Husband, Have Dinner

Chapter 218

In the face of a big table of good dishes, ah Yao was very happy.

Such a good mood until a dish of fish and vegetables was served.

A golden mandarin fish is lying on the black glaze plate, poured with golden thick sauce. It can be imagined that the method is about braised with soy sauce, ginger and green onions, and finally sprinkled with green onion powder on the surface. The visual effect is extremely attractive.

At the same time, this dish of fresh fish and vegetables emits an indescribable peculiar smell against the heat.

When it was brought up, ah Yao was caught by the smell. She quickly held her breath and turned red. Unfortunately, it was too late. She felt that her mouth was full of the smell.

Mo xingle was amused by a Yao's reaction. He couldn't help puffing, and then laughed.

A Yao stared at him and didn't stop his happiness. Seeing that a Yao's face turned from sunny to cloudy, he got serious again and coughed: "this is the signature dish of Fanlou. Smelly mandarin fish. Although it smells strange, it tastes delicious, which is completely different from its smell."

Mandarin fish is cooked just right. He pokes down the fish ridge and uses his chopsticks a little harder. The soft and tender fish with snow-white fish meat will separate from the fish body and pick up large pieces of fish meat. Just before the petal like fish meat is eaten into the mouth, you can think that it must be strong in meat quality, as if the strange smell was given to it by the chef.

"Mandarin fish tastes like this, but it's really fresh!" Mo xingle tried to make a Yao accept the dish and praised it. Every mouthful was fresh and tender without fire. After a slight smell, his mouth was full of fragrance.

When Mo xingle ate a lot, ah Yao's thoughts had drifted away.

Smelly mandarin fish, smelly tofu, snail powder and other foods have a "bad name", but they have a group of diners who like them. As long as they don't reject its taste thousands of miles away, they can feel its ecstatic taste. The more they eat, the more they taste, the more they like them, even if they are involved in themselves.

Mo xingle was wrong. The stinky mandarin fish was not freshly fished from the river. In order to facilitate long-distance transportation, people along the river, which was originally rich in mandarin fish, put salt on both sides of the mandarin fish, but it still gave off a strange smell when it arrived.

It is very similar to the method of smelly fish recorded in Taiping Guangji. After that, the chef washed it and cooked it slowly, or stewed or braised it in brown sauce, turning decay into magic, turning it into a famous dish and even a city sign.

In non midsummer, some people will take the initiative to brew mandarin fish. The odor comes from the gas produced by food fermentation. When cooking, the odor volatilizes with the heat, so it smells and tastes delicious.

The transportation of shad is the same.

The shad is delicate and can't stand tossing. It will die when it's away from the water. Therefore, the restaurants on the side of the wharf travel. The gourmet will taste the delicious food thousands of miles away. Those who want to eat the shad thousands of miles away are either the way they cook the shad, or

Or what?

A Yao chewed her chopsticks and thought hard.

"Ah Yao, what are you still thinking? If you don't eat, I'll finish the dishes. " Mo Xing was happy to see her face full of distress, and thought she didn't know which dish to choose.

"You eat first and I'll think about it."

Eating vegetables is so tangled that girls nowadays are really difficult to understand. Mo xingle sighed, then he would be rude to this mandarin fish.

"Yes!" A Yao suddenly snapped his chopsticks, "I think of it! There is also a poisonous carry! "


"The shad dies when it comes out of the water. Transporting it has become a big problem. It is either the same as the smelly mandarin fish, or it is transported by river with ice, day and night. If it is transported by land, there is another way: the shad is soaked in oil and put in a lead box for ice storage. And this lead box is poisonous. " Ah Yao said.

"Some words are to wash away the lead, that is, the makeup powder used by your little girl also contains lead? But it seems that you are not poisoned“ Mo xingle asks questions.

A Yao: "it was a long time ago. Rice flour and various spices were used for some time, but the rice flour was easy to fall off. Now the popular peach blossom powder is mixed with materials such as clam powder, wax fat and motherwort, as well as pearl powder obtained by grinding pearls and Hosta powder mixed with Hosta flowers. Lead powder is difficult to find in the market. Long term use of lead powder will not be poisoned, but the skin is no better“

Another important point is that in the era when lead powder was used, the life span was generally short. Not many people suffered from lead poisoning and died early because of war or diseases, so it is difficult to know that it is harmful.

"Lead and dandelion will also be added in the alchemy of Danshi. There are different opinions on whether to live forever or die. Back to the problem itself, what is the reason why the imperial chef poisoned, and what hatred does he have with Princess Xue, so that even if he will lose his life, he will drag the whole family into the water and bring disaster to his wife and daughter? Princess Xue pretended to be dead, left the palace to have children, and then... Put the blame on the imperial chef? "

Mo xingle tends to the latter kind of speculation. Xue Nianzhi is supported by the Jingzhao Xue family. The Xue Guifei came out of the Xue family... Speculation is not enough. Relying on this direction, he can find more powerful evidence.

"Take your time. I think I'm a little ahead of time. The bill has been settled."

"Then I'll go with you." A Yao glanced at the table and was eaten up by Mo xingle. What else did she stay here to eat.

Mo xingle was not ashamed. "Then I owe you another meal. I'll make it up later and go first."

Then for half a month, ah Yao didn't see Mo xingle. Instead, she saw the bird's nest on vacation. She looked much more relaxed and saw the youthful and lively breath of a girl again on her.

The bird's nest came up to tease ah Yao, saying that in addition to the one-third of an mu of land in the kitchen, she could develop her skills and give people directions in the future.

It seems that Mo xingle's progress is fairly smooth. It's great to help. When a Yao poured tea for the bird's nest, she thought with a smile.

Many things have happened in the past half a month.

In those years, the maids around Xue Guifei either released or faithfully followed her to die. They didn't get through with the witness, but Mo xingle accidentally found the midwife's stable mother-in-law and determined that Xue Nianzhi was born seven months after Xue Guifei's death. After going through various materials, I finally found a line of words in a Book of records. This line of records less than 15 words just proved that the shad sent to the Palace used lead boxes. Then I restored the poison test process of that year and found out the reason for the toxicity detected in that year.

With these evidences, Mo xingle applied up under pressure... Of course, he failed in the end - he didn't open the imperial mausoleum if he wanted to.

Even if it can't be proved whether Princess Xue was really buried in the imperial mausoleum, the way to detect toxicity has been found, which is the reason for the wrong judgment.

Mo xingle still has a piece of information in hand, but he doesn't intend to submit it. It's related to the emperor's listening to the slander of traitors. In this whole plan, the imperial chef and others were innocent from beginning to end.

Eighteen years later, Wangyue regained her name and stepped into the capital with Qu Yunhe, who thought she could not return to her whole life.