Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 987: Game

Since ancient times, interests have been the best bridges for friendship. As long as the interests are in place, friendship will be born. It's not that Governor Chandler likes to play tricks, he is actually forced out by reality.

As the greatest victor of the European War, the seemingly bullish Holy Roman Empire is actually in its weakest period.

The established state policy of the Vienna government is to keep business, and expansion is not considered at all. The Philippine Islands are fertile, but this is still not enough to make the Vienna government change its national policy.

As a colonial governor, while taking into account national strategy, Chandler also cannot ignore the interests of the colonial group. In this context, it is necessary to test operational skills.

The original plan for picking peaches was based on Spain's defeat and Japan's lack of strength. The current situation is very obvious. It is indeed difficult for Spain to win the war, but the strength of the Japanese is also unexpected.

Maybe they are not good at fighting, but they are willing to work hard! Only relying on the power of the empire in Southeast Asia, even if it can defeat the Japanese, it will suffer heavy losses.

For the Holy Roman Empire, Japan has never been worth mentioning. The British, who are hiding behind the scenes, are the real threat.

If the operation is not good, it will become a proxy war where the British send arms and the Japanese send troops.

There are many pitfalls in proxy wars. Think about the first Near East War, the two Russian Wars, and the recent Anglo-Russian war in Afghanistan.

Each and every competitor was pitted to death, crippled and disabled, and the ones who survived were badly injured.

Britain and Russia did not engage in things when the Holy Roman Empire was at its weakest. It was not that the governments of the two countries understood the righteousness of the two countries, and it was not that there was no contradiction between the three countries. The core reason was that they were not in a state.

In an Afghan war, Britain and Russia each lost hundreds of thousands of troops, but what they reaped was chicken feathers. At the same time, they were also under heavy financial pressure. In this context, even if you want to do things, you must exercise restraint.

In a sense, the Holy Roman Empire can be restored, and the proxy wars secretly manipulated by the Vienna government have also made important contributions.

Perhaps when he had just crossed, Franz might still get a second grade, and took the opportunity to beat the Japanese to vent his breath. Now it is impossible. As a mature politician, any military action must be driven by interests.

The Japanese were so poor these days that even if they were pushed back smoothly, they would not be able to recover the war funds; if something happened in the middle, it would be a blood loss.

I don't want to go to battle in person, and I covet the fertile Philippine Islands. The value of Spain is reflected.

Britain supports the Japanese, and Vienna supports Spain. No matter who wins or loses, it is a profit. It is nothing more than a matter of profit.

From the standpoint of the Vienna government, the greater the British government's support to the Japanese, the better. Only in this way will the conflict between Britain and the West continue to escalate.

A Spain that is at the same time enmity with Britain and France and possesses certain strength is undoubtedly the best ally of the Holy Roman Empire.

It doesn't matter if Spain is going downhill, as long as it doesn't fall too fast. If Spain is really on the rise, this little brother Franz would not dare to ask for it.

Compared with the strategic benefits, the benefits of the Philippine Islands have become trivial. Governor Chandler would have done nothing if it were not for the Spaniards to deliver it.

"Your Excellency Commander has been worrying too much. Based on our friendship with your country, no shipyard would dare to risk the world's chaos.

It's just that Nanyang is different from Europe. All the tools, equipment and spare parts of the repair shop are shipped from China, especially the specifications of your country's warships are not the same as ours. Many parts have to be customized, so the cost is slightly higher.

It's not that we took advantage of the fire. As you know, it is a big risk to reserve spare parts in advance. Capitalists must do this to make money, so this price..."

After listening to this explanation, General Valkenhain had nothing to say. Proprietary spare parts, maintenance tools and equipment are all available. This is a ghost if it is not for taking advantage of the fire.

If it's just that the maintenance costs are higher, Valkenhain doesn't mind paying a little more. After all, time on the battlefield is life. The more spare parts the shipyard reserves, the faster the progress of warship repairs, and it should be worth making more money.

It is obviously not a question of money now, just the high maintenance cost is not enough to make Admiral Valkenhain murmured for help.

Seeing Governor Chandler's refusal to speak directly, Valkenhain understood that this was for the sake of face. As the boss of the European Union and plotting the colony of the younger brother, if it spreads out, the Vienna government can't be a man.

The best way is undoubtedly to let them take the initiative to send it up. Then, the Vienna government gave a relatively "reasonable price" to everyone's face.

Stubbornly resisting the dissatisfaction in his heart, Admiral Kvarkenhain said without conscience: "Your Excellency, for the friendship between our two countries and for the strong support of your government, we are willing to open the market in the Philippines.

As you know, our financial situation has been very bad. If your country can help, we are willing to sell some of the islands. "

"Your Excellency is misunderstood. We don't have any prying eyes on your colonies, and the Holy Roman Empire will not peep into the colonies of any allies.

If your country is really in financial difficulties, we are also happy to help. For world peace and stability, the empire is launching a globalization strategy. If your country doesn’t mind, you can lease a few military ports to us.

You can rest assured that our garrison is only to maintain regional peace and stability and will not interfere with your country’s management of the colony. "

The fat delivered to the door cannot be eaten, and Governor Chandler's heart is bleeding. But there is no way, the Holy Roman Empire must pay attention to the food, otherwise it will cause panic in the European world.

The Spaniards opened up the market and could explain to colonial groups. It is impossible to take the opportunity to annex the Philippine Islands.

Even if the Spaniards gave it away for free, the Holy Roman Empire cannot accept it now. Let alone buying an island, even if you really want to buy it, you can't buy it now.

Don’t forget, the Philippine Islands are still in the hands of the Japanese! Once the island sovereignty was bought, the Holy Roman Empire was dragged down by the Spanish.

The inability of the Nanyang Governor's Mansion to gain much benefit does not mean that the Holy Roman Empire has no benefit. In any case, Spain is also an old-school colonial country. Even though it has fallen, there are still many islands with strategic value in its hands.

Limited by their strength, many islands are dispensable in the hands of the Spaniards, but they have become invaluable in the hands of the Holy Roman Empire.

Since the end of the European War, globalization strategy has been put on the agenda. It has not been implemented yet. It is mainly limited by financial resources. After a few years of digesting the spoils of this time, it can be said that a full-scale launch of the globalization strategy is imperative.


Océ is trading, and Britain and Japan are not idle. The Japanese who have proved their own strength are clearly elevated in the eyes of the British government.

Downing Street

Secretary of Foreign Affairs George: "Judging from the strength of the Japanese in the Philippine naval battle, they have done it to check and balance the Spanish.

Even because of the strong penetration of the Japanese, the dominance of the Holy Roman Empire in the Southeast Asia was also affected.

The Vienna government will not allow this situation to continue. If we do not intervene, it is only a matter of time before the Japanese are forced out of Southeast Asia.

Once the Nanyang strategy fails, the Japanese will have only one way to go north. This will inevitably lead to a war with the Qing, and we will have to make another choice at that time.

For the benefit of the empire, the best choice is to support the Qing to contain the Russians in the Far East, and support the Japanese to contain Spain and the Holy Roman Empire in Southeast Asia. "

There is no doubt that this is the most optimistic situation. It is undoubtedly an ideal state to help Britain get rid of the current embarrassment by supporting the two younger brothers.

However, the plan is always just a plan, and it is not that simple to implement it.

Although Spain is in decline, it is not without the power of a war. Even though the bureaucracy is rotten, the overall national strength is still above Japan.

In particular, Spain is a European country, and there is a European Union behind it. Once the Spanish government has completed the diplomatic work of various countries and won the support of the entire alliance, the Japanese plan to go south is doomed to bankruptcy.

We must know that the London government is still working hard to join the alliance and has achieved certain results. It is impossible to directly confront the alliance for the Japanese.

The plan in the south is full of uncertainty, and the plan in the north is even more tragic. The biggest feature of the Far Eastern Empire is that they are satisfied if the Russians do not come to trouble them, and it is too embarrassing to take the initiative to find the bad luck of the Russians.

Watching British and Russian dogs biting dogs in India, it is too late for people to be happy. How can they actively blend in?

There are so many problems that still do not affect this "plan" as a diplomatic strategy of the London government. If you succeed in earning money, you will not lose money if you fail. Why not use such a plan?

Said it is support, but in fact, all weapons and equipment are bought for real money, and what the British government really pays is diplomatic verbal support.

Looking at the response of the stock market, we know that since the London government implemented this strategic plan, the domestic military industry stocks have risen by 18%, and even the machinery and equipment export industry stocks have risen by nine points.

Prime Minister Gladstone nodded: "Agreeing to the Japanese request, since the Holy Roman Empire can help the Spanish repair warships, then our shipyards in the Far East can also help the Japanese repair warships, but we must grasp the limits. The Empire cannot Directly involved in the war.

At the same time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs should speed up its deployment in the Far East and provoke conflicts between the Qing and Russia as much as possible to ease our pressure in India.

Orders the Governor of India to increase support for the guerrillas of Central Asian countries and increase the cost of Russian rule.

When necessary, a certain amount of loans can be issued to the Japanese government, or war bonds can be issued for them. The amount is tentatively set to be less than 20 million pounds. Let them use tariffs as collateral, the risk should not be too great. "

You can’t be nervous, the Russian Central Asia Railway has already started. It is the Austrian Railway Company that is responsible for the construction. As long as no major changes occur, it is only a matter of time before it opens to traffic.

Everyone knows that once the Central Asia Railway is completed, it is time for the Russians to go south again. Although the railway will not be completed during Gladstone's tenure, if nothing happens, they will have political stains on their backs if something goes wrong in the future.

In order to be famous before and after his life, the Gladstone cabinet has been working hard recently. A series of seemingly perfect strategic plans are constantly being introduced.

As for whether it can succeed, it is temporarily out of their consideration, anyway, as long as it seems feasible. If the future fails, it is also their failure to succeed the government.

Foreign Secretary George: "According to the intelligence collected from various sources, the Vienna government is busy dealing with domestic affairs and has no plan to directly intervene in this war.

Now that the naval battle is at a stalemate, the next battle will immediately shift to land. The Japanese are willing to work hard, as long as Vienna does not engage in things, the Spaniards who have worked on the expedition will not be able to consume them.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is looking for a suitable opportunity to mediate this war, so that the Japanese will accept it as soon as they see it, so as to avoid the expansion of the war. "

Compared with Spain, Japan’s biggest advantage is its large population. If it were not for the facts, no one would have imagined Spain, which had a population of 8 million in the 16th century, now has a total population of less than 18 million.

You can see from the population that the decline of Spain is not unreasonable. I won't say anything if it happened in the middle, anyway, it was all tricks to death, so that Britain, which used to have less than half of its population, is now almost twice as large as theirs.

In contrast, the situation in Japan is much better, with a population of more than 40 million, which has already met the population needs of contemporary powers.

It can be said that the naval battle has not been accomplished. The Spaniards have lost half of this war. In the next battle, the Japanese government will definitely use its advantages to lure the Spanish into landing for a decisive battle.

After all, compared with the precious navy, the Japanese government can afford to die as much as a cheap army.
