Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 960: Tiankeng

Interests are moving. While the British are eyeing the French warships, the Austrian Admiralty is also fighting against the French warships.

The seemingly ordinary warship battle has actually evolved into a battle for maritime hegemony. The final ownership of the warships in the hands of the French will directly affect the subsequent world structure.

In the Vienna Palace, facing the eager crowd, Franz asked calmly: "Do you think the French will hand over the ship to us obediently?"

Frankly speaking, Franz also had the idea of ​​a French warship. Directly inheriting the French navy heritage, and combining the two navies to surpass the British in one fell swoop, this picture is really wonderful.

However, the cruel reality told him it was impossible. The Fao-Aust Navy is a self-contained system, and integration cannot be completed in a short while.

If it is only a matter of time, it is not insurmountable. The trouble is that under Franz's butterfly effect, the development of naval technology has greatly exceeded the original time and space, and it is only one concept away from the birth of the Dreadnought.

If Austria obtains the French warship, the British will definitely increase their investment in the navy in order to maintain maritime hegemony.

Once the dreadnought ships come out, these ironclad ships that were acquired at a high price will immediately be swept into the historical garbage dump.

There is no doubt that Austria will definitely follow the birth of the Dreadnought. What should we do with these chicken ribs?

It is definitely impossible to sell, even if it is free, no one can support it. The world's second navy's plate, even if the two countries are struggling to connect, the remaining countries together are enough.

In addition to being good-looking, the actual value is about zero. Can't the British make a dreadnought ship before they come to a naval battle to kill them?

It wasn't Franz that he was really not sure. The Fawor navy surpassed the British in total tonnage. 1.5:1 seems to have the advantage. In fact, if the battle is fought, it is an unknown who wins and loses.

The Royal Navy this year is really awesome. Franz is not very clear about the inside of the French Navy. Anyway, the Austrian Navy has a lot of moisture.

As one of the first countries to enter the age of ironclad warships, the Austrian Navy is now in a special period of aging ships and requiring large-scale replacement.

Except for the battleships that are advancing with the times, most of the auxiliary warships have fallen behind, and there are even many sailing warships.

There is no other reason, just to save money. The suffering of developing sea power and land power at the same time can only be known by those who have experienced it firsthand.

To save others, Franz has reason to believe that the French Navy also has serious water injection. The world’s three major naval powers are nominally at the same level, but in fact it is for other naval powers.

In essence, the Royal Navy was one gear higher, and the three navies were forcibly drawn together for comparison, just because of benefits.

Without competitors, how can there be military spending? The slogans of the three major naval powers were originally called out by the British Navy in order to put pressure on Parliament.

Compared with the French and Austrian navies with a large number of old warships, the Royal Navy is much better. As the king of the international warship trade market, the British can export a batch of second-hand warships every few years.

The funds returned from the arms trade and its own military expenditure are the highest, so that the Royal Navy far surpasses France and Austria in the replacement of warships.

Secretary of the Navy Castagni explained: "Your Majesty, there is an outbreak of civil strife in France, and the Bonaparte dynasty is at stake. As long as we are willing to help them keep power, Napoleon IV will compromise."

After some thought, Franz vetoed: "No!"

"Intervention in the French regime change may seem like a wonderful move, but it is not worth the loss. It is not the Middle Ages anymore, and the French with full of nationalism simply cannot accept a regime supported by foreign forces.

The war has destroyed the foundation of the Bonaparte dynasty, unless we are merciful, otherwise the mess after the war will be impossible for anyone to deal with.

This is impossible. Even if we are willing to give up suppressing France, our allies will not let it go. How can you make everyone sleep peacefully without damaging France?

Napoleon IV was not a fool, even if he was a fan of the authorities, someone would remind him. The most suitable thing for the Bonapartist dynasty right now is to go back quickly and find a man with a pot to bear the anger of the people. "

This time is different from the past, and now it is at a time when Fao's hatred is deepest. To support the pro-Austrian regime in France is obviously a thankless effort.

If it really supports the Bonaparte dynasty, then the best way for Austria is to openly support their competitors, and then the angry French people will take care of everything.

"But this opportunity is really rare. Once we miss it, we won't be able to surpass the Royal Navy overnight."

Secretary of the Navy Castagni fought for it.

Foreign Secretary Weissenberg: "Your Excellency, calm down. It is not impossible to get a warship from the French. The key is to see whether the price paid matches the benefits gained.

The price we paid for this war is also very high. In the short term, we simply have no financial resources to compete with the British for maritime supremacy.

After the war, the economy was restored first, and we could not afford to get the French warships. Besides, there are a lot of people who are eyeing the French warships. It is too ugly for our family to be alone.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs suggested that a few battleships should be selected from them, and the rest should be allocated to allies to avoid unnecessary trouble. "

In theory, this is the most sensible approach. Austria will choke enough if it eats the French warships, and the entire anti-French alliance will eat the French warships together. There is no problem.

Pulling everyone together to share the spoils, the international pressure will disappear.

Anyway, the most quintessential part of the French navy is the capital ships, and Austria is not lacking such as auxiliary warships.

The Minister of the Navy Castagni hurriedly objected: "Your Excellency, please don't do this. The French Navy adopts a different technical standard from ours. If you can't get them all back, then just don't get a single ship.

For several French warships, the need to provide special supporting facilities is completely outweighed by the gains. "

Since Austria completed its military reform, standardization has been imprinted in everyone's minds. As large as warships and ports, as small as a screw, there are specific standards.

If you can't get all the French capital ships, then after losing the strategic significance beyond the Royal Navy, a few warships will become meaningless to the Austrian Navy.

"Since the navy doesn't want it, then just give up. After the war, a large warship auction was held, and countries around the world were invited to participate, and the funds raised served as part of the war reparations."

Franz's decisive decision directly caused Castagni to cry without tears.

The increase in logistical pressure for a few French warships is indeed not worth the loss. If it becomes dozens of ships, it will be different.

As the second naval power in the world, the French light iron armored ships have hundreds of them. Even if Austria takes dozens of them, the rest is enough for everyone to share, and there is no distribution problem at all.

Originally just wanted to bargain, but the toss was gone all of a sudden, and Castagni's mood naturally didn't get better.

Obviously, Franz was not a good leader who cared about the mood of his subordinates. After making a decision, he immediately moved on to the next topic, without giving Castagni any buffer time.


While the Vienna government was considering the aftermath, the battlefield changed again.

First, the French army on the southern front could not withstand the pressure and took the initiative to abandon the Italian region; then the French army in Central Europe once again lost their armor and armor on the battlefield and was forced to retreat to the mainland; even the Franche-Comté district in the east was also lost. Mostly.

The only thing that is still strong is the Western Battlefield. A gang of second-rate French troops with blood and courage, forcibly withstood the Spanish attack.

Of course, this does not prove that their combat effectiveness is strong. More of it is because the Spaniards are unreliable, they all jumped out and fell into trouble, still looking forward and backward.

Now there are only two paths before Napoleon IV: either run into exile by himself or be exiled by the anti-French alliance.

No matter how you choose, your own safety is guaranteed. In comparison with Napoleon the Great, who was dragging hatred everywhere, Napoleon IV offended not many people.

Except for the domestic capitalists, there are basically few enemies who live and die. If the Bonaparte family is good at public relations, even exile is not necessary.

Whether to continue to raise the banner of resistance in exile or to admit defeat and withdraw from politics has become the most entangled question for Napoleon IV.

At the Palace of Versailles, the dying Napoleon IV asked: "The war is doomed to fail. What do you think we should do now?"

All the people present were hard-core supporters of the Bonaparte dynasty, and Napoleon IV did not go against him, so naturally there is no talk of being rebellious.

What's more, the anti-French alliance is fighting over now, even if someone wants to quit, no one will accept it!

Prime Minister Terence Burkin took the lead and said: "Your Majesty, the situation is irreversible. Now I can only retreat temporarily and wait for an appropriate time to come back.

However, we cannot bear the responsibility of defeat, let alone sign a harsh armistice treaty. This war was originally provoked by the consortium, but it failed because of them, and they must be held accountable.

According to the latest investigation results, 485 of the suspects we arrested have admitted to collaborating with the enemy and traitorously, but unfortunately they ran away from the boss who planned the operation.

According to their explanations, a series of issues, including initiating the conspiracy of this war, driving up prices during the war, and deliberately creating social contradictions, were all under the direction of international forces. "

Obviously, Terrence Burkin was ready to throw the pot out before running, to preserve the reputation of the Bonapartist dynasty as much as possible and prepare for future restoration.

Whether or not capitalists collude with international forces is no longer important. Anyway, the accusations on their heads are all real, and it is just right to push out the hatred.

It doesn't matter even if you wear them for help. Based on what these guys do, the reputation has long been stinking, and some enthusiastic people are willing to testify.

The internal competition of the bourgeoisie is equally cruel, and no one is merciful when it can kill competitors. Even if you want to rehabilitate them, it is after these guys die.

Napoleon IV asked uncertainly: "You mean to throw Paris to the revolutionaries and let them deal with the anti-French alliance?"

Paris is now a hot potato, and whoever takes it will face a disintegrating problem: how to dismiss the anti-French alliance.

As the loser of this war, don't pay a painful price, don't think about passing it at all. Reparation of land is indispensable.

However, no matter whether it is land cessation or indemnity, the French people cannot accept it. Such a treaty can be said to be the one who signed it. No sign is even better. The millions of anti-French coalition forces are not vegetarian.

France can expel the people in the occupied territories, just like the anti-French alliance. The lessons of the Ottoman Empire have already appeared, and no one can guarantee that France will become the second Ottoman.

International pressure does not exist. In this age of the weak and the strong, the anti-French alliance with the biggest fist represents the international order.

Terence Burkin nodded: "Yes, Your Majesty. Since the Revolutionaries choose to rebel at this time, they must be able to bear the consequences."


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