I, a Radiant Paladin, Was Embraced by a Vampire Queen!

Chapter 13

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

“What do you guys want?!”

“You’ve been hinting at me.”

“Trying all kinds of ways to make me drink this juice.”

Harlen tried to pretend like he didn’t know about the drugged juice.

But whenever the uncles got the chance, they would think of ways to get Harlen to drink the juice.

“Look at what you’re saying.”

“What do you mean by doing everything you can to make you drink this juice?”

“We just wanted you to have some juice because you looked thirsty.”

The uncle continued to speak against his conscience.

Seeing that the uncles were still pretending to be good people, Harlen didn’t want to pretend anymore.

“Then drink this drugged juice.”

Harlen moved the glass of juice in front of the uncle and gestured.

Seeing his actions, the man finally tore down his ‘disguise’.

“Why won’t you drink it?!”

“If you drink it, you won’t die so painfully.”

“Why won’t you drink it?!!”

The middle-aged man became more and more emotional.

The more he spoke, the louder his voice became.

Vaguely, one seemed to hear a beast-like growl mixed within.

As he spoke.

The uncle stood up.

He ruthlessly slammed his hands on the table.

An aura that could be seen with the naked eye would occasionally be emitted from his mouth.




A loud ‘ka’ sound was heard.

A thick wooden wine table was pressed down by the uncle’s hands until a deep pit appeared.

Cracks gradually appeared on the surface of the pit.

Almost simultaneously…

On the surface of the middle-aged man’s muscular body, his skin began to expand and crack in different directions.

From the depths of the cracked skin, waves of steam would occasionally rise.

Gradually, blood began to flow out from the depths of the crack.



The cracks on the middle-aged man’s skin grew larger and larger.

In the end, the uncle’s human skin expanded to its limit and was completely torn apart.

The ripped skin started to peel off from his body, with bits and pieces of it clinging on to his body due to the streaks of blood.

Some of the skin that had fallen halfway was pulled by the blood and flesh strands and hung in the air.

At that moment, the middle-aged man let out a beast-like roar.

The roar shook off the remaining bloodstained skin on his body.

When the human skin on the surface completely fell off, his true form was revealed.

His entire body was covered in animal fur that was dyed red with blood.

While his body now boasted of eight firm abdominal packs.

A pair of red eyes were fixed on Harlen, even as his pair of pointy ears twitched and moved around.

One could clearly see a pair of sharp fangs in the huge mouth that was currently releasing hot air. Stinky saliva could be seen dripping between the fangs.

And its eager, sharp claws were scrabbling the surface of the table repeatedly, as though it could not wait to rip apart Harlen.

As the leader completed his transformation…

The surrounding uncles also gradually began to transform.

The transformation process was exactly the same as the leading uncle.

In the end, a group of creatures that were covered in blood surrounded Harlen.

At this moment, Harlen’s heart was completely calm.

He looked around at this group of ferocious looking creatures.

Then, he picked up the last cup of cold water on the table and downed it in one go.


As he drank the water, Harlen almost laughed.

Then…. he really laughed out and spat out the water.


“Oh my. Oh my.”

“You people are really…”

The leader of the creatures found it strange when he saw Harlen being able to laugh in such a situation.

Then, in a low and deep voice that was unique to beasts, he said to Harlen,

“What… are… you… laughing about?!”

Harlen caught his breath, then turned to the talking leader and said something that instantly infuriated the creatures present.


“Ah, nothing.”

“It’s just that…”

“At first, I thought you were a group of terrifyingly strong demons and ghosts.”

“I overestimated you.”

“I didn’t expect this, I didn’t expect this.”

“I didn’t expect your true faces to actually just be a bunch of small wolves in human skin!”

“All of you are almost 2.5 meters tall, right?”

“How scary.”


Back in the vampire castle, Harlen had seen real, scary creatures.

These terrifying creatures were eventually still tamed by him in the end.

Compared to the terrifying creatures in the vampire castle, these little wolves were nothing.

They were simply as weak as a group of ants.

Hearing his words, the werewolves went completely crazy.


“What… did you say!”

The leader of the werewolves raised his sharp claws at an extremely fast speed.

Then, he stabbed out with lightning speed.

However, just when the sharp, cold claws came terrifyingly close enough to sever Harlen’s carotid artery…

Just as the werewolf leader thought that Harlen, who knew spatial magic, was only so-so and was about to lose his head…

Harlen suddenly disappeared into thin air.

Just like the little girl from before, he disappeared into thin air.

The werewolf leader was stunned for a few seconds before reacting.

“Where is he?!”

“How!!! He suddenly disappeared?!”

The werewolf leader used his deep and heavy beastly voice to ask his subordinate, who was standing foolishly at the side.

The subordinates were also confused for a few seconds.

Then, they shook their heads and expressed that they didn’t know either.

The anger in the werewolf leader’s heart gradually grew.

It had never failed before.

They were all instant kills.

However, Harlen managed to escape from the claws even though the distance to his head was only 0.001cm long.

It would have been too late even if he used spatial magic.

“This is impossible!”

“This is impossible!”

The werewolf leader was furious.

At that moment, it was using its sharp claws to destroy all the furniture in its surroundings.

“Where are you?!”

“Come out quickly!”

He roared as he destroyed the furniture with his claws.

It was only when the werewolf leader had destroyed the hall beyond recognition that Harlen’s voice came back to him.

“So behind that wine cabinet is your exclusive ‘restaurant’!”

“No wonder the smell of blood is so strong.”

“The small room was contaminated with blood from top to bottom.”

“There are even some bones left on the ground.”

“You bunch of beasts!”

“Exactly how many people have you eaten?!”

Hearing Harlen speak again, the werewolf leader stopped his destruction.

The werewolf leader and his subordinates followed Harlen’s voice and looked around.

Just as one of the werewolf’s men looked up, he spotted Harlen.

Harlen was now standing upside down on the ceiling.

Note that Harlen here is not hanging upside down from the ceiling beams.

Instead, he stood on the ceiling in a manner defying gravity.

It was as if the area where the werewolves stood was the ceiling and he was standing on the ground.

Harlen, standing on the ceiling, was watching every movement of the werewolves on the floor with his scarlet eyes.

Then, he grinned and said, “Boxer shorts, you guys are all boxer shorts.”

(Note: Boxer shorts is slang from China, derived from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures. It means that the opponent is too weak..)