Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 955: Professional black hand

Since the French army's defeat on the front line, the domestic internal contradictions have gradually been exposed. Rising prices and the meager income of ordinary people have become irreconcilable social conflicts.

It is impossible to quell prices. In addition to the hoarding of capitalists, rising international prices are also an important factor leading to rising prices in France.

After the outbreak of the Land War, the industrial and agricultural production in France dropped significantly, and a large amount of materials had to be imported to meet the basic needs of the people.

Prices have gone up, but wages have not risen, and contradictions have arisen. Regardless of the reasons for the price increase, the problem is that people cannot fill their stomachs.

According to incomplete statistics, in the first half of 1891, the French working class launched 126 strikes, of which there were 3 strikes with more than 100,000 strikers. Paris, a sacred place of revolution, has parades and demonstrations almost every week.

Since it has become a gunpowder keg, a revolution is inevitable. In the last month, the French government has put out four riots.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that if this goes on, France will have problems. The French government has also wanted to take action several times. Unfortunately, it is easy to see the problem, but it is difficult to solve the problem.

There is no way, the interests are moving. If the government wants to force down prices, it is bound to cut the flesh of interest groups.

Don't look at the Austrian flyers and put the scapegoat on the heads of capitalists and consortia, you think it is the responsibility of the bourgeoisie. If there were no nobles and bureaucrats involved, and the capitalists' personal power alone played so, they would have been drawn out for shooting.

How many people are involved in this, no one knows. In short, the interest groups colluded by the government and businessmen have become a chronic disease in France.

In order to solve these chronic diseases, the French government has also made a lot of efforts. During the period of Napoleon III, the power of the bourgeois consortium was restricted, and by the way, it was awarded the title of "emperor of socialism."

It is a pity that the previous revolutions destroyed the government's efforts. While making concessions to the consortium, the tentacles of the consortium also penetrated into every corner of France.

Today, all industries in France are filled with the shadow of consortia. France surpassed European countries and entered the era of great monopoly.

No monarch liked this uncontrolled power, and Napoleon IV was no exception. The seeds of contradiction were planted from the beginning, waiting to take root and sprout.

The flyers that fell from the sky just picked out the various contradictions in France, and by the way gave a bad idea to solve the problem.

In the evening, the Firth Manor was brightly lit, and under the cover of the banquet, the French financial emperors were having a secret gathering.

As the number one person in the financial world, Maxim Sidorov did his part as the host of the meeting. It’s not a long story, it’s just dry stuff

"Presumably everyone has felt that since the outbreak of the war, the domestic economic situation has deteriorated sharply and business has become increasingly difficult.

The war bonds were not sold, the British refused to grant us loans, and the government was already too poor.

Even the most profitable arms trade is now a tasteless one. No one can guarantee that the franc in hand will be currency or a wad of waste paper in the future.

Judging from the current situation, our chances of winning the war are slim. Once France is defeated, it will be difficult for us to survive alone.

Inviting everyone over today is to discuss countermeasures. Find a way for France, and find a way for ourselves. "

The people have no money in their pockets, and it is inevitable that business is not good. Behind the hoarding, there is also the purpose of capital preservation. After all, the rate of devaluation of the franc is fast.

There is no alternative. In order to raise enough war funds, the French government has to issue excessive currency.

In fact, not only France is over-issuing currency, but Austria, as an enemy, is also over-issuing currency.

The capital market is the most sensitive and has its own judgment.

Austria has sufficient gold reserves and itself is the world's largest gold producer. After the war broke out, there was no large-scale external procurement of materials, and the money spent by the government was still circulating within itself.

Coupled with the continuous military victories, it is about to become the European hegemony, and the Vienna government is preparing to annex French Africa and the German Federation. This series of good news has been enough to offset the evil effects of excessive currency.

Wealth has not been lost a lot, and the market for Aegis has increased. The current excess of money is only temporary. Once the new market is integrated, these problems will no longer exist.

The market has confidence, and the currency value of Aegis will not fall anywhere. In contrast, the franc is a complete tragedy.

Everyone knows that once France is defeated, the Italian region will become independent, overseas colonies will change hands, and the franc will naturally withdraw from these regions.

The market has shrunk drastically, and the issued francs have not decreased. Then these currencies will return to the French mainland, which will cause greater inflation.

International capital is not optimistic, and it is not necessary to hold francs, but as domestic capital, it cannot be avoided. Everyone present cannot be alone.

In order to fight against greater inflation, everyone has to hold more physical assets. The former masters of finance are now becoming industrial tycoons.

Everyone is crisis-conscious. After holding a large number of physical industries, paper wealth has increased, but the corresponding risks have also increased.

Among other things, the difficulty of running is increased by n times. People can leave, but the industry cannot. Even if it is realized at a discount, it is useless. With a bunch of francs going out, there is no way to exchange it.

Even if someone has prepared and left behind in advance, who would think that there is too much money?

Moreover, before everyone thought that France would win, it was only in the last few months that preparations began for the future, and there was no time to transfer a large amount of assets.

In a sense, everyone present was already passively tied to France. Once the coalition forces are brought in, everyone will suffer heavy losses.

A middle-aged man sighed and said: "Mr. Maxim, at this stage, even if we lend all the money to the government, we cannot win this war.

Since it is destined to be unable to win the war, in order to reduce unnecessary losses, then we can only stop losses in time.

There is a gossip, I don’t know if you have heard of it. Someone in the Anti-French Alliance proposed that all our assets should be confiscated as war reparations after the war.

Coupled with the flyers thrown by the Austrians, combined with the consistent style of the Vienna government, I think this kind of thing is very likely to happen.

If we do not want the worst to happen, we can only negotiate an end to the war before we lose all the chips in our hands. "

My family knows about their own affairs, and the more they know, the more desperate they are about this war. The French government is naturally short of money, but it is not the franc.

Foreign exchange, gold, and everyone must have it in your hands, but these things are the most precious wealth at the moment, and no one can contribute.

Negotiating if you can’t win is a European practice. There is no pressure on everyone. The only thing that makes everyone feel headache is the rumors of “confiscation of assets”.

Austria is professional in doing such things. When suppressing the rebellion that year, the Vienna government confiscated the assets of all participants, even if it was just on the side, it did not escape.

When the Ottoman Empire was destroyed later, this method was carried forward, and all the assets of the Ottoman Empire were confiscated.

With the contradiction between Fa and Austria, no one can guarantee that Austria will repeat its tricks and let the old things of the Ottoman Empire repeat itself in France. After all, France adopted the same methods in the two countries in the past, and it is not impossible for the anti-French alliance to retaliate.

Maxim Sidorov nodded: "Mr. Roman is right. This kind of thing is more credible than unbelievable. If it happens, it will be too late to regret it.

Just ending the war is not something we alone can decide. The moths of the government are still dreaming about turning defeat into victory all day long, really trying to push France into the abyss. "

From the beginning to the end, Maxim Sidorov did not mention Austria's instigation of discord and attempt to provoke the French internal struggle.

This is a scheming scheme, knowing that it is the enemy's calculation, everyone can't refuse it.

The failure of a war always requires someone to take responsibility. Either let the emperor and the government set the tank, or bear the anger of the people.

If you don't want to be this unlucky person, everyone must jump out and fight for dominance. And it's even faster. When it's late, grass grows on the grave.

"Mr. Maxim, the current situation is very unfavorable for us. If we hadn't been working hard to suppress public opinion, I'm afraid we would have been shouted and beaten by everyone.

Without the support of the people, with our strength alone, once launched..."

Before the old man could finish speaking, Maxim Sidorov interrupted: "Your Excellency Sith, you have misunderstood. This kind of thing is not our strong point. To participate directly is to be irresponsible for your own life.

If the people hate us, it doesn't mean that we can't use it. Paris is now a gunpowder keg, as long as a spark will explode.

All we have to do is to provide that spark and detonate the powder keg, and let the Revolutionary Party do the rest.

By the way, we can also chat with people from the Bourbon and Orleans dynasties. I believe everyone will have a common language. "

The rebels are too low-tech. This kind of high-risk work is not suitable for their distinguished masters. Behind the scenes is what they should do.

Obviously, Maxim Sidorov knew this well. Calling everyone together is just to get everyone to contribute money and effort.

He did not expect to bring a group of capitalists to rebel, but instead delegated this task to a more professional revolutionary party. In order to ensure nothing is wrong, he is also preparing to agitate the other two royal families.

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