Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 911: The beginning of the disaster

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The roaring artillery sounded, and the French army, who had just arrived at the front, was given a lesson by the anti-French alliance with artillery.

A shell dropped from the sky and fell less than 100 meters away from the French front command line. A wave of scattered shrapnel took away three officers who came to the meeting.

This also includes Major General Anduin Wrynn, the commander of the French 9th Division, which is also the highest-ranking officer in the French army since the outbreak of war.

Receiving this bad news, he successfully snatched Admiral Udino, the former commander of the enemy, with a gloomy face.

"Colonel Rick, send someone to re-investigate the enemy's artillery deployment. You must figure out the enemy's artillery shells. Why can you hit it here?"

Udino is also a general on the battlefield, and the choice of the command is also thoughtful. It is impossible to put the command under the enemy's muzzle and die.

Whether it was an accident or other reasons, they are now moving again. Otherwise, as soon as the enemy's shells fell, the French command system was scrapped.

Colonel Rick replied affirmatively: "General, there is no need to re-investigate. I have personally checked the results of the previous investigation, and the enemy cannot make large-scale adjustments in a short time.

Judging from the power of sound and shells, this is not an army field gun.

It is not far away from the Rhine, it should be the enemy who regards the navy as a mobile fort. "

The water flow of the Rhine is not small, and small warships are already navigable. The navy of Belgium and the Federal Republic of Germany happens to be pocket editions.

The navy was powerless against the French navy and could only hide and tremble in the harbor. Now that war is needed, it is logical to transfer a part of it into the Rhine.

Even if a large warship cannot enter, you can remove the artillery as a fortress. At the juncture of life and death, no one cares whether it is wasted to smash pots and sell iron.

The range and power of naval artillery are not comparable to those of army field guns. Airship high-altitude reconnaissance, there is no way to distinguish so carefully, the range estimation error is also normal.

Admiral Udino cursed: "Damn, give power to the rear and let them bring the heavy artillery over!

Don't stand one by one, pack up immediately, move the command post one kilometer back, and don't pull back three kilometers. "

There was no way, the French army advanced too fast, and the heavy artillery unit could not keep up with the speed, and was left behind.

With just a few field guns carried by the forward forces, the firepower of the anti-French coalition forces is not at the same level.

In a panic, Admiral Udino withdrew the command post three kilometers, determined to be free from the threat of enemy artillery, and then continued the unfinished military meeting just now.

Anyway, the battle is still to be fought. Even if the enemy's naval guns were neglected before, the French still had to attack.

Now it's time to grab time. According to intelligence from the spies, on average, an Austrian infantry division arrives on the front line every day.

At this rate, it will not take long for the military strength comparison between the two sides to be reversed.

In the evening, the French headquarters was brightly lit, and Admiral Udino sorrowfully said: "Major General Anduin Wrynn sacrificed heroically. Now I appoint Colonel Fuxi to take over his work and temporarily act as the ninth division. The post of teacher.

Then continue to the military meeting in the afternoon. Now that the situation on the battlefield has changed, we must consider the enemy's firepower superiority. The original combat plan is out of date. "

Change the combat plan?

This is a joke, except for General Udino himself, no one knows what the so-called combat plan is.

In fact, Admiral Udino himself may not have a combat plan. The battlefield is ever-changing, and it is irresponsible to make an operational plan without knowing anything.

Generally speaking, everyone's combat plans are formulated while playing. The plan made in advance is a strategic plan, not a tactical plan.

Unfortunately, the French army's command system is not as advanced. The so-called strategic plan is usually made by the commander in the head.

"General, there is no need to be so troublesome. The artillery has no way to suppress the enemy's firepower. We can also dispatch airship troops.

As long as the enemy's artillery position is exposed, I will go bombing in the past to see who has spent it. "

The proposal is a middle-aged officer, a firm supporter of the French airship, which is the result of the Franz butterfly effect.

Since the Austrian airship galloped through the Ottoman Empire, air supremacy has been released in advance, but this idea is not perfect.

At present, everyone respects: use airship bombing to destroy enemy positions and fortresses to create advantages for ground troops to attack.

Udino nodded: "Good suggestion, when the ammunition dedicated to the airship force arrives, send them to the enemy to look at the color."

War is the biggest catalyst for the advancement of military science and technology. The airship has been used in the military for more than a decade. The European continent has experienced several wars.

Today, the airship force has become an important part of the army of various countries. Some countries are even preparing to divest the airship force and form a separate service.

Since the airship force is so important, the ammunition specially used for airship bombing naturally came into being.


On November 11, 1890, following an order from General Udino, the French army launched a full-scale offensive against the anti-French alliance under the threat of artillery fire.

The assault sounded, and the heroic French army got bayonet and launched a charge towards the coalition position ahead.

500 meters, 300 meters, 200 meters... Suddenly at 150 meters, fire snakes spewed out.

The intertwined machine gun fire caused heavy casualties to the French army as soon as they appeared. Many people did not respond, and they fell in response.

The mechanical command system played a role at this time. The horn of the charge continued, and the soldiers could only bluntly rush up.

Everyone is familiar with machine guns, but the French are familiar with the bulky Gatling, not the light and flexible Maxim.

The misunderstanding made French senior officials underestimate the lethality of machine guns.

Seeing the words "heavy casualties", Admiral Udino sneered: "These guys are a disgrace to France.

If possible, I don’t mind sending them all to the military court. What is not good to learn, to study timid Italians, really I am a fool?

The subpoena continued and gave me all my strength to attack at all costs. Let the supervising team go to the front line to stare. All the scamsters have no food tonight. "

No way, the Italians are already well-known. As the French army recruited a large number of Italians to join the army, the widely spread battlefield life-saving manual was also circulated among the French army.

Fortunately, the pure French troops, some of the troops mixed with the Italians, have already contracted the fear of death.

In the previous battle, Admiral Udino had personally seen that when a unit charged during the day, countless officers and soldiers fell heroically under the enemy's muzzle, for which he also left moving tears.

However, these brave and righteous guys, when the commander ordered the withdrawal of troops, revived the corpses.

Since then, Admiral Udino has a new understanding of the words "heavy casualties".


The voice of heraldsmen sounded.

No one knows what kind of disaster will be brought to the French troops along with this order. At this time, everyone is still thinking about tearing the defense of the coalition forces.


It was not only the army that was in trouble, but the French airship unit that had just appeared over the Austrian army. At this time, it also encountered the biggest enemy in their life.

Throwing a bomb down on the airship, Hudson exclaimed suddenly: "Tom, look at the bird in front of you, why is it so strange?"

Tom, who was manipulating the machine gun, was not much better than him at this time. He also looked at the front with a dull face.

They have been flying in the sky for a long time, and they are considered to be well-informed, not to mention all. Anyway, they have seen most of the birds in Europe.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer, and the outline of the plane can be seen clearly. A young man suddenly responded: "It seems to be the plane said in the newspaper."

By this time, the bullet had screamed. Anyone who realizes later will know that this is the enemy.

Tom, as a machine gunner, instantly became refreshed. After waiting so long, it was finally his turn to show his power.

However, an awkward scene appeared. Compared with the airship, the enemy’s aircraft is so flexible that he can’t even aim at it.

No way, the French airship is equipped with a big killer like Gatling. Power is enough, others are tragic.

Faced with Tom who ran to the plane above them, holding a machine gun, he had no idea what to do.

This headache problem didn't make him entangled for a long time, it ended with the falling of the airship.

After realizing that it was wrong, panic spread in the French airship force, but unfortunately it was too late to run.

Just like a meteor shower, French airships continued to fall down. The French and Austrian officers and soldiers who witnessed this scene with their own eyes knew that an era was over.

The new king ascended the throne, and the old king ended. The French airship force used life as the end of the airship era, drawing a **** stop.

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