Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 958: Civil unrest broke out

The government troops are dispatched wildly, so the secret cannot be kept. In fact, every move of the French government has always been stared at by the consortium, but everyone did not expect that Napoleon IV would overturn the table.

The human mind is complicated. "Benevolent to lead oneself, strict to discipline others" is the norm in society. Although they were planning a coup d'etat, everyone was very angry at the emperor's behavior of overturning the table.

Needless to say, the arrow is on the string and I have to send it. Following the actions of the government forces, the capitalists who had been hiding behind the remote control are now forced to step onto the front desk.

"My fellow citizens, take up the weapons in your hands, overthrow the decadent Bonaparte dynasty, end this wrong war, and establish a..."

Maxim Sidorov, who was lucky enough to escape, is now biting his head and preaching revolutionary theories to the workers and encouraging everyone to participate in the rebellion.

It can be seen that this is a pseudo-revolutionary party, which only promotes the overthrow of the Bonapartist dynasty, and lacks theories to bring down the bourgeoisie.

There is no way, you can't expect the capitalists to rise up and destroy their lives, right? Even if you just talk about it casually, it's easy to wear!

Maxim Sidorov deeply felt what it means "a talented person meets a soldier, it is unreasonable to say". No matter how much he speaks on stage, the mood of the people below is not high.

The idea of ​​"revolution" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it is limited to intellectuals. Ordinary people are working hard for three meals a day, and there is no time to think about these issues.

The point is that the Bonaparte dynasty has not yet reached the point of anger and resentment. Although the front-line bad news continues, most of the wars are fought abroad, and the people of Paris do not feel it deeply.

The soaring domestic prices have indeed caused dissatisfaction among everyone. However, in order to stabilize people's hearts, the Paris government has issued relief food many times. Although I still can't eat enough, at least I can't die from starvation!

Many people miss the good life in the era of Napoleon III. The "revolution" left a bad impression on the people of Paris. The most typical thing is that everyone's living standards have dropped significantly after the last Great Revolution.

Seeing that the Spiritual Encouragement Act was not very effective on this entrapped insurgent, Maxim Sidorov reluctantly announced: "The police station opposite was conquered, and each person was rewarded with five thousand francs, the first one to rush in. Fifty thousand francs..."

Great principles will never work for real money. Although the franc has depreciated drastically, five thousand francs is still an astronomical figure for ordinary people.

Looking at the resurgent army full of blood, Maxim Sidorov has no confidence in the prospect of this revolution. In essence, he didn't even want a revolution, he just wanted to change the last obedient government through politics.

But the plan did not change fast, Napoleon IV's sudden action disrupted their plan. Originally lurking under the flag in the government, they are now reduced to prisoners, and even they are running hurriedly.

If it were not for no alternative, Maxim Sidorov would definitely not go into battle in person, leading a mob to make a revolution.

It's messed up, the whole Paris is messed up. Facing the butcher knife raised by the government, the capitalists and the revolutionary party fought back and kicked off the revolution.

The sound of guns, screams, and crying together reverberated through the city of Paris. The sky gradually dimmed, night fell, and the battle continued.

At midnight, maybe everyone was tired from fighting, or maybe it was too dark to see, and the battle gradually eased.

"Mr. Maxim, the car is ready and ready to go."

Maxim Sidorov nodded: "Well! Two hours after I leave, I will notify the Revolutionary Party to take over the troops. After completing the mission, you are free to decide whether to continue participating in the subsequent battle."

It is impossible to lead the revolution. Maxim Sidorov is not so lofty and great, and he has to do it when he is in trouble today.

The government has already started, and he can't get out without disturbing Paris. Once it falls into the hands of the government, the outcome of others is not known, anyway Maxim Sidorov is dead.

As for the great cause of overthrowing the Bonaparte dynasty, it will naturally be left to the Revolutionary Party. It's okay if he doesn't wear his identity now, if everyone knows that he is the boss of the capital vampire, he won't be torn apart.

You must know that since the birth of the bourgeoisie, it has been linked to "unscrupulous". Especially those engaged in finance are among the best.

The world will not revolve around individuals. Without Maxim Sidorov, the Paris Civil War is still going on.

It's not how powerful the revolutionary army is, but the government army has many worries. Many times it looks like a war, but in fact it is just shooting a gun in the sky.

No way, the French soldiers have always sympathized with the revolution. It's okay to let them arrest unscrupulous capitalists. It is too embarrassing to ask them to shoot ordinary people.

Although most of the soldiers did not work hard, there were still some soldiers loyal to the royal family who worked hard, so on the whole it was the government forces that were still fighting the rebels.


In the Palace of Versailles, watching the victory of the government army, Napoleon IV was not happy.

In the middle of the night, Napoleon IV sat quietly in the garden alone, looking at the sky full of stars. He seemed to hear the heart-piercing cry of the ancient city of Paris in the midst of the flames of war.

The plan has not changed fast. Judging from the current situation, Napoleon IV's purge plan has obviously failed.

Although he has arrested many important figures in the consortium, and confiscated a large amount of goods and assets, physically wounding the bourgeoisie, it is a pity that a civil war has made these gains dull.

The Paris Civil War is just the beginning. It is conceivable that in the days to come, the remaining forces of the consortium will definitely launch a counterattack.

If it is a normal period, Napoleon IV does not care about a slight rebound, he has enough confidence to settle these troubles.

But now it is different, France is facing an attack from the anti-French alliance. The simultaneous outbreak of internal and external troubles will make France, which is already at a disadvantage on the battlefield, more unsustainable.

"Not ruthless enough!"

"It would be nice to do this early!"

Napoleon IV muttered to himself. He knew that he was deceiving himself and others, and that violence could not solve the problem. Regardless of the fact that the power of the consortium is now suppressed, it will actually come back soon again.

In essence, a consortium is a combination of interests. As long as there are interests, the group will exist. Unless the government is strong enough to cut off their ties from the source.

This is where Napoleon IV envied Franz the most. The Austrian bourgeoisie started late and encountered a powerful emperor before it had time to develop and grow, which directly eliminated the possibility of the birth of a large consortium.

Energy and transportation are either in the hands of the government or the royal family. Capitalists who dare to make noise are taught to be humans.

The financial industry and the physical industry have been two parallel lines from the very beginning, but those who play cross-border or report groups will immediately encounter dimensionality reduction.

Let alone the most stringent inspection, it will definitely be there. The water and power outages every three to five times are just a routine operation; when transporting goods, there must be no train skins; buying...

In fact, not only Austria, almost all European countries are restricting the power of the consortium, but Austria did the most vigorously, and France did the most failure.


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