I Am The Queen

9 Chapter 7

As expected, the news that Daniel and Evangeline broke up spread like wildfire, surprising no one. The only people said that it was about time that Daniel broke up with her.

Daniel and Sisley remained as friends. Too guilty for what they did. Besides that, Daniel still had lingering feelings for Evangeline. But as of now, Sisley dominated his entire heart.

Daniel never spoke to Evangeline after that. He was too ashamed and embarra.s.sed to even talk to her. He had girlfriends in the past, and not once did he break his code of loyalty. He never dared cheated nor entertained the thought of it, until today that is, which was an accident, a slip of emotion.

Thus, he didn't know what he should do. He even changed seat with Max and now was seated beside Sisley while Max had the unfortunate privilege to sat beside the Queen.

Of course, he knew that he was the one in the wrong and his priority was to apologize to Evangeline. But how exactly – I had no idea.

Just having to glanced at the icy woman was enough to make him cringed in shame and guilt much less talk to her.

Daniel didn't like the feeling he was having now. His mind was too hang up with complicated emotions that he couldn't control. Every day, he thought that he could never live with the guilt and shame and the fallout from his integrity.

He didn't like the feeling and swore that he wouldn't ever cheat again. It was not worth it.

What he had lost outweigh the gain. His values and honor crumbled. It was like he had lost himself, causing him to be traumatized by his actions.

I have to apologize to her!

Daniel thought that by apologizing to Evangeline would elevate some of his guilt and bring back something that he had lost.

Sisley too tried everything to avoid Evangeline. However, even though she didn't say it, besides the guilt and shame, she felt thrilled.

Happy that she could be even closer to Daniel now.

But of course, after that incident, they mellowed down. They kept their secret meetups to a minimum mostly for the reason they didn't want to ruin their reputation at school.

They secretly thanked Evangeline that she didn't spread rumors about what exactly happened.

Well, even if she did, no one would believe her. And who would she spread the rumors to? She didn't have any friends at school.

At first, Daniel wanted to talk to Evangeline. To say sorry and asked for forgiveness. Breaking up in good terms and that to ask her to keep what happened at that time a secret. Mostly because he didn't want Sisley to be the object of scorn and hate, he also didn't want to ruin his status. Since after all, he still came from a respectable royal lineage.

But as the days goes on, it was becoming harder and harder to even speak to Evangeline. It was even harder to glanced at her without feeling embarra.s.sed and shame much less talk to her.

Thus, the days went by. And since Evangeline didn't spread any rumors, Daniel let it go.

Daniel knew that Evangeline didn't like to gossip, not because she was a nice kind woman, he knew she was far from that. It was because Evangeline didn't care about anyone except herself.

Meanwhile, the students go on with their rustling and bustling and cursing about the outcome of the sports fest which the management course came out fourth place from the last because Evangeline forfeited every match.

The management students were all angry at her. If not for the boys, especially Daniel and Max's effort, their business management department would have come out last. And that would be humiliating!

"Hey, do you know the latest rumor about our rotten Queen?" One of the girls whispered.

"What is it?"

"Look at this."

A group of students huddled around a phone that the girl brought out. There was an old man giving money to a beautiful mesmerizing woman at a park around night.

The students gasped and held their mouth.

The girls snickered while the boys glanced at each other in disbelief.

"Turns out, this Evangeline is a s.l.u.t who will prost.i.tute herself to old men for money."

"But she's rich." One of the guys immediately defended.

"Don't you know that she's been disowned by her father? And now that Daniel was no longer her boyfriend, who do you think will sustain her luxurious lifestyle? I'm sure she's using the money she got from those old men since her father wouldn't give her anymore, and she can no longer extort money from Daniel." The girls sneered and continued to giggle and gossiped.

The boys shut their lips. There was logic to that. Two years ago at exactly Evangeline's eighteenth birthday, the world was shocked when Mr. Krisnov, CEO, and owner of FROZEN international brand announced that Evangeline would no longer be her daughter.

No one knew why she was disowned. People dismissed it for the reason that the respectable business tyc.o.o.n finally couldn't handle his estranged daughter's personality and cruel ways.

"Well, it's most likely... You see, I saw her one time with a group of thugs."

"Really? Do you have a picture?"

"Yeah. Wait, it's on my phone."

Then the students hurdled again, and one of the girls flashed her phone.

In the screen, Evangeline could be seen together with a group of boys with tattoos and unusual colored hairs and big bikes, it was like they were – a biker gang.

Evangeline was prettily sitting like an Empress while holding a bottle that seemed like a beer while the boys laughed merrily around her.

"Wow, I didn't know that she was this heartbroken after Daniel dumped her. She would even hang out with goons now."



Amidst the gossiping crowds, a lone woman with fluttering wavy lavender hair was sitting beside the window as she watched the scenery outside, oblivious and not a care in the world.

Evangeline held her chin like always and watched as the leaves fell on the ground, changing colors as the season turned to Autumn. The cold air signaling for the end of summer.

Evangeline didn't care one bit about the rumors nor gossips circulating around her, nor care about the man diagonally behind her, nor anyone else. At this moment, all her thoughts were occupied by her love ones.

Her furry, lovable pets.

Spring, the cute fluffy hamster. Summer, the hot-blooded energetic pink piglet. Fall, her prim and proper Maine c.o.o.n cat and Winter, her white lazy-cozy Alaskan Malamute.

Evangeline sighed and couldn't help but worry if those boys have already fed and bathed them.

The wind blew which made Evangeline's long lashes quivered. She blinked, and when she opened her eyes, below the second story of the four-story business management building, she saw that messy-haired guy.

Evangeline's eyes narrowed, her pupils constricted at the man. He was removing his black thick-rimmed eyegla.s.ses, wiping it with his clothes.

Eric seemed to noticed that someone was observing him. He looked up, and like the wind knew its cue – blew his messy thick black hair away from his face.

Evangeline didn't blink even when the wind stung her eyes. Her vision remained captivated by those silver poles hidden behind that long thick lashes and messy hair and gla.s.ses.

She didn't even know that she was already holding her breath.

Eric blinked.

He wanted to know who it was that was looking at him – but all he saw were blurs.

He put on his eyegla.s.ses and saw a woman of fire and ice.

A G.o.ddess that looked down upon the mortal world.

He didn't give it much thought as he arranged his backpack on his shoulder and began walking towards the building.