Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 938: Banknote capacity

Upon receiving the news of the Japanese attack on the Philippines, Franz almost couldn't help laughing. This is just dozing off, someone handed a pillow.

There is no doubt that the Japanese helped Austria this time. Pulling the Spaniard off the battlefield for no reason, now the French is uncomfortable.

No matter how the Banya Empire fell, it was still a member of the great powers, and it was definitely not the kind of master who could not fight back.

Even if the French say that Japan’s attack on the Philippines has nothing to do with them, the Spanish have to believe it. We must know that the passage of Japanese troops from the Philippine Sea was guaranteed by Britain and France to the Spanish government.

If they don't have the face of Britain and France, let alone stop for supplies from the Japanese, even if they pass through the Philippine Sea, the Spanish will not agree.

There is no such thing as the high seas these days. The great powers are more overbearing. The so-called territorial waters are determined by themselves.

Indigenous countries like Japan have no say.

If the horses and carts are clearly set out, it is not easy for the Japanese to invade the Philippines. Landing alone cannot be completed in a day or two. There is a lack of replenishment points on the way, and all materials must be transported from the mainland.

With Japan’s current national strength, if you can’t make a quick battle, you will drag yourself to death if you can’t make a quick decision.

In order to maintain his majestic image in the minds of his men, Franz quickly calmed down and casually found an excuse to cover up his emotions.

"The Japanese entered Southeast Asia at the invitation of Britain and France, and now they have attacked the Philippines. The Spanish should be very angry now.

We tried to push it from behind the scenes, as far as possible to draw the anger of the Spaniards to the French, and try to see if there is a windfall. "

A windfall is basically impossible. The Spaniards get angry, at most, they just take the Japanese to exhale. As for the British and French, they can't move at all.

Regardless of Austria’s promises, it’s useless. The politicians are all human beings. Everyone loves the icing on the cake, and no one does the rain.

Although joining the anti-French alliance now does not mean giving money in snow, it is also accompanied by very big risks.

France is not a persimmon, regardless of their strategic failure, but they still do not lose the wind on the European battlefield.

Before the outcome of the Central European battlefield, no one is sure that the French will really be unable to come back. If the French burst out suddenly, Austria's strong strength can withstand it, it does not mean that Spain can withstand it.

This is a lesson learned. The last anti-French war that Spain participated in won victory, but Spain, as a victorious country, was tossed for half its life and lost large colonies of America.

Despite paying such a high price, when the spoils were finally divided, Spain, which was weak, could only play soy sauce.

The past is not forgotten, unless it is to make sure that the French are no longer good, otherwise the Spanish government will find it difficult to produce the courage to declare war on France.

Foreign Secretary Wesenberg analyzed: "Your Majesty, the French will not admit that Japan's attack on the Philippines has something to do with them. If nothing else, they will soon cut with the Japanese.

In addition to the British who endorsed it, the Spanish government can only hold back in its heart no matter how angry it is.

However, such guidance is also beneficial. After such a big loss, the Spaniard will definitely retaliate.

As long as they spur the anti-French wave in their country, and there must be an embargo on French materials, the Spanish government still has the courage to do it. "

It is not a question of acceptance or rejection. Normal people know that it is impossible for the French to instigate the Japanese to attack the Philippines at this time. If the Spaniards force the anti-French alliance, France will suffer from the enemy.

Whether it is to quell the anger of the Spaniards or give an explanation to the European world, the French must be cut off from the Japanese.


This is clearly the pig teammate. France wooed its allies to get rid of its political isolation, not to enmity with European countries.

The previous expulsion operations have already made many European countries feel uneasy. Another wave of seizures of Spanish colonies will eliminate the need for them to mix in the European continent.

If he could grab it, Franz would have done it as early as more than a decade, and he would never have the French turn. It wasn't that I was afraid of angering the crowd that I gave up this attractive plan and worked hard to open up a colony.

Prime Minister Carl added: "It is not entirely impossible. As long as the Spaniards believe that we will definitely win this war, and then they can be lured.

However, this does not have much substantial meaning. The Spaniards are sure that we can win the war, it can only be our victory in the Central European or Southern European wars.

If they win, they will be awkward to look at it if they take them to declare war on France. The deliberate ingredients are too heavy and it is easy to be suspicious.

If people can see through our true purpose, then I am afraid that there will be another disturbance.

The British do not look at us as the dominant family, the Russians also do not want us to be the only European hegemon, and other European countries do not want to see an extra master.

Suddenly stood on the opposite side of all countries, and if you wanted to weaken France, it would be completely hopeless. "

This is also the reason why Franz dared not order a full-scale offensive. Defeating the French is only the end of the smoke war, and there will be an even more tragic diplomatic battle.

The early end of the Anglo-Russian War disrupted the previous strategic layout of the Vienna government and the plan to completely dismember France was declared bankrupt.

How to divide European countries so that Austria can dominate the post-war negotiations has become the most important problem at the moment.

After many hesitations, Franz made a decision: "Use our power to lobby the bureaucrats of the tsarist government and find a way to bring the Russians into the water.

They do not need to send troops directly, as long as the tsarist government is willing to declare war on France, they will have their share of the post-war gains.

The speed must be fast, and we have to precede the British to take action and create established facts. If it is too late, most of our strategic objectives will be abolished. "

It is not that Franz thinks too much. With the current international situation, the British are likely to smash a joint mediation team to interfere in the war before the end of the European War.

Needless to say, all European countries have motives to interfere in this war. For their own benefit, no one wants to see the emergence of a European hegemon.

Once Britain and Russia take the lead, this alliance can be established in minutes. Anyway, the law does not blame the public, and Austria wants to settle accounts after the fall, but also consider the anger of the public.

Hard top is impossible. Regardless of the strength of the anti-French alliance headed by Austria, if it encounters international interference, this alliance will soon fall apart.

Counting on the gang to advance and retreat with Austria, Franz is not crazy yet. Without the anti-French alliance, if you fight against the European world with your own strength, the odds of winning will be 50-50 at best. What is the difference between death and death?

In particular, this fifty-five open is still based on the premise of defeating France first. If the French still breathes, interference in the alliance will appear, and the situation will be even worse.

If military means cannot be dealt with, then political means can only be used. Whether it's buying or flicking, as long as the Russians are pulled onto the boat, the situation is very different.

Although the British politicians have a thick-skinned face, no matter how shameless they are, the belligerent country cannot be turned into a mediator country.

Even if the Russians reacted from behind, they could only hold back in secret. No matter how much the tsarist government tossed, it was impossible to send troops to defend France.

It's much easier to pull on Russia and then fool Spain. Just look at the lineup and you know that the French lost the European War.

There is no reason to reject a zero-risk, high-yield project. Anyway, there are a lot of bad things in France and Spain, and there is no pressure in the heart to fall into trouble.

Franz had already thought about it. After fooling Russia and Spain, he directly forced Switzerland to join the war.

Choose one of the two, either embrace victory with the anti-French alliance, or be buried with the French.

Then, there is no more. Most countries in Europe are at war with the French, and no matter how much the British people toss, they can't let everyone give up the benefits they get.

The big deal is that Austria will not split the spoils, making Levi friendly to the League. Anyway, French Africa is almost eating, and Franz doesn't care about the compensation.

Foreign Secretary Wesenberg frowned and replied: "Your Majesty, it is not easy to encourage the Russians to declare war with the French.

The situation has gradually become clearer, and the tsarist government does not want to weaken France too much. The more we drew in, the less the Russians would go to war.

In this context, we can only push hands in secret. Including the power of the Pro-Austrians, it is not appropriate to use too much.

Only by letting the tsarist government realize the benefits of declaring war on the law can they take the bait. To do this is very difficult. "

On the face of it, this is true, but Franz is still unmoved. Although his butterfly effect has affected Russian politics, the nature of the tsarist government has not changed.

"Greedy" is the biggest characteristic of the tsarist government. Coupled with their corrupt bureaucracy, this is even bigger.

"Spend the money! Buy the Russian bureaucrats and nobles at all costs and sell them the benefits of declaring war against France.

Isn’t the Tsarist government poor? As long as they declare war on France, they don’t have to repay the debts they owed the French before, and there are still large sums of war reparations after the war.

You don't need to send troops, you don't need to spend money, and you can get so many benefits just by declaring war in name. People who don't believe in Russians are not tempted. "

In the Russian Empire, there is nothing that cannot be solved by throwing money; if there is, it must be that the money is not enough.

Incorrupt bureaucrats may exist, but in the Russian Empire, such people cannot get along. The world is muddy, and innocence is the original sin.

No matter how shrewd Alexander III was, as long as his ministers all said in unison that declaring war with the French is good for Russia, and it is difficult for him not to be affected.


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