Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 915: Strategic highway

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Counterattacks also require time to prepare, the heavy casualties need to be replaced and restored, and strategic materials also need time to raise and transport.

Facts have already proved that modern warfare is no longer a simple battle on the battlefield, and the rear is also fighting.

The just-opened Battle of the Rhine is an example. If it were not for Austria to gather a large number of machine guns and artillery, it would be impossible to resist the French offensive with inferior forces.

The stronger the firepower, the greater the logistic requirements. More than eight trains and ships from Austria to the front line transport strategic materials.

Unless the transportation of logistics materials takes up a large amount of capacity, the speed of movement of the Austrian army cannot be so slow.

Of course, the current slowdown is mainly for the rapid future.

In fact, as early as a few years ago, the Government of Vienna proposed to the German Federation: the construction of a strategic road from Bavaria to Luxembourg.

However, the situation in Europe was still very peaceful at that time, and everyone did not have enough awareness of the crisis, because the cost relationship had not reached an agreement.

After all, the transportation in the German region is sufficiently developed. The river transport + railroad can fully meet the daily transportation needs. The economic value of building another road is too low.

In addition, the British and French fear that Austria will pass this highway, further deepening the impact on the West German region, causing a stumbling behind, and the plan is put on hold.

It was not until the outbreak of the European War that the pressure on the front-line logistics and transportation intensified, and the state governments along the way were forced to restart the strategic road plan.

In order to save time, governments of various countries decided to expand and reconnect on the basis of the original roads.

The time is too short, and with the power of the German Federation, it is impossible to complete the plan in a short time. Even if only temporary roads are built, it is too weak.

As a good ally, Austria will naturally lend a helping hand. So far, Austria has more than 600,000 laborers entering the German region, more than the Austrian soldiers on the Rhine front.

With such a huge construction team, management is naturally a problem.

Fortunately, Austria has adopted a system of national military service. Even if these recruits have not entered the army, they have been trained in reserve service and can adapt in the shortest time.

The humble town of Wiss was chosen as the new main road because of its geographical location.

Responsible for this section of construction is the 3rd Battalion, 4th Regiment, Austrian Third Engineering Division. As the engineer in charge of technology, Iverson is now surveying the scene with a telescope.

Speaking of exploration, Iverson actually brought paper and pen, plus a pair of telescopes. Measuring and exploration instruments do not exist.

It wasn't that he was dereliction of duty and laziness, mainly for the purpose of catching up with the construction period, and there was not too much time wasted in the early work.

Past exploration, analysis, and research are now all omitted. "Look at the past with the naked eye + experience = road map."

Once you have determined the general direction, you can go straight ahead. Except for the special areas that are restricted by geographical conditions and must be avoided, other direct A will do.

This is road construction, but it is not a precise work. Even if an error occurs, it's a big deal to turn a corner when docking, as long as the deviation is not too much, it is acceptable.

"Unfortunately, such a good estate will soon be split in two!"

Along the way, Iverson had no idea how many similar sighs had been sent. No way, now he is doing the job of demolition workers.

The flat manor is convenient for agricultural production and road construction. You only need to level the land a little bit and compact the concrete.

Geological conditions, soil types, bearing capacity, and basic parameters of construction in the past have now become redundant.

When building roads in the plains, even if the pressure is too great in the later period and the roadbed settlement occurs, it will not be able to sink.

The quality of the road is totally overthought. Now everything is in a hurry, as long as the danger is within the controllable range, nothing else is a problem.

The big deal is to rebuild after the end of the war, as long as it can be used temporarily and meet the logistics transportation.

Moreover, this year's car has limited load capacity, and it is heavy trucks that can pull dozens of tons of cargo at a time, and the requirements for road carrying capacity are not high. .

"Lieutenant, someone outside is looking for you, saying you have something urgent to discuss with you."

A guard on duty came running to know.

Since it is a militarized management, the military rank is naturally indispensable. Although it was just a general engineer who had just been recruited, Iverson still became a grassroots officer with his own technology.

Putting down the telescope in front of him, Iverson slowly asked, "Got it. Ask the person first, what's the matter coming over to find me."

If it is not possible to say anything specific, or if the reason is too far-fetched and the demand is too much, all of them are sent to me. "

It can be seen that Lieutenant Iverson is already experienced in dealing with it. Even if you don’t see anyone, you know why the person is here.

Well, "demolition" naturally involves interests. There is no demolition fee in this year. Even if the land is privately owned, it should still be occupied.

At most, it will give some symbolic compensation, anyway, it cannot be much higher than the world's land prices.

In the case of large-scale land acquisition, this kind of compensation may not be lost by the landowner. The problem is that the land occupied by the road is now compensated.

However, the loss of profits from highway construction is not limited to the land occupied. Many manors were divided by the road from the middle, and instantly became tasteless.

To be reasonable, I am sorry that it is the war years. Everything has to make concessions for the war, and all problems have to be said after the war.

Not everyone has a big picture, and not everyone is willing to give. In order to reduce or shift losses, there are naturally many people who climb relationships.

None of the people who can come to the door are ordinary people. In the beginning, in order to have a good relationship with the local power, Iverson also participated in many banquets.

But soon he gave up. The situation of land mergers in the German area is already very serious. No matter how the road is selected, it is inevitable to damage the interests of some people.

After all, this is a strategic highway, and its footprint is naturally small. Compared with the original two or three meters wide road, it is now directly increased by five or six times. These are all occupied by land.

Building roads before getting rich is not applicable in the German region. The local economy is good, and the original roads are sufficient for daily transportation.

The strategic highway that is being built now has actually seriously damaged the interests of landowners.

Just like the manor in front of us, once the road is divided into two in the middle, not only will its area be reduced, but management costs will also increase greatly, and its value will naturally fall.

If before the collapse of the Luxembourg line, Lieutenant Iverson would also consider whether to sell the landowner a favor, and find a way to detour from the marginal areas.

It won't work now. The first three orders and five requests to speed up the progress, naturally how come quickly. As for the follow-up question, that is the state government’s own business.


"Lieutenant, this is the wine I brought to..."

Before the old man finished speaking, Iverson interrupted: "Sorry Mr. Will, you should know that the Luxembourg line of defense has been lost, and now the Rhine line of defense is also in jeopardy.

For the sake of the overall strategic situation, we ordered to connect most of the sections within two months. We have no time. "

The Rhine Line of Defense is naturally not precarious, but when it comes to demolition, it must be precarious.

If they can't feel the pressure, who can guarantee that the owners of these lands will lure themselves and deliberately stop road construction.

The old man replied bitterly: "Lieutenant, I know all these truths. Once the French break through the Rhine defense line, it will become a battlefield, and no one can be alone.

But I am a vineyard. Once the road passes through the middle, it will definitely affect the quality of the grapes.

Bypass it from the side, it adds a distance of less than one kilometer, the terrain is flat here, and it won't take much time! "

Passing the road through the middle of the vineyard will affect the quality of the grapes, which is inevitable. Not to mention, the noise of light vehicles and the dust on the road will affect the growth of nearby grapes.

Grapes are not easy to preserve. This year, vineyards mainly sell raisins and wine. If you only enter the low-end market, the quality of the grapes is not bad.

Anything that might affect the quality of the grapes is a fatal vineyard owner's desire to enter the mid- to high-end market.

Iverson shook his head: "Sir, I'm very sorry, I really can't help you with this busy. I personally suggest that you still negotiate with the local government for compensation as soon as possible to minimize the loss.

Perhaps in your opinion, bypassing a few hundred meters through the land next to it can minimize economic losses without increasing the workload.

But don’t forget that the land next to it also has a master. The owner of the land is certainly not willing to have something similar happen to him.

If the owner of the land applies to the army, this kind of behavior that is clearly maliciously encroached and targeted, I will go to the military court. "

Austria, however, is planning to unify the German region, so naturally it cannot act indiscriminately. Everyone can understand that building strategic roads takes up land, but the premise is to be as fair as possible.

Even if there is a detour, the landowner has coordinated first, and no one has any opinions before it is possible.

The old man nodded helplessly: "Sorry, it is embarrassing to you. The road cannot be diverted, then move aside and pass the edge of the manor.

Don't worry about the increased workload, I will organize my own staff to help, and will not affect the construction progress. "

"Just a slight deviation, no land disputes, no impact on the construction progress, I think there is no problem!"

Lieutenant Iverson did not deliberately make trouble, and without affecting the mission, he was still willing to sell his personal feelings.

The local officials responsible for coordination and communication were relieved. Similar things have happened countless times. Anyone who can resolve the problem without conflict is considered a happy ending.

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