Husband, Have Dinner

Chapter 140

Tick, tick.

A Yao sleeps in the middle of the night. She feels cool on her face. As more and more water drops fall on her face, she is awakened by the cold.

Bouncing and sitting up, I felt cold water droplets on my clothes and face. I reached out and looked up. It happened that the water droplets fell on my eyelids“ God, isn't it raining? "

A Yao got out of bed and lit the light, and then the sound outside the window confirmed her idea.

It rains every night.

The House official didn't tell her that the house was leaking!

A Yao protected the oil lamp and took a circle around the house. She couldn't cry or laugh. She gave up the idea of filling water in a wooden basin and went to find a bricklayer to repair the roof tomorrow morning. She rushed to the kitchen to look after it. Fortunately, the former head of household attached great importance to the kitchen. Even if the roof of the house was like a dummy, it ensured that there was no drop of rootless water in the kitchen, and the rice noodles, meat and seasoning dishes she bought were not wet and damp.

There was nothing wrong with the kitchen she cleaned up. Ah Yao came back to the house with a strong spirit, moved the wooden table to the full berth, opened the oil paper umbrella and adjusted the position to ensure that the rain would not fall on her head, woke her up, blew out the oil lamp, climbed to the bed, hugged the burden and slept.

Early in the morning, the sky light shone into the room through the window lattice. The ground was wet, and the wooden table was stained with water.

"Fortunately, it didn't come until summer. The rain wasn't particularly heavy." A Yao is glad that she only wiped the bed yesterday, and that other places haven't had time to tidy up. Today, she bought a dog and asked the bricklayer to repair the roof, and then cleaned the house.

There was a little flour left in the kitchen. She picked up a handful and sniffed it. It was well preserved without peculiar smell and rice worms. She made scallion cake with soybean milk for breakfast.

Light the stove, boil the water, scoop out all the flour and pour it into a large basin. The noodles need to be mixed with boiling hot water. The time to wait for the boiling water is enough for her to buy soybean milk with a teapot.

"Good morning, Aunt Wang."

Passing by the alley, seeing Aunt Wang chatting with other women, she kept preparing colorful lotions. Ah Yao said hello.

"Every day, the little girl gets up late. Unlike our hard work, she gets up at dawn to preside over the breakfast of the whole family." The annoying aunt is satirizing again.

"Ignore her. That's her virtue." Aunt Wang asked, "did you sleep well yesterday?"

"Fortunately, it rained late at night and the roof leaked. By the way, Aunt Wang, where am I going to hire a bricklayer? What are the prices? Do you need to pack lunch? " Ah Yao asked.

"I'm not familiar with this either. Let me ask."

A Yao shook her head when she saw this: "then don't bother Aunt Wang. I'll inquire myself and get familiar with the surrounding environment by the way."

The annoying aunt listened and turned her eyes. She came over and interrupted: "there are people in my family who make bricks and tiles. For the sake of the neighbors, they don't charge you much. You can only charter meals for 180 Wen a day."

A Yao looked at Aunt Wang. There was no strange expression on her face. Maybe the price is moderate? At ordinary times, ah Yao may promise, but the woman has been mocking her for the past two days since she moved here. She doesn't like it from the bottom of her heart, let alone the person who recommended her. Who knows if there will be anything fishy in it.

So he smiled and said, "thank you, aunt. I'll think about it again. The water at home is still burning. I have to go back quickly. "

"Good intentions were struck by thunder." The woman spat, "it's really a rich girl. Her fingers don't touch the spring water. I don't know the price of firewood and rice."

The copper pot on the small stove was smoking and made a gurgling sound. She twisted a wet cloth, poured water into the flour basin, watered it in circles, and mixed the flour with chopsticks while adding water. The flour slowly formed lumps. There was hot water in the pot. Ah Yao poured two bowls back and forth with each other, and then put it in the well water to cool down. The temperature of the boiled water decreased, A Yao slowly added cold water to the flour block. The flour block dissipated the edges and corners in the cold water and her kneading, and the flour stuck to the edge of the basin disappeared and became a large dough.

There are still some bumps on the surface of the dough. Cover it with a wet cloth to wake up the dough. After waking up, knead it with a little cold water until the whole dough is smooth and moist. Then wake up for a while. At this time, she prepares the shallots and cuts them into finely chopped shallots for standby. Cut the large dough into two pieces, knead it into long strips, twist it into small balls, roll it into a round dough from inside to outside with a rolling pin, brush it with lard and sprinkle it with scallions, then roll the left and right sides of the dough inward, roll the long strips, cover them with a wet cloth and continue to wake up.

The woman chatting outside moved her fingers and sniffed everywhere: "what's the smell?"

"What a delicious smell of scallion."

"It seems to come from the little girl's family."

While chatting, the women couldn't help moving to the door of a Yao's house and wanted to probe to see what she was doing.

A Yao was almost startled when she opened the door. "What's the matter, sisters and aunts?"

The women pushed Aunt Wang out, and she said a few words to ah Yao: "we smell the fragrance, so we found it. What are you doing so fragrant?"

It turned out to be greedy.

Ah Yao smiled. It was easy to do. She opened the cloth of the basket: "I made scallion cake for breakfast. I made a little more. I'm going to invite my aunts to try it. My little sister is a newcomer. I hope you will take more care of her in the future. "

The scallion cake in the basket is still steaming, golden on both sides, and a smell of scallion. They were not polite to ah Yao. Each of them took one. The freshly baked scallion cake scalded their palms. They exchanged their hands. Some people bit it down, and the smell of scallion overflowed. Their lips and tongues were full of oil. The smell of pig fat and scallion was very crisp. Some people tore the cake in half, and then found that the scallion cake had great potential. There were clear layers of dough and scallion sandwiched in it, The oil oozed out.

"It's delicious. What's your name and how do you do it?" Someone asked.

"My family calls me Yao Zhu, just call me a Yao or Yao Zhu. Elder sister and a Niang are both cooks. I learned a little from them. There's no secret to eating pastry with layers of dough. It's just to work hard on the dough, fold several layers, roll flat, continue to fold, and beat it with your hand when burning. This can make it soft and layered. " Ah Yao replied.

Aunt Wang didn't listen right: "is your family a cook?"

"Yes, I have some spare money to rent here. I'm gossip." A Yao PI smiled at the meat and stared at the annoying aunt. She really had the face to eat her scallion cake. The aunt smiled awkwardly and leaned over to continue eating. Ah Yao continued, "if you need to make a banquet at your sister's and aunt's house, you can come to me and I'll take some money to live."


They were moved at first when they heard that ah Yao was a cook at home. Later, they heard that they could find her. Ah Yao was too young and the scallion cake was delicious, but what else can control it?

A Yao: "if there's nothing else, I'll go to the bricklayer first?"

The third aunt and sixth mother-in-law separated the road for ah Yao. She locked the door and left.

A Yao first went to a dental shop and said that she wanted to find a brick and tile worker. The brick and tile cost 13 Wen a piece. The salary was discussed separately. The price ranged from 110 Wen to 200 Wen. It was settled according to the number of days. She asked clearly that the host family had to provide meals regardless of the price.

Among the bricklayers, a man with spirit and integrity in his eyes signed a contract. Ah Yao paid a commission to the dental bank and agreed to take people back to work when she bought a dog.

The toothwalker simply introduced ah Yao to the puppy who had just been born in their backyard and didn't even open his eyes.

"What I want is a dog that can look after the house. It looks lovely, but it takes time." What a Yao needs most now is time. She can't afford to wait at all.

"I'll sell you the mother one, one big and one small, for only three through five hundred Wen!" The toothy simply dragged the mother dog who had given birth to the pup not long ago, pointed to them and said.

Buying a dog depends on her eyes. Ah Yao looks at the bitch and suddenly feels like it.

"The dog is so thin. If I can't keep it later, I'll lose money."

After bargaining with the man, he took home two dogs, one big and one small, and bricklayers for three hundred dollars.

The big dog was tied by a Yao under the osmanthus tree in the yard. The dog smelled his mother's smell and nestled in his arms. A Yao stood under the tree to watch him work for a while and hurried to the meat market to buy meat.

As soon as she went out, she was stopped by another young woman next door. Ah Yao was impressed by her. She smiled sweetly and didn't talk much. It was also the way she asked about scallion oil cakes in the morning and asked her what happened.

She said, "I live next door to your house, which is the red lantern. Just call me Yu Niang. Yao, have you found a bricklayer? "

"Yes, I'm going to buy vegetables."

Yu Niang reminded: "bricklayers are fastidious when they come home. They should eat and drink to entertain them, regardless of their low salary. If you don't treat them well and let them hold a grudge, you may not know that they put scissors on the beam of your house, destroy Feng Shui at home, or do evil secretly. "

A Yao heard a similar story in her previous life. After listening to Yu Niang's reminder, she took up 12 points of spirit and thanked her respectfully: "thank you, sister Yu Niang, for reminding me. I'm going to the meat market now."

"There's no good meat in the meat market at this time. There should be some in the water. It's better for you to go to the restaurant and buy a food box. You're a child. I don't think he cares too much." Yu Niang gave a Yao some advice.

A Yao looked at this time. As Yu Niang said, she might not be able to buy good meat when she rushed to the meat market. Once she came, it was dark.

There are three scallion oil cakes at home, including rice, 42 meat, scallion, garlic and ginger. You can buy some tofu. At a glance, she saw someone picking eggs. She thought about how to cook dinner.

A Yao came and went quickly. The upright man on the roof glanced back. The family looked poor and the host family was a little girl. He would eat in the evening, he thought.

The bricklayer acted quickly and finished work before the meal time. Ah Yao moved faster than him. The food was already on the stone table. He was surprised to see it.

The rice is crystal clear. The delicate tofu is wrapped in meat. When it is served, the oil on the iron plate squeaks. The plate is stacked with Yuanbao egg dumplings. In addition, there are three scallion cakes with golden skin. It smells very delicious. You can smell the smell of lard ten steps away. The girl is willing to use oil.

"I just moved in yesterday. Nothing is complete. I'm not ready for today. I can only buy tofu and eggs. I hope you'll forgive me." Ah Yao said.

Aunt Wang walked out after dinner and met Yu Niang who was a little worried at the door of a Yao. They confirmed in their eyes that they were worried about the little girl. Seeing that the door of a Yao's house was wide open, they walked in together. When they crossed the threshold, they saw a Yao and bricklayers in the yard and asked, "have you repaired the roof?"

"Yes, if it rains tonight, don't worry about water leakage." Ah Yao replied.

Yu Niang paid more attention to what the bricklayer ate. Her sight floated to the table and she couldn't help swallowing her saliva.

She has experienced the delicacy of scallion cake. Now the bricklayer eats egg dumplings and smacks his mouth while eating. The surface of the egg dumpling is spread with egg liquid and wrapped with minced meat. It seems that she also sees a little soup in the meat filling, and her eyes fall on the minced meat of tofu. It turns out that tofu can still do this. Tofu tastes light. If meat is added, the taste of meat seeps into tofu and tastes more delicate and soft. This dish is very suitable for the elderly with bad teeth.

The bricklayer was hairy when Yu Niang looked at him, "haven't you seen anyone eat?"

Then he took a few more bites of the meal and left after eating.

Yu Niang regretted to take back her sight. Now she believed that ah Yao could also pick up the list and hurriedly asked, "ah Yao, what's your banquet?"

"Well, it depends on how many people your family entertains. I can't do it for more than seven people. I have to wait until I get older. For three or four people, if you provide your own materials, I will only charge... The salary of 500 Wen per seat in the neighborhood. If the neighbors introduce them to relatives, it is not the price. If you do not provide your own materials, the material money should be included in the salary and 500 Wen should be added. If there were five or six people, they would have to pay. When I grow up, the price will be adjusted. "

"Oh..." Yu Niang is a little sad. Although she wants ah Yao to cook for her, she is a little reluctant to listen to the cost of at least two or three days at home.

"Oh, it's a little expensive." Aunt Wang felt the pain. "Will someone come to you for a banquet? What can you do when no one asks you for a banquet? "

"It's all right. I can live." A Yao said, being reasonable, 500 Wen is very cheap in the capital. Master Wangyue's reward in Nanxun is both cloth and money. Alas, when it's her turn, she has to reduce the price. It's really sad to hear the listener cry. Who calls her young? When she gets older and becomes famous, she will raise the price at that time.

After seeing off Aunt Wang and Yu's mother, ah Yao began to eat and made a wet bean curd minced meat bibimbap for the dog. One person and one dog began to eat, and the pup fell asleep.

In the evening, ah Yao led her dog to the bathroom in the flowers outside the house. She was not allowed to enter the house without practice. She had never been a shit shoveling officer in her previous life. In this life... She didn't want to be a shit shoveling officer!

After boiling water and taking a bath, I was busy all day.

The big dog and the little dog were lying by the door dozing. When ah Yao was sleeping, he thought of planting a bed of vegetables in the front yard and putting up a shelf, waiting for gourds and grapes to climb up along the bamboo frame; Make a nest for two dogs; Late autumn is coming and early winter is coming. I want to buy Chinese cabbage, store pickles and buy bedding. Oh, I'm so busy

Thinking of the back, I have fallen asleep.

At night, it rained again. At the beginning, the tiles rustled, the bead curtains on the eaves kept on, and the ground inside the house was dry.

A Yao came to the capital and finally had a good night's sleep.

Good night, wish you have a good dream.