Husband, Have Dinner

Chapter 6

Morning bell and evening drum, Sanskrit sound is faint.

The little nun was sweeping the floor in the courtyard. Hearing the movement of opening the door, she stopped and said with a smile, "wake up, you must be tired? When I came back, I saw you asleep and couldn't wake you up. "

Ah Yao's face was embarrassed and her head was so low that she was about to be buried in her chest. The little nun said, "master agrees with your request. You will help in the kitchen in the future."

To ensure his next food and clothing, a Yao nodded hurriedly.

"I have no idea of my Dharma name. Don't call me sister in the nunnery." Wu Nian introduced her and took ah Yao to get familiar with her place and kitchen.

After that, I settled down in Qingning nunnery. I'll make plans for another period of time.

"Chop chop......" the sound of the kitchen knife hitting the chopping board was fast and continuous. Ah Yao followed Wu Nian into the kitchen. She didn't know where to look. Her mouth was so open that she could plug eggs. It seemed that she had returned to modern times to visit the kitchen of a five-star Hotel.

The kitchen of the nunnery hall accommodates twenty or thirty people, each of whom is immersed in the work at hand. No one whispers to each other. The division of labor is clear and clear. From right to left, there are noodles, desks, side dishes and stoves. On the long table on the far left, half of them are plain noodles in clear soup and half of them are plain rice. Nuns go in and out from the opposite door and take out the prepared pasta rice, Order.

Wu Nian said, "in the future, you will come to the kitchen at the right time and at the wrong time every day, and the masters will be in place to cook vegetarian meals at the right time and the right time. Go to the back mountain with Fangyuan to collect firewood in the morning, but not at night; You don't have to follow us in morning and evening classes, can you? "

"I can do it." Ah Yao nodded with a small face and secretly planned to remove the fire, wash dishes and cut firewood. She had plenty of time, but she had to find ways to make money. Staying in the nunnery was not a long-term plan after all.

Wu Nian rubbed a Yao's small yellow head with a slight smile on her face.

In the first few days, she followed Fang Yuan, an elderly veteran who loved to be lazy. Based on the principle of "seeing more, learning to do more and talking less", Fang Yuan learned to burn fire and cut firewood. Seeing that she learned almost the same, she appeared like a Mao in the morning and afternoon before the masters came to cook, and then took the opportunity to be lazy.

A Yao didn't say anything, so she added a few bundles of slender dead branches as the weight of two people according to the old oilman's previous firewood. It seems there's nothing wrong to adapt to such a day.

A Yao washed the bowl as high as the hill as usual. Suddenly, there was a dark shadow over her head. She looked up. The young man looked at her from a commanding position without expression. She hesitated for a moment and asked, "did you run to the wrong place?"

This young man is very good-looking. He is a miniature version of the type that ah Yao likes. Unfortunately, he is still young. If he grows up, he must be a tough man. Well, he may also walk on the iceberg and have facial paralysis.

"Gu ~" the boy's stomach told her that he didn't run to the wrong place.

"I'm hungry. Do you have anything to eat?" When he found a Yao looking at him, he didn't feel embarrassed. He crossed the threshold and entered the kitchen. The kitchen desk was clean. Even the fire on the stove went out. There was no one else except a Yao who washed the dishes on the side of the door“ Just you? "

"The masters have finished fasting. Did you miss the meal?" After that, she felt that she had asked more and listened to the young man's belly singing empty city plans. She felt that drinking boiled water could not satisfy her hunger. Looking at his clothes, silk fabrics and gold thread piping, most of them were rich families, and it was more difficult for rich families to endure the feeling of starvation“ There's nothing left today. Shall I give you a bowl of noodles? I remember there's still light left. "

A Yao also went into the kitchen to wash her hands, threw away the drops of water, went to the leftmost table to make noodles, opened a corner of the cloth covered on the table, and stacked them neatly.

"If there's smooth noodles left, I can only make boiled noodles. Do you want to eat it?" When a Yao said it, she was not confident enough. How can she take white boiled noodles? She can count the times she entered the kitchen in her last life with both hands.

"OK." He nodded dryly.

When the stove was turned on, a Yao poured out the water that had been rinsed in the pot. The fire dried the water in the pot. She poured mountain spring water into it and waited for the spring to boil.

"Let's talk. It will take some time for it to boil. My name is Jiang Yao. Just call me a Yao. How about you?"

"Pei Shuo."

"That's a nice name. You have to wait for a while. Unfortunately, the soup is used up. It tastes delicious! Give me a bowl of soup and I can eat a bowl of rice! " She turned to think that one of the ingredients in the soup made by the masters was whip bamboo shoots. In her room, there was soup made of boiled bamboo shoots. The taste should be OK“ You wait for me for a while, and I'll come as soon as I go. "

Pei Shuo looked at her flying clothes. The girl was completely different from the monks and nuns she met in the nunnery in recent days. Even the girl of her age spoke softly. Where was she who jumped out of her character, thought of something and did it immediately.

When she returned to the room, she pulled out the bamboo basket she had hidden and ordered the number of bamboo shoots. She had planned to sell it. Pei Shuo's beauty flashed and her idea of making money was thrown out of the sky. Holding the bamboo basket, she said, "I'm making friends."

When the mountain spring water boils, put in two smooth noodles. The boiling spring water instantly calms down, and only the smooth noodles spin slowly in the water.

She recalled how the masters cooked bamboo shoots. The kitchen knife pierced into one side of the bamboo shoots, cut down from top to bottom, peeled off the shell along the knife seam, cut off the purple part and root, and finally exposed the white, fat and tender true face of the spring bamboo shoots wrapped under the layers of bamboo shoots. After a little washing, cut them into rolling knife pieces, and then put them into another pot to boil.

Looking back, the floating foam attached to the surface. She picked up the dough and put it into the cool spring that had already been prepared. Suddenly, white smoke rose on the water. With a breath of effort, she picked up the dough and drained it for standby.

Pei Shuo stayed away from the stove, looked at ah Yao tossing the dough and frowned: "just start cooking. Why bother? I don't dislike it."

"'guolenghe 'is getting better for noodles, or you'll eat bamboo shoots first?" A Yao told him on her back that she picked up the bamboo shoots in another pot, drained the bowl, poured the noodles into the water for cooking bamboo shoots, a spoonful of sesame oil and a little salt, and the smell floated out.

"Hurry up!" Pei Shuo also smelled the fragrance and came together.

A Yao Ma Li loaded the bowl, put the noodles first and then the soup. The noodles came out of the iceberg in the clear soup. It's a pity that Buddhism gives up five meat dishes and doesn't touch scallions and garlic. Otherwise, it's good to decorate one or two“ Here you are. "

The delicious taste of bamboo shoots had already caught Pei Shuo's greedy insects. He was eager to sacrifice to the five zang organs temple and took the dishes and chopsticks and sent them to his mouth. I've been busy for so long, and I've digested what I ate at noon. Pei Shuo ate so delicious that ah Yao's appetite quietly appeared.

The kitchen was empty. If someone passed by and looked bored, they would find that two children almost buried their faces in a sea bowl and tried to eat.