I Am The Queen

5 Chapter 3

Two months pa.s.sed by peacefully and it was time for Unmei Academy's summer end exam.

After that would be the school's popular annual sports compet.i.tion where each department would compete in varying athletic games for victory.

Although the Academy was big and had countless rooms and facilities, the amount of college students taken in each course was just numbered about forty, and usually separated in two cla.s.s based on credit standing.

That just showed how extremely difficult it was to get in. Without a recommendation from the Academy or backing or influence, your name wouldn't even appear in the list of examinees for the entrance exam.

But of course, the elementary and high school division were entirely different. Each level had their own buildings and games and never intermingled with the upper and lower levels. Furthermore, the screening for the elementary and high school division were not that strict compared to the college level.

That was why the Academy had more teenagers in high school and kids in elementary than adults in college.

Since the college student's numbers were low, the rules allowed for one person to play multiple games, as long as that person didn't exhaust himself given that it was just going to be a one-day affair.


After much sleepless nights and brain exhaustion, the summer end exam had finally ended.

In the s.p.a.cious hallway inside the colossal college administrative building, a group of students huddled in front of the announcement board.

There was an endless list plastered on the board showing the students ranking from the summer end exam, arranged per course.

The student body wanted to display the list for the sole purpose of motivating the undergraduates to study harder. After all, everyone wanted their names carved on the top ten list for all to see.

Evangeline smirked when her eyes ran through the list, musing that it was all a bluffed, hiding the true main goal of boosting the student counsel's popularity. All the members of the student council were on that top list.

It's nothing but a farce.

The students immediately gave way at the sight of Evangeline approaching. Though most were angry and annoyed at her, none actually dared to be antagonistic nor rude towards her out in the open. Not to mention that she still had the backing of a powerful business tyc.o.o.n even though she was disowned. Furthermore, you'd get tongue twisted from just her icy, intimidating presence alone.

It's better to stay back than humiliate yourself.

As usual, the girls felt jealous at the beautiful woman, looking all mesmerizing in her turtleneck fitted sleeveless shirt and high waist fitted slacks with a long linen blazer draped around her bare shoulders, complete with expensive accessories down to her million-dollar backpack and shoes. Her beautiful silky lavender hair was tied in a high ponytail while her face was blushed in a perfect 'red carpet' make up.

The boys kept eying her, especially that plump b.r.e.a.s.t.s, dainty waist, and round b.u.t.tocks.

They gulped when they caught her scent. A dangerous, tempting aroma of milk, honey, and peaches.

So tempting!

But of course, all they could do was look. They hadn't forgotten those guys who confessed to her before Daniel came along. Those boys had to transfer schools ever since she humiliated them in front of the whole students no less.

Meanwhile, Evangeline remained oblivious to it all. She made one final glanced at the board before turning around and swayed out of the hall.

"Geez. I hate her. A wannabe Queen when all she is, just a nasty pretty face." One of the girls murmured while some nodded in approval.

"Yeah, just look at her name plastered on the lowest rank. The second year management course has about forty students, and she's on the very last. How humiliating is that?"

The girls smirked and agreed readily until one of them hushed the other, pointing at that lone dashing man who was frowning at the side. His hands inside his pockets, his back slumped as he turned around and walked towards the direction where Evangeline had left.

"Oh my G.o.d. That's Daniel. Did he hear me talking bad about his girlfriend just now?"

The girls immediately felt embarra.s.sed and shame. It was one thing to insult Evangeline, but Daniel is a good man. No one wanted to hurt his feelings. And who would be happy if someone was talking bad about your girlfriend behind her back?

"Don't worry guys. Daniel and that b.i.t.c.h will break up soon." One of the ladies confidently sneered as she flashed out her phone.

"What made you say that?"

"Look at this. This is a picture of that b.i.t.c.h shoving a kid. I don't know when this happened, but rumors say that it happened on their date. Daniel was so angry at her and stormed off leaving her behind."

"Ahahaha, such an evil woman. She even hurt a kid. What a cruel terrible witch. I hope Daniel breaks up with her soon. Such a waste of good man."



Meanwhile, at the side, the guys stared at each other, secretly shaking their heads.

Women when jealous sure are venomous.

They felt a little sorry for Evangeline. Other than the opinions of the girls, the boys thought otherwise. Yes, she was cruel and had a horrible personality, but Evangeline never crossed someone unless that someone crossed her first or that someone had the unfortunate luck to b.u.mped into her.

The men sighed and shook their heads.

When a girl couldn't compete against a woman, she would talk and gossip behind that woman's back.

Amidst the invincible battling of opinions in the air, Sisley remained oblivious to it all. Her eyes focused on the back of that lonely man who just walked out.

After much self-talk, deliberation, and hesitation, she finally decided to follow him.