Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 917: Civilian casualties

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Three days later, a report on the low-altitude dive machine gun blast appeared in front of Governor Feslav.

It is the fine tradition of the Austrian army to record the progress on the battlefield and to sum up the gains and losses. At the same time, the Austrian army is unique in this era.

Recording the war process seems simple, but not everyone can complete it. At least it is impossible for countries that have not completed compulsory education.

The benefits of doing so are self-evident. Perhaps most of the combat experience recorded is repetitive nonsense, but as long as one thousandth of the content is valuable, it is earned.

Especially in the use of new weapons and equipment and the exploration of new tactics, these materials are particularly important.

Therefore, the Army writes reports only for officers, while the freshly released Air Force, everyone writes reports.

Low-altitude dive bombing and low-altitude dive machine gun fire are not new terms. Someone has proposed a similar concept as early as a decade ago.

Don't get me wrong, it has nothing to do with His Majesty Franz. Franz’s military white is not false, but he also knows that although the military philosophy of later generations is good, it is also based on specific conditions.

Take dive bombing as an example, it is not just a low-altitude bomb. Not all aircraft have the ability to dive at low altitude.

Even if the performance of the aircraft is satisfied, what is the low-altitude method of this low-altitude flight? It must also be explored in actual combat.

While achieving the results, we must also ensure the safety of personnel and aircraft as much as possible, otherwise it will be a replica of the Kamikaze Brigade.

Therefore, the great strategic idea of ​​using airships to dive carpet bombing at low altitude is not Franz’s masterpiece.

The emergence of this concept in the Austrian army is not without aim, but is supported by actual combat cases.

The airship was just put into military use, and the Austrian airship force tried it on Ottoman, and achieved remarkable results.

At the time, this strategic concept also became the mainstream of the world and was recommended by many military big Vs.

But with the advent of anti-aircraft weapons, everyone found that the airship flying at low altitude is a living target, and this theory was soon shelved.

Airships are not applicable, which is not equal to aircrafts. At least at this stage, the air defense weapons of various countries pose little threat to aircrafts. In theory, low-altitude diving has become feasible.

Because of the insufficient weight of the aircraft, the dive strategic bombing became a machine gun fire, which weakened the power by more than one piece.

With the failure of the airship, Admiral Fislav did not rush to make a decision, but fell into contemplation.

Whether this is an example or a military concept with long-term development and application prospects is still a mystery so far.

Seeing Feslav unable to make up his mind, the side air major general Andrew McCarthy added another fire.

"Your Excellency Commander, regardless of whether there is any prospect for the development of the dive aircraft, it is only effective in a short period of time.

We have conducted many exercises, and the existing air defense weapons pose very little threat to the aircraft, and the dive-fire can easily achieve results.

Even if the French discover the weakness of this tactic, it will take time to find a way to target it. Prior to this, it did not affect our promotion of this tactic. "

Major General Andrew behaved so positively, but was essentially forced out. Compared with the Army and Navy, the Air Force is a little brother.

If the Air Force is strong enough, this does not require other arms to cooperate with tactical promotion, and there is no need to report to the theater commander.

The soldiers still have to talk about the record. The Austrian Air Force has been established for too short a time, and it has no record at all. The waist of the talk is naturally not hard enough.

If it wasn’t for Franz’s support, they would still be the Army’s flying force, and they wouldn’t have the ability to become an independent army.

In this context, the Air Force sighed with a sigh of relief, eager to prove its worth on the battlefield.

Therefore, the Air Force has always been the most active in promoting new tactics. Otherwise, it is impossible to verify the feasibility immediately after receiving a battlefield report.

After contemplating for a while, Feslav nodded: "In theory, it is indeed feasible, but it needs more practical combat support before it can be promoted to the whole army.

In the following days, I allow your Air Force to attack on its own, verify, or perfect, this set of tactics. "

The development of military technology has never been smooth sailing. A big country like Austria has enough capital to pay for tuition for military technology development, and the promotion of any new tactics is piled up in countless failures.

This is also the reason why many weapons and tactical concepts have not been adopted after they were born. Without the support of actual combat results, everyone has no idea!


With the support of the theater commander, the Austrian Air Force stationed on the Sinai Peninsula immediately took action.

The area of ​​Egypt is "lively". Not only the positions and the fortresses have become the hardest hit by the bombing, but the streets and fields have also become hunting grounds for the Austrian Air Force.

In order to collect more actual combat data, the Air Force has no reason to consider the cost, let alone try a wave everywhere.

As for the consequences, this is not within the consideration of Major General Andrew. Anyway, the bullets hit the enemy's ground, it is nothing more than the question of the size of the results.


Since the completion of the airship force, Cairo has become the territory of the Austrian Air Force. Every day, a combination of airship + aircraft will come to check in from time to time.

To save his life, Governor Jacob had to move the headquarters into the basement. In fact, he originally wanted to find a safer hole.

Unfortunately, the city of Cairo was in the heart of Egypt. The French never considered the threat of foreign enemies. The latest military threat was the last rebel siege.

The indigenous rebels of the Uzbekistan had at most a few earth cannons, and the shells could not hit the Governor’s Mansion at all. There is no need for anti-aircraft guns, and naturally there are no anti-aircraft holes.

After the outbreak of the Franco-Austrian War, the Governor-General of Jacob was only considering the issue of the canal defense line, and he never thought he would face a threat from heaven.

When the crisis comes, it is naturally too late to want to dig now. After all, a bulletproof cavern that can accommodate the French command headquarters is not a big cave.

"Your Excellency, the enemy's air force is too rampant, and we have not put France in our eyes. We must fight back."

Those who can say this will naturally not be French soldiers. Any officer present knew that it was not that they did not want to fight back, but that they simply did not have the ability to fight back.

Looking at the angry middle-aged man, Governor Jacob frowned, and after a little silence, he slowly said: "Senior Abraham, please look at the battle report, or care about the domestic political news.

Not to mention our side, even the domestic air force of the Austrians could not help but Paris was attacked by the enemy just a week ago. "

Hearing the news of the air raid in Paris, everyone's faces changed dramatically. Obviously everyone received this news for the first time.

Seeing the expressions of everyone, Jacob knew that there was a problem with his concept. Before the outbreak of war, the news in Paris took only a few hours to reach Egypt.

The telegraph business in France is run by capitalists. The first consideration is how to maximize the benefits, and what strategies are not strategic must be backed up.

Against this background, it is naturally impossible to lay a special submarine cable from the French mainland to Egypt.

Instead, they took the land cable route through Algeria and passed through the Austrian-African region along the way. They still cooperated with Austrian Telegraph.

This is also in line with international management, and the telegraph can be extended to most parts of the world in decades, relying on regional cooperation.

If it were done alone, no telegraph company would have the ability to connect the world.

The outbreak of the European War was too sudden, and after only a few months of gestation, it suddenly fought. The French government has experienced short-term coercion, not to mention the telegraph company.

The economy also had to make concessions for politics, and the Austrian Telegraph Company, which originally cooperated after the outbreak of the war, naturally suspended the business of providing information for them.

The connection between Egypt and the mainland now mainly relies on warships traveling between the two places. Even the most well-informed host in the past, it is now difficult to receive domestic news.

After a pause, the responding senior Abraham official was shocked and said, "His Governor, are you sure you are not kidding?"

Paris this year has a very sacred position in the eyes of the French. The news of the Paris attack was too horrible. It was simply not comparable to the daily bombing of Cairo.

Jacob nodded cautiously: "Do you think I would be joking about this kind of thing if it doesn't happen?"

"However, things are not as serious as you think. The enemy just passed by in Paris and did not cause us much damage.

Everyone must have discovered that the enemy air force is not so terrible. In addition to the seemingly huge momentum, the actual damage caused by the bombing is not great.

The country is already preparing to produce aircraft. As long as we insist on this period of time, the enemy's advantage will no longer exist.

Now, we……"

The bombing was terrible, not terrible. Although the French air defense force was garbage, there was just that. With its backward air defense weapons, they still prevented Austrian airships from flying at low altitudes.

Throwing bombs thousands of meters down, the touching rate is touching, almost catching up with the lottery.

In terms of lethality alone, from time to time, a dive-swept aircraft brings more casualties to the French army than the airship bombing.

Senior Abraham interrupted: "Here you are, Governor, you must correct here. The enemy air force has brought us a lot of damage.

From the beginning of the enemy bombing, the factories, shops, entertainment venues in Cairo City are no longer able to operate normally.

The folks have fallen into panic, and a little family members are desperate to run outside. According to incomplete statistics, nearly 15,000 people left Cairo in the last week.

It is not only Cairo’s economy that has been hit hard, but other parts of Egypt have also suffered varying degrees of loss, especially the casualties.

After analyzing the news from various places, it is estimated that the number of civilian casualties caused by enemy air force attacks has exceeded five figures. "

There is no way, if the bombardment is worse, as long as the bomb is dropped, it will always produce an effect.

The area of ​​the army’s activities is limited, and it knows how to survive under the bombing of the enemy. Apart from the initial incompatibility, the casualties of the latter army are not too large.

Civilians are different. In the past year, when they encountered enemy bombing, everyone's first reaction was to run. Few people had the sense of air defense.

After a random run, the casualties naturally went up. Especially after the Austrian aircraft began to fire at low altitude, the situation became more severe.

With a snap of the table, Governor Jacob said with his enemies: "The Austrians are so despicable. How can the war involve civilians!

Senior Abraham, you are responsible for collecting relevant information. We will expose their atrocities in the international community. "

After receiving this answer, the crowd fell silent again. This year's diplomatic protests are the last struggle of the weak, and the powers prefer direct threats.

To put political pressure on Jacob’s proposal to use the international community, no one will have expectations.

There is no way. In this rotten age, there is a dark history behind any colonial empire. If it's really revealed, don't think about it.

In contrast, civilian casualties caused by war are simply not a thing. Especially if the place of war is still in Africa, the influence on the European world is even smaller.


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