I Am A TS Reincarnation, But I Have A Kid

CH 27

At the entrance of the flat there was Yuki, a black gal, in the kitchen Chinatsu was shaking with a knife, and in the room there was Saki, jumping up and down saying “Yakinikyu!”

“Huh? What’s this little girl? Is she cute? Does she know you?”

“What’s with this light-headed black gal? You’d better choose your friends carefully.”

Apparently, Chinatsu, who was trembling with a knife, reacted to the word ‘small’ that Yuki said.

When the black gal spoke up, I looked back and didn’t miss the twitching of her ears.

How many times did she have to lift up her glasses that were falling down? Fix your glasses for goodness sake.

“Oh, my God! You’re not supposed to talk to your sister like that.”

“How old are you?”

“You’re 20 years old, Yuki.”

“I’m 22.”

“…I’m sorry.”

It seemed that the age-based hierarchy had been settled…

Chinatsu said that she once heard Mika and Yuki talking in a coffee shop, and she definitely pretended not to know on purpose, right?

“Oh, and I brought a hot plate. You don’t have one here, did you?”

Apparently, after a bit of awkwardness, Yuki decided to pretend that what had just happened hadn’t happened.

At any rate, if this was the case, it would be better to teach Chinatsu how to cook some other time.

“I’ll get ready then.”

With that, Yuki made a beeline for her room and started setting up the hot plate on the table.

I was scared of Chinatsu, who was still holding a knife behind me, but I tried to send her a signal with my eyes that I was sorry I couldn’t teach her how to cook without saying anything.

“No, thank you. Let’s do it another time.”

It seemed that the signal I sent with my eyes had been understood.

Chinatsu let out a sigh, put the knife back in the kitchen and went back to the room with me.


“Yes, Saki, it’s a meat party. Your sister brought it, remember?”

“Sofu-chou, arigato!”

“It’s Yuki. Don’t just stand there, you two, sit down. There’s enough meat for all four of us!”

This was mine and Saki’s house, but Yuki acted like it was her own.

And before I knew it, she was preparing sauce, plates, and even white rice for everyone…

Shall we just take the high quality meat she brought and let this black gal go home? If you imagined the kind of person Mika was, you’d think she’d be forgiven for doing such a thing.

The moment I sat down, I thought I heard a voice in my head saying (I won’t do it!), but it must have been an auditory hallucination because Yuki was talking to Chinatsu and Saki was drooling and staring at the meat that was starting to cook.


“Saki, it’s ready. Here, give it to me. How is it? Is it good?”


Yuki carried the cooked meat into Saki’s mouth, and our little angel ate it, her face shining and holding both cheeks.

Maybe her cheeks were about to melt.

“Oh, it melts in your mouth! It’s a fillet called Chateaubriand. Is it good?”

“It’s delicious!”


“Well, I’ve got another one for you, this time a special harami. How’s that?”

“Whaa! It’s soft! Yummy!”


Oh, Saki, excited by the taste of the barbecued meat in her mouth, was using a lot of words that she knew.

This was a very rare phenomenon.

I mean, wasn’t it only possible to get about 600 grams of Chateaubriand from one cow?

She had brought too much good meat.

“I didn’t know you were an adult. I thought you were a child when I first saw you.”

Hey, stop it, black gal.

The matter was just settled a while ago, so why did you rehash it? You see, Chinatsu, who was trembling with anger, was pretending to be calm, and she was nipping at his glasses again and again, which weren’t even out of place.

“Now, for your information, can I ask you what you saw in me that made you think I was a child?”

“Well, I mean, your height, and…”

I didn’t want to say where, but Yuki’s gaze was fixed on one point on Chinatsu’s life.”

“I don’t think so! What, that’s just a bunch of fat! You’re not that great either!”

“What? I’ve got some!”

“Calm down, both of you.”

“”Mika, shut up!””

I didn’t know why. I was just trying to stop a fight but they got angry.

“Yes, the haves don’t know how the have-nots feel… How would a person feel who was told at nursery school, ‘You don’t know which one of us is the preschooler?…\'”

“That’s right. Mika doesn’t know what I’m talking about. If I had something nice, even Satoshi would be…”

“Hey, hey, hey, you two! I’m not sure what you’re coming up with. Both Yuki and Chinatsu should calm down…!”

I never said what, but they knocked me down, mounted me, and made me writhe.

“Nijiyakiyananyo, it’s so fun! (It’s fun, it’s so lively!)”

Yes, Saki, it’s fun to play with everyone, isn’t it?

I was going to have to go door to door and apologise to all the people in my flat for making so much noise.

“It’s starting to feel a bit weird…”


Then get out of my way!

This is yakiniku!

And this is harami.