Horrible Live Streaming

C54 water ghost

Just like that, we hung on the gap between the well's edge and the water's surface, all of us staring at the place under the water.

Only now did I know that after I jumped in, there was no sign of online service, so Tang Rou was anxious. She bit down on her flashlight and went down to check the situation.

But Tang Rou told me that she only saw me sinking into the water. In addition, my movements were strange and I didn't know what to kick, so she didn't see anything dirty.

However, this matter wasn't particularly hard to understand. Sometimes, other people might not even be able to see what I could see. Even if it was the Ghost Catcher, Tang Rou was the same.

However, I am certain that something is amiss with this well.

"I can't hold on any longer. How about we climb up?"

Although the weather was not very cold at this time, the well water was so cold that it seeped into one's bones. Their entire bodies were completely drenched, and after being blown by the yin energy, they would naturally be extremely cold. Furthermore, the little streamer was very thin and weak, and would not have much energy left, so she was unable to lie down for a long time in these narrow cracks.

"If you're not afraid of being torn to shreds by those things, you can just climb up. If you continue to persevere for a while longer, those things should leave soon."

Even though I said that, I didn't feel reassured at all. It was only past midnight, and if I were to maintain this state of mind, even I wouldn't be able to hold on for long.

Unfortunately, the few of us were only concerned with this life, so we didn't protect our communication tools when we jumped into the water. All our phones weren't waterproof, so we lost our effect and couldn't contact Taoist Laoshan.

He could only rely on himself.

"Look, there seems to be something inside the water."

Just as I was at my wits' end, Mai Tianyou suddenly shouted out in a high-pitched voice.

I thought that this guy had also seen the swollen corpse in the water. However, when I looked down, I found that it wasn't the case. Under the cold moonlight, there seemed to be some light flickering in the well.

At first, I suspected that our flashlight had fallen into the water and was still able to maintain the illumination, but then Tang Rou rejected it.

"It seems to be some sort of metal item. It should be some sort of weapon."

Tang Rou seemed to understand these things quite well. After climbing down a bit, she wrinkled her brows and asked me.

"Do you have a knife with you?"

I remembered that the knife I had brought with me had landed in the courtyard, and the metallic object in the water was much larger.

Both Mai Tianyou and the female streamer shook their heads repeatedly.

"Why would there be such a thing in the well?" I muttered this in a low voice.

At this moment, the trembling female streamer suddenly interrupted and said.

"I don't know if you have studied the murder case here decades ago. It is said that in the past, this case was not broken, but seven heads were found hanging in various places. Not only was the corpse not found, but the murder weapon was also never found. All you know is that it should be a very sharp dagger."

When the girl said this, Tang Rou and I looked at each other at the same time.

It couldn't be that coincidental, could it be that what was shining in the well was a weapon left behind by the murderer of the seven human lives case?

This kind of speculation could be used as it was common in TV shows and novels. After all, in order to avoid being found after killing someone, they would throw away some of their weapons and go to a more secluded and secluded place.

The alleyway wasn't particularly large, and it only had a few yards to it. It wasn't impossible for him to throw the dagger into the well.

"You're not thinking of a dagger, are you?"

Tang Rou immediately saw through my thoughts and asked.

Indeed, in that instant, I had already had this terrifying thought. If this dagger was really the lethal weapon from back then, then it definitely carried a large amount of fiendish aura with it. After all, those who had originally killed people, or even those blades that had killed animals, would be contaminated with killing intent.

All along, I had been looking for a sharp weapon to deal with those endless demons and devils. Before this, I also had a peach wood sword in my hand, but reality proved that the peach wood sword could only display a little bit of effect.

Having once killed someone, or perhaps it was due to excessive profits, it was known as the Life Death Blade. Moreover, the more Baleful Yin Force it carried, the stronger its might was.

If the murderer who had committed seven human rights crimes really used this blade, then the Baleful Yin Force on this blade was simply an immeasurable poem. Until now, this was still a case without a head.

It was a fatal attraction for me.

"If this is truly a Life Severing Blade, then we can rely on this to charge out."

To be honest, up until now, I have already lost some of my stamina and can't hang on for too long by hanging on the well like a gecko. I don't know if those few grandfathers above me have already left, but rather than falling into the well and getting killed by that terrifying corpse, I would rather give it my all.

However, if I want to obtain the dagger in the water, I will have to take another risk.

"You don't seem to be able to swim very well. Let me do it."

Tang Rou saw that I was ready and immediately spoke up to stop me.

"It's fine. Even if it's true, I don't think I'll die in this place if there's anything wrong with it."

I smiled at Tang Rou. In reality, I had long since been panicking.

"Wait a minute, if there's really danger in this water, you can tie a rope around you so we can help."

The little girl, Shu, who was standing next to him, came up with another idea.

Soon, they all took off their belts and connected them together to form a rope that was nearly four meters long.