Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 992: New trouble

Changes in the economic model have a comprehensive impact. As the new European hegemon, the actions of the Holy Roman Empire itself have attracted much attention from the outside world.

Even though the steps taken by the Vienna government were small, the implementation of the New Economic Policy still attracted the attention of European governments.

Paying attention to paying attention to what kind of economic policy to implement is the housework of the Holy Roman Empire, it is not everyone's turn to intervene.

Except for a few screams from the free-economy advocating parties, nothing happened. Compared with the changes in the economic policy of the Holy Roman Empire, the people are still more concerned about the French Civil War and the Japanese-Western War.

Especially the French Civil War, it is the favorite of the people who eat melon. The anti-French war has just ended, and the hatred has not completely faded away. Looking at the enemy, everyone is naturally happy to watch the excitement.

Ordinary people can watch the excitement, but governments of various countries can't. If the French civil war continues, the indemnity will become a "moon in the water, a flower in a mirror", which is invisible and intangible.

The Belgian government was the first to lose weight. As the biggest victim of the European War, Belgium fell directly from a developed country to an extremely poor country.

Post-war reconstruction continues. Almost all materials have to be purchased from abroad, and national tax revenue is about zero. The only income of the Belgian government is the war reparations paid by the French.

It is now in the second half of the year, and the settlement period is not far away. If the French Civil War is not over, this year's war reparations will be ruined.

We must know that the Belgian government is now relying entirely on borrowing. All the funds for post-war reconstruction come from international loans. One penny can’t wait to be spent in half. Even the salaries of government officials cannot be paid normally.

Now I am counting on the French indemnity to pay salaries to public officials, lest the people below go on strike.

Theoretically speaking, now that the Revolutionaries are besieged in Paris, the aristocracy has the upper hand in the military and should soon triumph.

It is a pity that there are many contradictions within the French aristocracy. Although the Vienna government has reconciled the contradictions between the three kings, it only suppressed the contradictions on the surface, and secretly hindered things still happen from time to time.

In contrast, the situation of the new Paris government is much better. Regardless of whether it was voluntarily or voluntarily, everyone was on the thief ship, with blood on their hands, and there was only one way to die.

Regardless of the fact that the Revolutionary Party can go into exile every time it fails, it thinks it is easy to run away. In fact, there are only high-level leaders who succeed every time, and ordinary revolutionaries have no capital in exile.

On the one hand, there is an alliance of nobles with ghosts, and the revolutionary party who is on the other side, the fighting power that broke out from the two sides is naturally not on the same level. Had it not been for the anti-French alliance to support the royalist party behind the scenes, the offensive and defensive momentum of the two sides would have long been changed.

Support belongs to support, and the Allies did not directly send troops to interfere in this civil war. On the one hand, it was because Carlos firmly opposed it; on the other hand, there was a division within the anti-French alliance.

Although the performance of the noble clique is poor, it still has an advantage in strategy. As long as the siege continues, the royalist party will consume the enemy sooner or later.

Except for a few poor ghosts who need to wait for rice to be cooked, most countries in the anti-French alliance are happy to watch the French kill each other.

Although the European War severely damaged France, it still did not change the fact that France is a big country. There is a lesson from history that no one dares to take France lightly.

Now the French are killing each other and depleting the vitality of the country, which is exactly what everyone wants to see. In a sense, the civil war is the cruelest. No matter who wins or loses, it consumes its own national power.

When you open the history book, you know that the greatest damage caused by civil wars is never on the battlefield, and the most people die outside the battlefield.

Although there are no specific statistics on casualties, a rough figure can be derived based on the changes in French food imports.

According to data released by the European Food Export Association, since the outbreak of the French Civil War, total food imports have dropped by 27.4% from the previous month.

The main reason for the decline in total food imports is that the pockets of the French people have been emptied and their purchasing power has been lost; the second is that after the siege of Paris, external food cannot be imported.

You can’t tell from the ratio alone. If it is converted to a specific figure, it means that France has added millions of people and needs to solve the food problem.

Of course, real data may differ. After all, countless refugees die of illness and starvation every day, and as the population decreases, the food gap naturally decreases.

Against this background, Belgium proposes armed intervention, and it is naturally difficult to win everyone's support.


At the Vienna Palace, Franz the Great, who has a conscience, is worrying about solving the problem of refugees in France.

The assistance of the European Union is based on the premise of the successful restoration of the Bourbon dynasty. Before the dust settles, everyone will not risk losing their money to help the French.

The Vienna government is helping the French? This is even more impossible. Hatred not only circulates among the French, but also exists in the hearts of the vast majority of Shenluo people.

If anyone supports the French at this time, they are having trouble with the vast majority of the people of Shinra, especially the anti-French sentiments of the people in Luxembourg and the Rhineland are the most intense.

In order to take care of his family's emotions, Franz could not risk the world's disgrace and provide substantial help to the French.

Of course, this is the official explanation to the Bourbons. As for the French believe it or not, I don't know. Anyway, Franz did worry about the French refugees.

Since the outbreak of the French Civil War, more and more French refugees have crossed the border into Shenra. In order to survive, the refugees obviously can't care about the hatred of the country.

Repatriation has no effect at all. Even if they are sent back, they cannot find enough food, and these people will return in a few days.

It doesn't matter if you are arrested and put in jail, at least Shinra's prison will also take care of meals, which is much better than being hungry. Anyway, the refugees surrender when they meet the defenders. As long as they are willing to take care of the food, you can do whatever you like.

European people's sights are all focused on the French civil war, and there are naturally many media concerned about refugee issues. For the sake of international reputation, many extraordinary methods are no longer available.

Especially the children who followed, regardless of the presence or absence of their parents, all regarded themselves as orphans, directly dependent on them.

Adults can be repatriated, they can be arrested, but they are powerless to deal with this group of orphaned defenders. In the end, they could only be raised first, and the frontline barracks were almost turned into nurseries.

How to deal with these refugees has become the biggest problem facing the Vienna government.

"What, Leopold II is coming to Vienna?"

Belgium is waiting to be thriving, and it is precisely when he needs his king to stabilize the hearts of the people. Leopold II's visit to Vienna at this time is definitely not a mere relative.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The Foreign Minister Weissenberg replied: "The Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has just sent a telegram saying that Leopold II has already set off from the country. It is expected that he will enter the empire tonight. Let us arrange a special train."

Leopold II used practical actions to explain what is vigorous and resolute, and he came directly regardless of whether the Vienna government was willing to receive it.

"Let the railway company arrange special trains, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will do the reception work according to normal specifications. The royal family will send Massimiliano this time as a representative."

(Alias: Maximilian)

Regardless of the purpose, the visitor is a guest, the diplomatic etiquette should be indispensable. Being idle is also idle, Franz decided to find something to do for his hapless brother.

Anyway, they were all relatives, and there was nothing wrong with asking Massimiliano to receive his brother-in-law.

Frankly speaking, the Franz brothers have a good relationship. As long as Massimiliano does not come to ask for advice with a plan to govern the country, everyone is a good brother.

Unfortunately, the enthusiasm of idealists is not comparable to ordinary people. Despite all these years, Massimiliano still did not give up the emperor's obligations.

Of course, after so many years of growth, Massimiliano is still a lot more mature than when he was young. This can be seen from the Mexican development strategy he carefully prepared.

If he had played like this thirty years ago and with the support of the Vienna government, Massimiliano would probably have secured the Mexican throne, at least not a former president could overthrow.

It's a pity that there are everything, but there is no regret medicine. The times are developing and the international situation is changing. Mexico is far more complicated than it was 30 years ago. Even if it is successfully restored, it will be difficult to stabilize it.

Franz has never been interested in trading with high risks and low returns. If you really have the time to travel to the muddy waters of Mexico, it would be better to pull the British from the position of the overlord of the ocean as soon as possible.

Whether it is Australia, New Zealand, Canada, or British Africa, which one is not more attractive than Mexico?

It is not realistic to swallow it directly. It is easy to establish an independent state, at least easier than to get Mexico. At least these areas do not have the population of Mexico, let alone the complex racial conflicts.

After the reception work is arranged, the episode is over. As for the real purpose of Leopold II's visit, Franz is not so curious yet.