I Became a Witch in a World Full of Urban Legends

CH 110

Lu Yibei went back upstairs to sleep. He tossed and turned, unable to sleep. Something seemed to nag at him in his mind.

It seems that Jumang, or at least a subordinate of Jumang, is pursuing him.

‘Should I just take advantage of the situation and stab her a couple more times to make sure she’s dead? So that nothing bad happens in the future?’

His eyes slowly drifted to the kitchen knife that rested on his desk, and his eyes darkened.

Holding the knife in his hand with his back against the wall, he approached the staircase quietly.

Just as he reached the middle of the stairs, a bad premonition rose in his heart and his eyes started to burn slightly. It seems that some of his power was returning to him after the girl suppressed it.

Standing still on the stairs, he was suddenly in a trance. The next moment, the scenery started to shift and melt before being blown away by an unknown wind.

‘When was the light on?’

The dark apartment was suddenly lit up, and Lu Yibei was stunned for a moment. When he came back to his senses, he shook his head violently.

‘No. What I just saw was what she wanted me to see.’

This is a big problem. Surely, she wouldn’t take revenge on him, being weakened and all.

However, she didn’t. He must be safe for now.

Thinking about it, Yibei silently pinned the knife on his waist, restrained the bad premonitions in his heart, and walked down the stairs.

Yibei couldn’t help but be stunned upon walking into the living room.

On the sofa were a few pillows stacked on top of each other, and the network cables hugged a vaguely human figure.

When he decided to touch the figure, a laugh burst from his side.

“Hah!” the girl laughed and pointed at him mockingly. She couldn’t believe he fell for the oldest trick in the book.

He felt shame, but he didn’t reveal it. It was only then that his eyes landed on the girl’s figure that leaned by his window sill.

She had already removed the towel and put on her emerald dress. The broken glass in the room was all cleaned up, and sitting by the window, under the faint moonlight, she crushed another piece of his charm into pieces and sprinkled the powder on her still-bleeding wound.

The black mask was placed beside her, and the girl’s skirt was slightly open. Her delicate collarbone extended to her shoulders, outlining a shallow yet intoxicating figure. Her chest framed her petite body perfectly, and she is perfect.

Emerald hair hung loosely beside her, and it fluttered as if there was wind in the room.

As soon as the powder hits her wound, it generates a thick, emerald mist that envelops her in its cool current.

The more he watched her, the more he felt as if he were tipsy on peach blossom wine.

He forced himself to return to his senses.

She’s still a monster, he thought to himself. ‘She wanted to kill me.’

Thinking about it, he restrained his urge to continue looking at the girl and walked straight towards the pillows on the sofa.

Sensing that Lu Yibei had turned back, the girl stopped what she was doing, frowned, and secretly watched his every move.

Lu Yibei walked to the sofa without looking at her and muttered, with his back turned to her, “Is there anything I can help you with? Anything to help you feel comfortable?”

The girl couldn’t help but chuckle.

Is this person a fool? The girl thought with a smile on her face.

“It’s not funny!” he said out loud. “I actually came to apologise to you. I know you can kill me with a single thought, but I’m still alive. That has to mean something. It’s embarrassing to say, but I’m scared of dying.”

The girl continued to laugh like the currents of a mountainous river, and he couldn’t help but feel relieved listening to her laugh.

According to Shui, making a woman laugh means you’ve already won half the battle. The other half all depends on luck.

Now, it was to quell the beast within her by offering “sacrifices” and letting her “reluctantly” forgive you.

The girl may be an ancient being, but she is still a woman. Shui’s charming tactics have never failed.

“I hurt you, and I’ll find a way to help you,” he breathed out. “But you can’t be mad at me! I was just defending myself, right?”

“I guess you’re right!” she teased.

Despite her easygoing appearance, she was anxious, and she wanted to return to her domain as soon as possible after recovering.

If she were to leave now, she may encounter danger, like the Night Division or other urban legends. If she were to be caught in a vulnerable state, she would be in trouble.

In fact, she knew countless were coveted after her core. She couldn’t say for sure that the boy before her wanted it as well.

Rather than take the risk of leaving, she decided to stay. The kid may have been awkward, but his heart was good.

“Since you agreed with me, then…”

“Then, what?”

‘Then I’ll kill you!’

However, he couldn’t find a way to sneakily attack her. She was sitting right beside him, after all.

‘Should I stab her now or threaten her? She’ll see me coming, right? But she’s injured, and…’

“Could you explain why you tied me up?”

As soon as this remark came out, Lu Yibei felt as if a hammer had just fallen on him.

“Ah, well…” he hesitated to speak, feeling awkward.

‘Is she implying that I love seeing her tied up? I’m not a pervert!’

“Oh my god, you’re sweating,” the girl pointed out. “Whatever, I don’t want to hear it, haha! You probably wanted to play with me when I’m weak, right?”

“I know what you think. You are worried that I will be bad for you, so you want to control me when I am weak, right?”


“I appreciate the human instinct to survive. You probably weren’t thinking straight,” she smiled. “You didn’t take advantage of me to stab me, and you’re treating me well.”

As the girl spoke, she jumped off the window sill and walked over to pat his shoulder.

This gesture warmed his heart, and he could feel it flutter. However, she knew a “but” was about to appear in her statement.

True enough, her hand rubbed his shoulder as she whispered in his ear, “But I am a thousand-year-old being. I know what you’re trying to do.”

She started to poke at the knife concealed in his waistband.

“What’s worse is that I’m not your enemy in the first place; the Night Division is. You’re housing urban legends under your roof, and that is explicitly prohibited by the Night Division. Five of them, in fact.”

‘How does she know? Did they come back while he was upstairs? Did she…’

“You…” Yibei breathed out.

“Of course, I ate them!” she exclaimed. “I’m injured! I need to eat to heal!”

Lu Yibei’s face paled slightly, and there was a burst of anger in his heart. Just when he was about to get angry, he heard the girl say, “I’m lying to you. I just locked them up in the refrigerator.”

“Why are you looking at me like that?” she pouted. “A bunch of little guys just broke into your home, and I’m supposed to just welcome them in?”

He remained silent.

“Alright, let’s talk business,” the girl said. “For the next few days, you will help me collect five cores to help me recover from my injuries, and…”

“Five? Excuse me?”

He managed to get the core of four urban legends before and almost lost his life because of it. Now that she was asking for five, it was time to bargain for his life!

“It’s not a one-way transaction,” she assured. “Don’t you want to know about psychic powers? Or questions about urban legends? I can answer it all; I know everything.”

“More than the Night Division?”

“Well, I’m sure you don’t have the clearance to read everything in the Night Division Records,” she smiled. “What do you say?”

“What if I refuse?”

“Can’t help it. I’ll just drag both of us to the Night Division. I’m a wanted criminal, and you’re harbouring a wanted criminal in your house.”

This kid is so cowardly. A meaningless threat like this will have him folding, the girl thought.

“F*ck, fine. But five cores are too much for me to find.”

“I know. I don’t expect a weak kid like you to collect them quickly,” the girl said. “So, I have another condition.”

‘Not another unequal treaty… You surely are a thousand-year-old scammer.’

“What is it?”

“It’s not hard at all!” She brought her hands up in mock surrender as if reading his thoughts. “I just need you to help me find somebody in Huacheng, and you’ll have somebody helping you.”

After all, she is a benevolent goddess.

“Okay, what does that person look like?”

“An urban legend, to be exact, or a Witch—short, a 14- or 15-year-old girl with stunted development and long pink and white hair, and she was wearing…”

The more Yibei listened to her description, the more he felt that something was wrong.

“Oh! Right, and she was wearing a coat similar to the one you’re wearing! Must be a popular brand. Her main characteristics are obvious, so it shouldn’t be too hard to find her.”

“Right. Not hard at all.”

‘I can guarantee that you won’t be finding her at all!’ he yelled out inwardly.

However, if she were to stay here, then she’d be staying overnight, which means…

She’ll definitely find out when night falls again.