I Am The Queen

18 Chapter 16

"There's a twenty-four hour opened café there." Eric pointed towards a modern chick café, five meters away from the bike rack. Then he pointed at a mega wide construction across the street.

"I'll just be there." He said merely, and without a second glance, he walked crossing the street towards the construction site.

In truth, Evangeline was still in a state of disbelief and inner turmoil. Her eyes followed the back of that man with messy black hair.

Somehow she felt lonely.


What is wrong with me?

You're not acting yourself, Evangeline!

She didn't entertain the thoughts anymore and dismissed it, thinking because it was the first time that she encountered a man like Eric.

With reclaim poise and grace, she sashayed towards Snow café.

She didn't understand why she wanted to wait for Eric no matter the cost. Didn't understand why she wanted him to submit to her so badly. And before she even noticed it, she already became obsessed with the idea. She dismissed it all as nothing but a game. Nothing but a new kind of entertainment to challenge her ego.

Inside, she was surprised to find that the café looked cozy and elegant with sofas, comfortable couches, gla.s.s table, carpeted floors, and modern paintings and fresh greeneries and flowers decorated here and there. There was also a wooden stair with gla.s.s railing going up to the second floor.

She ordered a cup of tea and went to the next floor. She chose a seat on the balcony where the construction site which Eric work could be seen.

Her eyes immediately scanned the place, hoping to see the man. But of course, the whole construction site was covered by nets and towering metal gates, making it impossible to see what was going on inside. And with all the darkness of the night, it was impossible to spot which was which.

She sighed and drank her tea in silence.


Meanwhile, in a private room of a grand casino, Asher was pacing back and forth, trying to control his temper.

"Boss, we've found Miss."

Asher immediately signaled everyone to follow him.

The loud gurgle sound of motorbikes could be heard echoing throughout the street of Blue River city.

Asher cursed all the way while riding his bike, imagining all the gruesome murder he wanted to commit.

That guy doesn't seem to care for his life. I swear I'll break every bone in his body every time I see him!

Asher wasn't like this with any other guy, not even with Daniel because he knew that Evangeline never cared about them. Only treated them nothing more than servants.

But this guy….

That messy hair nerdy, geeky man had somehow managed to tickled the interest of their Queen, and Asher was having a hard time accepting this.

He must put a stop to it before it became even more serious!


Eric wiped off the sweat on his face and then went straight into the barracks to change. He stopped midway when he realized that he was going to talk with the pompous haughty Queen. He decided to take a bath first and switch to clean clothes before he went out and crossed the street to where Evangeline was waiting.

Of course, he was not that cruel to keep the girl waiting for him for eight hours. Thus, for the first time, he asked to work halftime on this day which his superior immediately agreed seeing how serious his face was.

At the café, Eric scanned the area for the woman. When he didn't find her, he went up the stairs and his eyes automatically locked on that moving scenery of a beautiful girl, sleeping peacefully.

Eric restrained a moan when he saw Evangeline. She was sleeping on top of her crossing arms on the table. Her long lashes slightly trembled as if dreaming while her soft, moist lips were slightly apart, enticing anyone to stare and have a closer look.

True enough, not far away from Evangeline were two boys checking her out and the other couldn't even help but took a picture of her. If not that there were also others on that floor, those two must have already taken advantage of her.

Anger rose inside him, and before he could even stop himself, Eric was already in front of those two boys.

The two men were surprised, and before they could even react, Eric grabbed the boy's phone, deleted all the images stored and threw the innocent phone outside the window to who knows where.



The boys were shocked stunned, and Eric took advantage of their state as he moved backwards, away from the sleeping girl, as if afraid to wake her up.

"The h.e.l.l do you think you're doing?!"

The man that was holding the lost phone charged towards Eric and grabbed Eric's collar, slamming him against the wall while the other man rushed to his friend's side.

The two men were older than Eric. Though Eric was taller than them, they were much bigger and well-toned.

What little people left on that second floor immediately hurried downstairs, afraid to be implicated in the fight.

"I am going to kill you!"

The man hissed while Eric remained calm and indifferent, even the pain was nothing to him.

But before the man could punch Eric's face, a group of guards and a senior man barged inside. The guards immediately pulled the man away from Eric.

"You two young men, don't make me call the police." The senior man with spectacles, complete with vest and tie said calmly. He was like a butler than a store manager.

The man tried hard to fight off the firm grip of one of the guards, but even with his build, he couldn't even shake the steel like arms of the sentry while his friend didn't resist at all.

"That a.s.shole threw my phone! He's the one who should go to jail!" The man bellowed through greeted teeth, trying once more to pull away from the guard's firm grip only to find his efforts in vain.

While Eric remained cold and expressionless, his eyes stayed focus on that still sleeping girl, not one bit interested at the drama in front of him.

"We will pay for your phone. We will even replace it with a brand new model. All we are asking, you leave this establishment quietly and never to return." The senior man's voice remained calm, yet there was a hint of warning in them, enough to chill anyone who heard it.

Instantly, the boy didn't struggle anymore, and the guard let him go.

"Hmp! Once I get the money for my phone, I won't ever return to this place even if you drag me back. You have lousy service and rotten nerdy geeks as customers!" The man spat and glared at Eric one more time before he went downstairs together with his friend while ranting and cursing along the way.



"Seal the second the floor."

After a moment, Eric commanded with a voice laced in ice. If Evangeline was awake, she wouldn't recognize this voice. So different from that warm, deep, clear one.

The old man bowed together with the guards and left.



Eric quietly made his way towards Evangeline's table and breathed a sigh of relief when the girl remained slumbering peacefully. He quietly sat beside her and stared at her some more. Then he gently tucked some hair behind her ears.

"For a haughty, pompous Queen, you sure are defenseless..."