Husband, Have Dinner

Chapter 116

The battle of guarding the city came to an end in the dawn, and the Beiyi people retreated to a safe place to have a rest again.

The Yanmen soldiers who had not slept all night were finally able to take turns to take a nap when the morning dew evaporated.

The sun had just climbed up the mountain and had not yet sent out a dazzling light. The horn sounded in the wild goose gate. The dozing soldiers woke up and trotted to the city tower.

There were two generals stationed in Yanmen. The general frowned and looked into the distance. Turning around, they exchanged eyes as if they had made up their mind, and only two-thirds of the soldiers who could defend the city under the city were in their heyday. They ordered: "those who are 13 to 15 years old should stay in place and stand by, and the rest should go up to the city wall to prepare for war!"

Without going to the city wall to prepare for war, Fang Jiabao was secretly happy and looked around. There were less than ten people between the ages of 13 and 15, including Pei Shuo.

The soldiers ran past Pei Shuo and climbed the city tower one after another. Pei Shuo lowered his head and clenched his hand on his thigh into a fist, showing the green veins on the back of his hand.

The centurion and Pei Bo trotted down against the crowd, stood and counted the number: "follow me."

Step by step away from the north gate, they first met with several soldiers pushing the scooter. On the scooter, there were teenagers aged 13 to 15. Then they went to Yanmen together. When they stepped out of Yanmen, Fang Jiabao had a guess and an excited blush appeared on his face.

Pei Shuo had a bad feeling in his heart and asked, "centurion, where are we going?"

"Why are you doing so much!" The centurion glanced at him, "just follow me, not feed you to the tiger!"

"The enemy is at present. I'm young. I hope to live or die with Yanmen. I wish you all a pleasant journey." Pei Shuo hugged his fist and ran away.

He used the lightness skill for fear that Peibo would react and catch him with a long hand, so he couldn't run away.

The centurion held his old blood in his heart, "you bastard, come back to me!"

However, Pei Shuo ran away, vaguely hearing his cry, as if he had broken free from the cage.

"Centurion, take them away first. I'll go back." Pei Bo was also helpless. Unexpectedly, Pei Shuo was stubborn in this joint eye, but he couldn't risk himself.

Fang Jiabao muttered in the crowd, isn't it good to live?

In order to prevent Pei Bo from catching up with him, Pei Shuo made a detour to the military doctor to help. He forgot Li Yongwu of Xiliu camp

When Li Yongwu mentioned him, the fox asked, "aren't you with the centurion? Why did you come back?"

"Yes, I'm back. The centurion is still on his way. They didn't come back so soon." Pei Shuo avoided the important and said lightly.

Li Yongwu narrowed his eyes and judged whether what he said was true or false.

Pei Shuo tried to move Li Yongwu with sincerity. Unfortunately, he was not fooled: "no, you came back secretly!"


Pei Bo came up and ordered Pei Shuo's acupoints. He taught him not to move. Then he hugged his fist and explained to Li Yongwu: "thank you for stopping. Pei Shuo suddenly ran back to help on the way. If it weren't for you, I don't know how to explain to the centurion."

Li Yongwu's eyes wandered back and forth between Pei Bo and Pei Shuo, "well, send him away. Boy, you are still young. When you grow up, you will be loyal to the country. It's not urgent. " He finished with Pei Bo first and turned to mention Pei Shuo.

Poor Pei Shuo was hit with acupoints. He couldn't move and couldn't speak. He tried to use his eyes. Li Yongwu pretended not to see him.

Pei Bo took Pei Shuo and strode away, watching himself farther and farther away from Yanmen.

Very angry!

After leaving Yanmen, Pei Bo chased after the big army and said, "young master, please don't blame me. You are the eldest son of the founding marquis. Although the Marquis once said that life and death are life and death in Yanmen, that's just a moment's angry words. At present, Yanmen is in danger. The general ordered the centurion to evacuate with soldiers under the age of 15 in order to keep the seedlings. As Li Yongwu said, "you are still young. It's not your turn to go to the front."

Still angry!

"Young master, you shouldn't me. I think you understand, but I'm still angry."

Where is someone like you? Pei Shuo was so angry that he became a puffer fish that he couldn't make a voice and couldn't refute it.

The ridge road trembled faintly, and Peibo's voice stopped suddenly.

Pei Shuo is also worried. Is Yanmen broken?

He took Pei Shuo to hide behind the tree, fell down, and his ears were close to the ground to inquire about the situation: "it's the sound of horses' hoofs. A team of cavalry is coming here. Young master, don't make a sound. If you promise to blink three times, I'll unlock your acupoints. "

Pei Shuo Yiyan.

They hid behind the tree and squatted in the grass, with four pairs of eyes rolling.

Not long after, a team of well armored light riders came from juechen. The flying flag was written with "Pei", and the background color was dark to draw the crossbow machine.

It's Pei Jiajun, Pei Zhengwen, leader!

Pei Shuo and Pei Bo looked at each other. They walked out of the grass and stood on the roadside.

Pei Zhengwen reined in the reins. Peibu, peichuan and Peiyang behind him didn't expect to meet their young master here at this moment.

Unexpectedly, Pei Shuo pretended not to know them, reported his battalion and name with a fist, explained the reason for his presence here, and petitioned: "thank you for the general's boxing love, and the existing support of general Pei can be inspiring. I ask to return to Yanmen, protect our country and die together with my brother!"

Pei Bo sighed secretly. He was so tired.

Pei Zhengwen stared at him for a long time and was sure, but he asked Pei Shuo to follow him and not to leave his sight.


The hard defending Yanmen finally waited for support. The Pei family army not only had light cavalry, but also brought crossbow soldiers and heavy crossbows.

Seeing the warning of the beacon fire, Pei Zhengwen immediately ordered troops to march in a hurry. When he arrived, he did not see the soldiers tired. He went to the city wall to take over his robe, and everything was in order.

The light crossbow shot and killed the Beiyi people climbing the ladder at close range, and set up bed crossbows and stone catapults to frighten the city.

Seeing that the situation was bad, the Beiyi people retreated like the tide. The general of Yanmen opened the gate and rode out with ease.

At first, Beiyi intended to pretend to be weak and lead them to open the city gate and then take advantage of the situation to kill them. However, he saw that the cavalry were all with tiger backs, waist, lute legs, crotch horses and majestic horses, and he was not soft in killing the enemy. He also saw that the weakest young man looked here and planned to use him as the starting point for breaking the array. He picked five alone.

This is not Yanmen's soldier!

The northern barbarians realized that Yanmen's support had arrived. As soon as the drum turned, they stopped fighting. Then they would not pretend to retreat and abandon their armor.

Pei Shuo followed Pei Zhengwen and rode all the way to the border city of Beiyi.

The border town is in the southwest of Ping'an Town, where groundwater emerges, with abundant water and grass. Nomadic Beiyi people live here and gradually form a town.

Pei Jiajun's light cavalry entered the city with evil spirit on his face and cold armor stained with blood. The arrival of Qingqi caused panic among the people in the border town. They shouted in a language Pei Shuo didn't understand and ran around. The ignorant children were taken away by their parents and closed their doors in a hurry.

Less than a cup of tea, the border town seemed empty.

"Let's go. Don't worry about them. Everyone is waiting in the city master's house." Pei Zhengwen said.

Sure enough, as he expected, the shield soldiers in front of the city Lord's house lined up, and the archers pointed their bows at them. There were riflemen and swordsmen scattered among them. They were strictly guarded. The number of soldiers and guards in the city Lord's house was small, but they were well equipped and comparable to Pei's team.

"What would you do if you led the team into the siege main house?" Pei's father suddenly made a question to test Pei Shuo at this time.

Pei Shuo noticed that during their confrontation, the guards in front of the city Lord's house did not move, and the bungalows in the border town formed alleys, which extend in all directions. There is a hidden relationship between the two

Speaking of it, they chased the fleeing Beiyi generals and soldiers to come here, and there was no trace of them. Where did those people go? When they enter the city Lord's house, or hide in the streets and alleys, they spy on them in the dark like poisonous snakes. If they are a little slack, these poisonous snakes will bite off guard.

He secretly calculated in his heart. In an instant, Pei Shuo said: "the soldiers are divided into two ways. On the one hand, they confuse each other with Xuanxiang array to attract their attention, and on the other hand, they surround each other with wild goose array. The speed of light riding is fast. Suddenly, it is bound to make them in a mess..."

Before he finished, Pei dad raised his hand to stop his words and ordered Pei Jiajun to obey Pei Shuo's orders.

Pei Shuo was stunned.

"I don't agree with you. I'll give you people to beat down the city Lord's residence to prove that your idea is right." Said father Pei“ Are you willing to make a military order? "

The old general was worried. No matter who the young man was, he was a small soldier or an unspeakable figure. Lord Hou's action was too hasty. It was in the border city and the territory of Beiyi, not a drill!

His lips moved and hesitated to say it. Father Pei's eye knife flew to warn him not to speak indiscriminately.

Pei Shuo himself was not vague and hardly hesitated to make a military order to dispatch people.

The granary in the east city was ablaze with fire, and the soldiers and horses in front of the city Lord's house came fiercely.

The people of Beiyi fled in a hurry. There was a cry from the smoke of gunpowder. The light of the knife was shining, the horse's hooves were stepping on the moon, and the strong Pei cavalry were eyeing behind the flying dust.

The guards of the city Lord's residence were restless and the people were distracted. It was the time for Pei Shuo to send troops.

The cavalry here is no longer hiding behind the smoke. The guard of the city Lord's house is about to order to release the arrow. Suddenly, he feels a sore throat and his mind is blank. The guards around him exclaim. At this time, another team of cavalry led by Pei Shuo has made a surprise attack.

The archers' cloud array was in chaos. The two teams attacked together and took down the city master's house.

While the people were running for their lives, Pei Shuo accidentally caught a glimpse of a group of people leaving the side of the city master's house and running towards the city gate. Those people protected the hooded man in the middle. It was faintly visible that the man's clothes were embroidered with gold thread.

He became suspicious and trotted his horse to stop them. "Who are you?"

"We... Please forgive my life. I'm just a businessman. I, I have money. Please give me a way to live!" The man in the middle spoke fluent Central Plains dialect. Trembling, he opened the baggage to reveal the gold and silver jewelry, several yellow gold bars, heavy silver, bracelets and pendants with good color. It makes people salivate.

The soldiers looked straight, Pei Shuo's eyes swept from above, returned to the merchant's face, and looked at the vigilant bodyguard around him.

The sun was not big, and bean sweat came out of the merchant's forehead.

The people in the border town were still running for their lives, but the merchant was stopped by Pei Shuo and dared not move. He dared to ask again.

"Others can go, you can't." Pei Shuo condescended and pointed to the merchant: "city master, at the critical moment, it's appropriate for you to leave the people of your city and escape?"

One remark revealed the identity of "businessman".

"If I want to go, what can you do for me?"

He stopped pretending, threw the burden at Pei Shuo, and ran away.

Pei Shuo split the burden with a knife. The bead chain, gold bars and silver were like the God of wealth. In particular, several pieces of heavy gold bars hit. The soldiers stretched out their hands to get them. They didn't want to slip at the foot of the beads, causing people to turn upside down. When they saw that they were unable to move, they laughed and felt like they were leaving.

He was successfully angered, grabbed Peibo's bow and arrow, and aimed his bow.

Bow like a full moon, arrow like a meteor, dragging tail light of the white feather, penetrating man who ran wildly.

The huge body fell to the ground and was cold.

Pei Shuo took the body of the city Lord back and sent it to Pei's father. Pei's army was stationed in the border town and temporarily belonged to the Central Plains.


After this battle, Pei Shuo became famous in the first World War.

Yanmen cleaned the battlefield, sent off his robes and fell into silence with the mountains. Pei Zhengwen discussed with the remaining two generals about reporting military information to the imperial court. As for the border town accidentally hit down, it's just the size of Nanxun town. Let's talk about it in spring and autumn. How to deal with it is up to the imperial court. They are professional.

The children who were sent away also got the news that they had finished their military service ahead of schedule and could go home.

Fang Jiabao jumped up with joy when he got the news. Finally, he didn't have to worry. He lived like a year in Yanmen. He also saved a lot of silver. In addition, he got a small sum of money in the Yanmen battle. He made a fortune and went home to live a good life with his mother!

"Have you heard? Pei Shuo shot the leader of the border town with an arrow this time. It's super powerful! "

"Yes, it seems to be about the same age as us. I don't know what he looks like. Is he as strong as those big men? I heard that the bow he used to shoot the city Lord weighs ten stones!"

"I heard he was responsible for picking stones up the mountain before..."

"Is he the one who warned the lion ridge of the invasion of foreign enemies?"

Fang Jiabao's smile gradually solidified, clenched the silver in his hand and shouted, "it's so noisy! He's just an ordinary person. What's there to discuss! "

It was quiet all around. A dozen pairs of eyes swished at Fang Jiabao, and then began to discuss again.

Fang Jiabao is so angry that Pei Shuo is still Pei Shuo!

Pei Shuo had a team of people to drive him at that time. He didn't have to break into the city master's house alone. If it was him, he could!

"Fang Jiabao." Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive. If it's not Pei Shuo, who else can there be? "I have something to talk to you. Can I talk to you?"

"Just say something here." Fang Jiabao is disgusting with him now. He doesn't want to listen to Pei Shuo and go to a place where there is no one.

Pei Shuo lowered his eyes: "the mushrooms and the bricks of the Corner Gate..."

"I don't know!"

Before Pei Shuo finished asking, Fang Jiabao shouted for the confession.

Hearing the word "mushroom", the gate of memory slowly opened, and the brick of the corner gate made his heart stop and beat. It was vaguely noticed before. If Pei Shuo didn't say it, they would be dusty in a corner in the depths of his memory. They wouldn't think of it again. Maybe they thought of it accidentally many years later, and they wouldn't associate it with the Yanmen battle.

If Pei Shuo doesn't mention it.

Why did you mention it?

Fang Jiabao's eyes can't deceive people.

"You know the Beiyi man lurking in Yanmen. I saw him give you money." Pei Shuo said expressionless.

"No, you're talking nonsense!" Fang Jiabao remembered, and his face turned pale. Pei Shuo looked at them from a distance. He denied that, at the same time, the eyes of the people around him made him a little panic. He regretted that he had not listened to Pei Shuo and went to other places.

"I don't know that man at all. He threatened me! You can't see him threatening me when you stand far away. You put a knife against my neck and asked me where the general is. I pretended to point him in the direction and you saw it! " Fang Jiabao's mind moved quickly and shouted, saying that even he believed that he was coerced.

"On that day, you were in a group with him, and your mushrooms were used the most." Pei Shuo smiled with disappointment and hatred: "Fang Jiabao, what did Yanmen do to make you commit adultery and betray the country!"

"I'm not a traitor! The fire didn't tell the mushroom was poisonous. Why should I be blamed! " Fang Jiabao shouted with tears in his eyes. "I don't know those mushrooms are poisonous. Why do you buckle all your mistakes on me?"

"Since you don't know that those mushrooms are poisonous, do you still pick so many?" Pei Shuo continued to ask.

"I don't know." Fang Jiabao stressed again and muttered: "I didn't pick mushrooms..."

"What about the brick of the corner gate?" Pei Shuo's face was expressionless.

"What, what corner door brick? You've been asking me what I don't understand. Are you going to throw dirty water on me? " Fang Jiabao said, turned around, grabbed other peers and pointed to Pei Shuo: "listen, this is the same robe. It's the same robe that slanders your brother at the critical moment."

Pei Shuo looked on coldly and became more and more disappointed. He remembered the general standing in front of the corner gate corridor. He would not let go of a Beiyi man who slipped in. If the brick of the corner gate hadn't opened the convenient door for the Beiyi people, Yanmen wouldn't have fallen so fast, and the general might not have died in front of the door.

He tightened his lips and stared at Fang Jiabao. His pupils were dark and unfathomable. How could there be such a person? Greedy for life and fear of death, unwilling to take responsibility, and selfish enough to drag a bunch of people to death, why should such people survive in this world?

Anyhow, ah Yao could not imagine that he finally broke Pei Shuo back and developed from a bad dandy to a three good youth. It is estimated that he will be more honest when he comes back from the army. Unexpectedly, Pei Shuo ran all the way towards the dark attribute avenue after undergoing great changes in the army.


The crowd exclaimed. Fang Jiabao didn't react at all. The long sword had been put on his neck and scratched blood.

"No, Pei Shuo, what do you mean?"

When Pei Shuo heard the speech, he put more effort on his hands. The fierceness in his eyebrows and eyes made Fang Jiabao shiver. He also realized that Pei Shuo really wanted to kill him“ Help! Help! I don't want to die! "

"Young master!"

When Bobu Chuanyang came, they saw Pei Shuo crazy and copied the soft whip or concealed weapon around his waist. The brothers cooperated with each other. The soft whip put on the long sword, and the concealed weapon flew towards peishuo's wrist, forcing him to throw down his family treasure first and tangle with the four brothers of Bobu Chuanyang.

Pei Zhengwen heard about it and pondered for a moment: "send him back to the capital for rest."