Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 994: Lying to win

At the Vienna Palace, after hearing the news brought by his brother, Franz said blankly: "Okay, the Belgian cabinet will take care of it, so don't continue to mix it up.

Now that the franc has fallen to the bottom, let your government in exile pay off the debts of the French first, and take the opportunity to brush up on a wave of existence! "

Without expectations, there is no disappointment. From the very beginning, there was no confidence in Massimiliano, and Franz would not be disappointed.

In a sense, Massimiliano's performance was much better than Franz expected. Except for the more serious idealism, other aspects are very good.

After so many years of development,

The Mexican Rehabilitation Organization led by Massimiliano has gradually grown and grown, especially among European students.

This year, the European continent was originally the stronghold of the monarchy. Governments of all countries instilled the idea of ​​loyalty to the monarch and patriotism. Massimiliano blended in this, and governments of all countries are also happy to see it.

Regardless of ability, Massimiliano is beyond blame in terms of personal morality. Compared with the warlords in Mexico, he, the emperor in exile, should not give everyone a very good impression.

Franz didn't help less in this regard, and he used the public implement more than once for private use, only to whitewash the exiled emperor Massimiliano.

The Mexican students who can study in Europe are not ordinary families. As these people return to their country, the tentacles of the restoration organization have returned to Mexico.

If the current situation continues, coupled with the support of the Vienna government, there may be a day when Massimiliano really has the possibility of restoration.

Of course, this is only possible. Neither the British nor the Americans would like to see the flag of the Habsburgs appear in Mexico again.

The most important thing is that Massimiliano's ability is insufficient, and there is no talent in the restoration organization, unable to cope with the complicated situation in Mexico. Restoration is to push him to hell.

Apart from anything else, even such a good opportunity for the devaluation of the franc has not been discovered, and Franz has to remind himself, knowing what Massimiliano’s restoration organization is.

"Fran devaluation-debt repayment-a sense of existence!"

Massimiliano, who was awakened, looked at Franz in disbelief. This operation was beyond his cognition.

There is no doubt that this is an upright hooliganism. But the French can't say anything. The devaluation of the franc is their own toss, and there is no one franc relationship with Massimiliano.

According to the amazing value of the franc, you only need to throw an Aegis to the bank, and you can say graciously: "Exchange it into francs to repay the debt, and you don't need to find the rest."

With one Aegis for a bank and no more than 100 Aegis, the Mexican Empire’s debt to the French can be paid off.

Of course, if there are additional conditions in the loan contract: settlement in gold, then there is no way to play that way.

However, this kind of thing is almost impossible to happen. Thirty years ago, who knew that France would fall to where it is today?

Under normal circumstances, even if the franc depreciates, it is only a short-term fluctuation, and the depreciation will not be too large. With the extremely high interest rate of the loan, even if the currency value fluctuates, it is still a blood profit.

Anyone who has confidence in their own country will not raise the issue of currency value changes when issuing international loans. This is common all over the world, including the loans issued by the Holy Roman Empire, which are all settled with Aegis, and few people withdraw the currency.

Regardless of whether the franc has depreciated or not, the government-in-exile takes the initiative to repay the debt. This spirit of observing the contract is worthy of a big book. If the franc depreciates, it will only be bad luck for the people.

The European media will certainly not let go of this blogger's attention and increase newspaper sales. You can search hot without using a hundred Aegis. There is no reason to give up such a good thing.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away!"

Soft ears are Massimiliano's most obvious weakness, but obedient is his greatest strength. Basically, Franz would do everything he ordered.

Had it not been for this advantage, Franz would have left it alone, let alone sponsoring an annual restoration fund.

In fact, the funds for the restoration of the country were not available at the beginning. At the beginning, it was all thanks to Massimiliano himself to go around for alms and the financial support of his parents; it was not until the late 19th century, when Franz's pockets gradually bulged, did he get this "huge amount" of sponsorship.


"There is no need to worry about restoration. What you need most now is to find talents. Governing a country is never an emperor's business. You need a team to help.

The Mexican Rehabilitation Organization is too loose, and the members inside are even more mixed. There is almost no climate, and it simply cannot take on the responsibility of governing a country.

Especially in a country with complicated national conditions like Mexico, the requirements for government officials are even higher. This kind of thing can't be rushed, you can only discover it slowly.

In a sense, discovering and appointing talents are the skills that a monarch needs to master most. In this regard, you are still not doing enough. "

Although there is not much hope for Massimiliano's restoration, in front of his younger brother, Franz would certainly not say that.

People can't live without ideals, regardless of whether they are finally realized, they must have a goal to strive for. If we were to tell the truth, it is estimated that Massimiliano would have been beaten to death.

Talking nonsense is also an art, and Franz is not good at it. On the issue of restoration, Franz never gives positive comments, but points out the problems at the right time.

Had it not been for the remote command of the military division behind him, Massimiliano himself would be willing to accept his opinions humbly. According to the original gameplay, it is estimated that the Mexican restoration organization would have disbanded long ago.

If an emperor in exile has no means, why should he let his family kill you?

Regardless of how to give directions, but the natural law of "things gather by similarities, and people divide by groups" has not changed.

An idealistic leader, gathered a bunch of idealistic brothers. Such an organization is okay to engage in propaganda. If they are really allowed to rule the country, then it would be nonsense.


At the moment of Leopold II's visit to Vienna, the situation in Paris changed again.

The aristocratic coalition led by Carlos surrounded the city of Paris from all directions. In order to reduce casualties, or someone inside was dragged down, they were forced to change to a long-term siege.

Regardless of how well the new Paris government has done it, the essence of "people are iron rice or steel, so hungry without a meal" cannot be changed.

Foreign food cannot be imported, and Paris, which is only supported by stored food, will obviously not last long.

However, the new government expected the revolutionary climax that did not erupt with the victory of the Paris Revolution; instead, the news of the Bourbon restoration made the revolution underestimated.

It's not that the French people have no revolutionary enthusiasm, but they are really hungry, and everyone has no energy to make a revolution.

Out of support for the Bourbon dynasty, the European Union made a decision to import all materials from France and only trade with the Bourbon dynasty.

Simply put, wherever a revolution breaks out, there will be an economic blockade. Not to mention that it is the nobles who originally opposed the revolution. Even the intellectuals, middle class, and workers who were originally inclined to revolution have changed their positions.

It does not matter whether it is voluntary or not. Anyway, as long as you know that you will be hungry with the revolutionary party, no one wants to go.

The people outside have a choice, but the people trapped in Paris have no choice. If you want to surrender out of the city, you must pass the minefield first.

These are all sponsored free of charge by international caring people, and all come from the unsalable products left over from the European War. In order to avoid being wasted after the expiration date, the Allied forces gave it to the noble coalition.

In order to avoid a sneak attack by the defenders in the city, King Carlos, who is about to take the throne, decided to take a lie-to-win strategy and ordered a huge mine formation outside Paris.

The safety issue is that you don’t have to worry about it, but people inside can’t get out, and people outside can’t get in either.

However, they don't need to go in now. When there is no food in the city, the war will end. This kind of tactics has almost no shortcomings except that it takes a little longer.

As for the life and death of the people in the city, they are all defined as mobs, and the nobles will naturally not care.

Insufficient food reserves, in order to support a longer time, the new government had to adopt a limited supply system. At the beginning, it was okay. Leaders took the lead. Everyone had a unified standard. No one had any opinions.

Over time, the situation has changed. Black sheep exist everywhere, and the new Paris government is no exception.

Driven by interests, underground black markets have appeared quietly and without interest. As long as there is money, there are almost no restrictions. Of course, this money does not refer to francs, and all that can be traded are hard currencies, such as gold and silver jewelry, British pounds, and Aegis.

Naturally, the grains that have fallen into the black market did not appear out of thin air. The new government's management of the granary is still very strict. Bureaucrats who want to make money can only deduct the rations of ordinary people.

People's greed is endless. At the beginning, two or three points were deducted. Seeing that the people didn't react much, the deductions increased until they exceeded everyone's limit...