Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 947: Turin offense and defense


Amidst the shouts of killing, the Turin offensive and defensive battle started. As a key node in the battle on the southern front, France and Austria both invested twelve points of energy.

The ownership of Turin not only determines the ownership of the Kingdom of Sardinia, but also affects the ownership of the Italian region.

The leading parties are ready to see the outcome of the Turin battle. If the Austrian army successfully wins Turin, then everyone will work together to drive away the French, otherwise everyone will think twice.

In order to show their sincerity, these guys have instigated a number of armed uprisings in Italy, containing at least 200,000 French troops.

In order to facilitate the command, the southern line commander of Morks has moved the headquarters to the front line.

Don't pay attention to it, street fighting may be the most chance for the French army to come back, and the French will definitely not give up this opportunity.

In the wild, armored forces can compete against each other in the sand, but it's different in the city. Any obstacle can block the way forward.

The armored unit that has dropped anchor, then the meat on the chopping board, as long as the French are willing to work hard, an explosive pack will be done.

As a product of the cross-epoch, Austria’s armored forces are just one word—expensive. For this reason, they are also dubbed "land cruisers" by the Austrian military.

This is not bragging. The production cost of a most advanced tank is almost the same as that of the cheapest cruiser.

The cheapest armored vehicles cost tens of thousands of Aegis, and the most advanced tanks cost more than 200,000 Aegis.

With the Austrian family background, there are only four tank divisions and eight armored divisions, which is enough to explain all the problems.

In fact, even these twelve divisions were dissatisfied. Because there is no need for air defense for the time being, the air defense artillery regiment is omitted, and the motorized mechanized infantry regiment is even less visible.

The number of tanks is also seriously inadequate. The number of tanks in each division is between 150 and 260; the armored divisions are better, and the armored vehicles in each division are almost between 220 and 300.

This is only theoretical. In fact, there are only fewer tanks and armored vehicles that can be used by each division. After all, there are damages on the battlefield.

However, the failure rate of tanks and armored vehicles this year is high. Many times after a battle, one-third of the armored tanks have fallen down, and the rest must be overhauled.

This is also the reason why the French were able to gather troops and re-establish the defense line. It's not that the Austrian army does not want to pursue the victory. The key is that the armored force as a killer does not have the ability to carry out blitzkrieg.

The current status of the Austrian armored forces is: nominally a division, the force that can be pulled out is often only one regiment, and the rest are undergoing equipment maintenance.

The French were confused by the torrent of steel, which does not mean that their combat effectiveness is gone. In fact, the fighting strength and fighting will shown by the French army is still the top of this era.

Of course, the French can regain their strength, which is also directly related to the order of the Vienna government. To minimize the French on the battlefield, it is natural to give them hope.

If it really defeated the main force of the French army, at most hundreds of thousands of French troops would be killed, and then there would be no more.

Lost the hope of winning, even if Napoleon IV did not want to surrender, someone would make the decision for him.

Active surrender and defeated surrender are completely two concepts. If the former is not obtained, the problem must be resolved at the negotiating table; the latter has already created established facts, and only a contract to clarify the legal principles.

There are so many countries that do not want the French to die. If Austria wants to achieve its own strategic goals, it must enter France before the French surrender.


Austria is clearly qualified to be valued by the French by adopting any attitude against any enemy. After the outbreak of the European War, the French commander-in-chief Adrian ordered the strengthening of the city defense immediately.

As an important place with multiple attributes such as strategy, transportation, politics, and economy, Turin is naturally the focus of care. The fortresses rose from the ground, and matched the buildings in the city, they became war monsters.

Against the roaring artillery, Captain Adler was leading his third company to charge. No, it should be said to be creeping forward.

The bullet flew over Adler's head, and a hapless man raised his head too high and happened to be hit by the flying bullet. Only in time to let out a scream, he went to see God.

The dead on the battlefield couldn't be more normal. Up to now, the soldiers of the third company have been replaced by three-quarters, and the company commander Adler is the fifth.

Of course, it's not that the four guys in front of him all received the box lunch. Except for one hapless person who saw God, the other three were alive and well. One of them was promoted, and two were recuperating in the hospital.

The battlefield is so ice and fire. Grassroots officers die fast and rise fast. As long as they survive a few battles, promotion is a matter of course.

There is no need to worry about being blocked by the boss, because they either got promoted, or went to the hospital, or they went to see God. In short, the location is vacant.

Here, from a soldier counterattack to a general is no longer a myth. As long as the war lasts longer, everything is possible.

Captain Adler is not a military academy and has no background. He became a company commander less than a year after the outbreak of the war.

In addition to a flexible mind and strong military literacy, luck is more important. If it were not for both parents, family harmony, and lack of face-slapped villains, he would be a bit like the son of luck.

Although there are many reserve officers in Austria, they are at most equipped to the company platoon level. In the context of the expansion of the army, Adler, a veteran, directly serves as the squad leader.

This is nothing. Adler's company suffered heavy losses the first time he participated in the battle. The platoon leader and deputy platoon leader directly under him either saw God or went to the hospital.

Before the battle was over, Adler was already acting platoon leader. It has nothing to do with promotion, because the platoon in which he was in a higher rank left the battlefield, and it was his turn to command according to the rules of the Austrian army.

Successfully completed the mission, established a military exploit, and it is logical that the agent becomes an actual instruction. After several more battles, Adler became a company commander in a daze.

Without being rebellious and not having an amazing record, Adler, an ordinary young officer, would run out of luck here.

There is no way, not only the demand for higher-level officers is greatly reduced, but there is no longer any need to lead troops to charge, and the probability of death or injury is greatly reduced.

With fewer pits, the requirements will be higher. In the peaceful era, there are few people who have made military exploits. Naturally, they will be able to rise to the top if they have exploits. If they are not capable, they can be gradually cultivated.

It doesn't work anymore, there are people who have exploited the battle. Unless the combat achievements are amazing and can be promoted exceptionally, professional knowledge assessment is indispensable.

After all, the more troops you command, the higher the requirements for the abilities of officers. Except for a few geniuses, most people need to be nurtured to be competent.

A full-scale counter-offensive has begun, and the war is about to end. After the war, there will be a major disarmament. Naturally, there will be no training courses for grassroots officers.

You can’t just organize the training of officers and send them a notice of retirement before the coursework is completed!

After all, it is not the real protagonist, there are still a bunch of similar templates in the Austrian army.

How low is the probability of the occurrence of no-pipes, once the number has been enlarged, it will no longer be a minority. It can be said that everyone who survived the bullet rain unscathed is a legend.

Looking back and confirming the identity of the deceased, Captain Adler scolded: "Keep your head down for me, don't learn from that idiot Cole!"

sad? Maybe there is, but the more experienced, the nerves will be numb. Perhaps to avoid being sad at this time, Captain Adler deliberately kept a distance from everyone around him.

Before Adler could finish speaking, the French bullets gushed out again. Although Gatling is not as easy to use as Maxim, it is still a great weapon when installed in a fortress.

With Cole's lessons learned, and the roar of bullets kept ringing in everyone's ears, everyone lowered their heads as much as possible.

Suddenly, with a loud bang, the two soldiers on Adler's right hand were blown apart, half of their heads fell directly in front of Adler within reach.

After shaking his head, he finally woke up from the sound of the bombing, and saw the **** heads of his comrades in front of him, and Adler almost spat out.

Suffocating the nausea and discomfort, Adler immediately ordered: "The enemy in front has buried mines. We didn't bring mine clearance tools. We will withdraw first."

There is no doubt that this tentative offense failed. Not to mention that there is no demining tool, even if the tools are fully prepared, they cannot withstand the enemy's fierce firepower!

This is the beginning of the Austrian army, the French are just following the example. Although the Maxim machine gun was too late to be copied, Gatling could also make up the number.

If the enemy is so well prepared, it would be very unwise to fill in the lives of people. The Austrian military does not praise this kind of mechanical courage, and blindly pursues victory and ignores the lives of soldiers. That is to go to a military court.

The tentative offense failed, and Morks did not feel disappointed. Sacrifice is not meaningless. Through day-time trials, the Austrian army has figured out the French deployment of external firepower and laid the foundation for the next offensive.

In the coalition command, General Morquez asked: "How is the situation with the formation of the Italian Army?"

How can the war to liberate Italy without Italian participation? At this time, the value of the Italian independent organization was reflected. Every time the Austrian army occupied an area, it recruited troops under the banner of an independent organization.

In order to fully respect the feelings of the Italian people, these forces are divided by region. For example: National Independence Army of the Kingdom of Sardinia, National Independence Army of Lucca, National Independence Army of Modena, National Independence Army of Parma, National Independence Army of Tuscany, National Independence Army of Papal States, National Independence Army of Two Kingdoms of Sicily...

Regardless of the scale, every Italian state has an independent national army that takes care of everyone's face.

As for whether the Italian Independent Organization is willing to accept it, this is no longer important. Accepting is naturally hello and me, hello everyone, if you don’t accept it, Morks doesn’t mind appointing a commander directly.

Anyway, there are a lot of Italian nobles who have defected, and they can always find someone willing to cooperate. A scattered Italian independent organization is also well-known among the people and has little appeal among the nobles.

In order to restore the country, even the boss of Vittorio Emanuele III chose to compromise, let alone the little **** below.

A burly middle-aged military officer replied: "As of now, the National Independence Army of the Kingdom of Sardinia has 200,000 people, and the Independence Army of the Papal States has 80,000. The other independent troops are still empty. Less than 10,000 people get up.

To be organized, we have to wait for us to occupy these areas. Judging from the current situation, it is mostly impossible to count on. "

From the beginning of the war until now, the main achievements of the Austrian army on the southern front are in the borders of the Papal State and the Kingdom of Sardinia. Naturally, the national independence army formed is dominated by the people of these two countries.

In order to reflect the equal status of the Italian states, the forces of all countries cannot be mixed. The polarization in the number of people, that's how it came out.

The empty armies certainly can't go to the battlefield, no matter how cannon fodder is needed, it is impossible for Morks to consume all the seeds of "allies".

Moreover, these seeds are still the core of the establishment of future state governments. In order to balance the strength of the various states in the Italian region, Austria's support is too late, how can it be abandoned?

After pondering for a while, Morquez shook his head: "The two hundred and eighty thousand people are still a little bit small. If you take the city of Turin, I am afraid you will have to fill in tens of thousands. There are a series of cities waiting for us to conquer .

Continue to increase military recruitment in the local area. In addition to promoting national independence, you can also promise the soldiers land, tax exemption, and pensions. You can figure out the specific figures, as long as there is temptation. "

In order to recruit more Italian cannon fodder, Morquez has given up the bottom line and directly made promises for the governments of these states.

As for whether it can be fulfilled, it depends on the ethics and governance capabilities of these state governments. Anyway, this is a fight for the independence of the Italian nation and it is impossible for Austria to pay for it.

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