird, by no means flattering, got a smile from Mr. Leslie, and then successfully climbed to Mr. Leslie's shoulder.

"It's lovely."

"Oh, yes, of course." Liu Yu nodded with a smile, "let's go back. It's been too long."

Anyway, with such a noisy electric lamp, nothing can be done.

Gaia followed her most of the time. He took her hand naturally, and they walked to the cave.

The team around the bonfire became very large, and the white envoys and paladins came off. Obviously, this game from Romulus made them very novel, and they could hear the bustle and noise from afar.

The professors and Mr. Arnold sat in front of another smaller bonfire and drank quietly.

"Back at last."

Professor Edward was the first to see them. He squeezed his eyes at them and raised his glass to Gaia. "Mr. Leslie, would you like a drink?"

Prof. Lovell also looked up, but half of the smile on his face froze.

She seems to have seen the most incredible thing in the world, with her pupils dilated:

" The omnipotent God came with his gray bird. In the night, the fragrance of poppy is floating. But God smiles at the craftyArchbishop Arnold said softly God fell into a trap composed of flower juice and lies. From then on, greed, * * and jealousy, like omnipresent vines, entangled him tightly... "

Professor Lovell trembled.

"Professor Lovell? Mr. Arnold? What's the matter with you? "

Professor Edward looked at them strangely.

Lord Arnold first came to his senses. There was a pitiful pallor on his face similar to Gaia. He poured a glass of wine and said:

" Nothing. "

Prof. Lovell is also waking up. In the past, the couple who just came in had already sat in the group of young people, and they didn't look any different. She patted her face to cheer herself up. How could it be? It was just a story handed down from unofficial history.

Liu Yu and Gaia have sat in the crowd.

The gods have given them a place, and it's amazing that she, Gaia, Natasi, and Prince Carlo are sitting the same way they were last time in Emerald Forest - except for a little Lewis.

Prince Carlo took out the gold card in the light, exquisite as a work of art.

“…… The rules are very simple. In this set of cards, there is a king and a slave

When he opened the cards, the king's golden crown was vivid, and the slave's gray clothes were like rags in a foul ditch.

“…… The rest are civilians and aristocrats. Those who draw slaves are at the mercy of the king. He had to answer the king's questions or fulfill the other's demands. Of course, there is only one choice, whether it is a question or a request. "

Liu Yu thought, it's really simple.

The common people and the nobles were accompanying, but the king and the slave were very interesting.

"That sounds interesting. Do you want to play, Gaia?"

Almost half of the people present couldn't help looking at the young people sitting there. He looks like Archbishop Arnold, but I don't know why, in his light, the cardinal Arnold's red dress seems to be insignificant.

They can only see him.


He nodded.

The card was quickly washed by a beautiful and clean female saint, and put it in front of Gaia. Liu Yu felt that she was familiar with the card. After reading it for a long time, Liu Yu remembered that on the first day they came back from Fergus's home, they saw this one in Bruce's Office room: Sophia.

Gaia pulls one and opens it.


There was a cry.

Prince Carlo congratulated him: "Mr. Leslie is very lucky."

Cards are drawn clockwise.

Liu Yu opens: aristocracy.

Not bad.

She doesn't like being a slave.

The last natashi is clockwise. She opens it. She is really a slave.

All the people in the room have smoked, but this one is missing.

Liu Yu wanted to compare her middle finger to the sky, and she was really persistent in trying to match up. Unfortunately, there was no sky in the cave.

"The king can ask the slave a question, or ask for it. If the slaves refuse, they must be punished. "

Natashi's brown eyes glistened on the silver haired youth and turned into water:

"Mr. Leslie, please say so."

Gaia sat quietly. He didn't think of anything. He said:

"if you can, please bring belia a a glass of water. She's a little thirsty."

Natashi's powdery face turned white to the naked eye.

She stood up in a hurry, looking confused: "I-I'll go to Professor Lovell for it."

"The knight of the stars, how cruel you are to treat a girl who loves you so much."

Sophia opposite to smile shuffle, Liu Yu but from her eyes to see the flame like light.

Oh, No.

Another girl in the trouser legs.

Liu Yu casually supported his chin, but in his mind he thought of those gorgeous young girls under the seat of the God of light.

Yes, love, he never lacks.

Human beings, non-human beings, and even the whole world have given him incomparable piety and deepest love.

Gaia nodded politely:

"I'm sorry, but I don't think I'm responsible for the admiration of other people except my lover."

There was silence.

In this way, it would be very impolite in an aristocratic society which stresses grace and moderation.

But Gaia Leslie said that, it makes people feel that he "impolite" very attractive.

Liu Yu admitted that she was pleased.

No woman would refuse such flattery -

and Gaia never flattered.

He has always been Frank.

Natashi came with her water cup in her eyes. Her hands trembled so much that she could hardly hold the cup"Sister belia, your water."

"Thank you."

Liu Yu took it, touched his lips with meaning and put it aside.

Thirsty as she was, she didn't want to drink it.

No reason.

Natashi looked at her and sat back.

"Go on."

In the last round, the slave was the first to overturn.




Prince Carlo's flop.

One by one in the middle.




Liu Yu continued to run with him.

There is only one slave left, Gaia flops:


Sophia was very aggressive and said:

"please kiss the king."

It was a wonderful invitation. The lady of Sophia looked pure and clean. It was a pleasure for any man present, and they would gladly take it.

But Liu Yu immediately saw the disgust between Gaia's eyebrows.

He said almost immediately:

"I choose punishment."

Sophia's face turned white:

"Lord star, it's just a kiss."

"I choose punishment."

Gaia insisted.

Prince Carlo brought ten glasses of highland barley wine from the side:

"finish it in two minutes."

Highland barley wine is a kind of high-purity wine in this world. It is strong and spicy when it enters the throat. One glass of wine can be poured into a tough man, and ten cups can go down

The moment Carlo's words fall, Gaia has picked up the glass.

He drank slowly, but he was very fast. The wide cuffs of Xingyue robe were flying. Liu Yu watched his sexy throat knot slide. The bonfire reflected on the face like ice sculpture, like a beating love and desire.

Liu Yu was stabbed and squinted.

After ten cups, Gaia's face turned white and his gray eyes covered with a layer of vapor, which made him look more delicious.

He's not down yet.

Just reach out and flop:


It seemed that luck suddenly stopped caring for the incarnation of the noble God.



”Nobility. "


Liu Yu overturned:


She looked at Sophia with pride, and decided to declare sovereignty to her half way rival:

"ask slaves to kiss the king."

The slave seemed not to hear clearly and shook his head:

"bei Leia? "

His white face was covered with a thin layer of blush, and his long and narrow eyelids drooped lazily, and his eyes were in a daze, which made him look like a child.

“…… What? "

"Ask the slave to kiss the king."

Liu Yu approached to tell this obviously drunk man that she was a king. Unexpectedly, she was hugged and deeply kissed.

“…… Hello

What she expected was just a quick kiss. But what he got was a kiss to the extreme. He held her face in his hand and refused to let her leave. He opened her lips like a fresh lychee shell, trying to peel off all her emotions and reveal them to the sky.

She beat him, "let go, let go."

The voice was vague.

After struggling for a long time, they separated. When separated, the labial burning pain, do not need to see to know, must be bitten.

At the same time, he was looking at her with a pure face.

"Slave, kiss the king."

He said.

Liu Yu's heart of the Long embankment, like the surging tide constantly washed.



Women, she thought, are always so superficial.

A handsome and extraordinary face, a pair of gifted physique, plus you must sweet talk, and no one can match the status and ability, is enough to let you abandon your armor.

The levee, hold on.