Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 906: Filled out channel

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The battle continues, the sun has fallen sparsely, reflecting on the blood-red river, the atmosphere looks strange, just like **** Styx.

The raft crossing the river has already been lost in the previous battle, and the enemy's position is still as stable as Mount Tai.

Even if a small group of troops completed the task of crossing the river, they were defeated by the French army's stubborn resistance and forced to return.

This is not a deserter. According to European cultural traditions, soldiers with ammunition can surrender, and the Austrian army is no exception.

The soldiers who participated in the attack were all trained in swimming, and a Suez Canal could not stop everyone.

Moreover, there are rafts scattered and destroyed by artillery shells, which just serve as a means of escape. Naturally, there is no need to surrender.

However, returning home was not all smooth sailing. From time to time, French soldiers shot at the river. Fortunately, the French were not equipped with machine guns on a large scale this year, and there was no chance of retreating.

Putting down the telescope in his hand, Colonel Bodman put down the last fluke, and his face became ruthless, as if in a fierce struggle.

"Order the artillery, adjust the muzzle to aim at the opposite river embankment, put in solid bullets and attack with all strength!"

For the safety of the canal, from the beginning of the battle to the present, both France and Austria are using flower bullets, and occasionally using solid bullets is also directed at the opposite fortress.

The chief of staff on the side reminded: "Colonel, breaking down the embankment on the opposite side will block the canal. By then..."

Colonel Boardman waved his hand and interrupted: "Wrong, we are just attacking the enemy's fortress. The river embankment is damaged. The French saw that the general trend was gone and they deliberately blew up before they fled."

This reason is very far-fetched, but Colonel Bodman can't take care of that much anyway. It's better than none anyway. If the headquarters cannot make up their minds, he will make up his mind for the headquarters.

Political issues were not considered by his colonel. From a military standpoint, Colonel Bodman’s order was completely correct.

As for follow-up questions, it is necessary to test the diplomatic ability of the Austrian government and how thick the government is.

After struggling for a while, the chief of staff chose to compromise. The same order, given by different people, has a completely different political influence.

"Will be outside, the king's destiny will suffer."

Not an empty word, but it also applies in Austria. Moreover, the emperor has not issued an order prohibiting the destruction of the canal, and the Austrian government is required to protect the Suez Canal.

The theater command is a special organization in wartime. The military and political power on the front line during the war period is a grasp. Admiral Feslav, as the commander, naturally has to consider the issue comprehensively, and he must consider the requirements of the government.

But the middle class of the army like Colonel Boardman is different. They are only loyal to the emperor and do not need to be accountable to the government at all.

No matter how uncomfortable the government is, it is impossible to cross the emperor and intervene in the army.

As long as the battle is won, the government can only hold back its opinions, and no one in Austria can target the heroes on the battlefield for no reason.

The real risk is the defeat on the battlefield.

But the enemy on the opposite gave Colonel Bodman confidence. More than half of the defenders were indigenous. If they could not win, then he would not be confused in the army.


As a new round of bombing began, under the fierce attack of the shells, the river bank opposite gradually began to collapse.

By the time the command received the news, it had become a boat. In fact, it had no choice but to go down with a scalp.

For this ending, Admiral Feslav was about to cry without tears. Just an hour ago, he just generated electricity and asked the emperor whether to fill out a passage, and the result happened immediately.

The withdrawal was too late. The frontline urgent telegrams were delivered as soon as possible. Now Feslav sends another telegram to explain.

As to whether Colonel Bodman, the initiator, is a hero or a sinner, this question still depends on the development of the war situation, and Feslav has no intention to pursue responsibility.

Without any hesitation, Admiral Feslav made the decision: "Order all front-line troops to stop being fearful, and let me do everything.

Now I have only one request to cross the river in the shortest time and defeat the Frenchman across, according to the Suez Canal. "

Soldiers want to have a strong waist, they still have to talk about their record. As long as the battle is won, these problems can only be regarded as the past dust.


At the Vienna Palace, looking at two very different telegrams in his hand, Franz didn't know whether to praise General Feslav for being obedient, or whether he should criticize him with a dead brain.

After thinking about it, Franz still feels that the front-line senior generals are still a little obedient. After all, they are safe to use!

As for the self-proclaimed Colonel Bodman, that is not a problem. As a pure soldier, only military issues are considered, which is exactly what Franz wants.

He would rather recuperate these simple guys, rather than turning forward generals into forward-looking politicians, which only means disaster.

Before Franz calls back, everyone in the cabinet will come to the door, knowing his face, everyone is in a bad mood.

It's also correct to think about it. The international political advantage that has been painstakingly created has now been completely disrupted.

"Your Majesty, what happened in the Middle East theater..."

Before Wesenberg finished, Franz interrupted: "Okay, I already know about the Suez Canal.

At this point in the present, it is useless to say that even if it is to be held accountable, it is also a post-war thing.

It is imperative that everyone still find a way to do it later! The French are not terrible. Some of the masters in Paris are holding back. Even if someone in the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs finds a problem and wants to take advantage of it, they will be badly hurt by these guys.

The trouble is the British, don't forget that they were still inspiring the European countries not long ago, and want to unite the countries to jointly manage the Suez Canal.

The interest is moving, everyone has long coveted the fat piece of the Suez Canal.

It's just that the Suez Canal has been controlled by us and the French, and countries have to keep their ambitions.

What happened now, the British have more reason to ask for international condominium, and it is not yet known how many countries will be persuaded by the British. "

To change the subject, the basic skills of Franz's emperor's career for many years have been developed. Anyway, he is an emperor, and his people can't refuse to give face, biting a question.

It is now a period of war, and internal conflicts can never erupt, so it is good to provoke external conflicts.

Now that the war is going, Franz can be seen. The butterfly effect cannot be changed. This is a worse world.

Looking at the performance of the French, we know that they have been given so many opportunities, and now they have not killed Belgium and killed the hinterland of Germany.

In this case, it would be okay for the British to injustice, anyway, they are still pk. with the Russians. Even if they leave the field personally, it is impossible to abandon India to help the French.

Moreover, this is not necessarily an injustice. In the style of John Bull, this kind of thing is almost inevitable.

With a skewed topic, the foreign minister who was originally angry and looking for the ugliness of the Middle East theater had to calm down and think about countermeasures.

After a moment of effort, Foreign Minister Weissenberg said slowly: "Your Majesty, the British government has always been eyeing the Suez Canal. Most of them will not miss this opportunity.

Judging from the current international situation, the four countries of Belgium, Germany, Montenegro, and Greece are our allies and will certainly not respond to the call of the British.

Switzerland and the Netherlands are limited by their geographic location, and they should not stand in the team until the outcome of the anti-French war is unknown.

The French wanted to monopolize the Suez Canal. Before the defeat of the European War, the French government mostly opposed the international condominium.

In a short period of time, the British will at most raise some public opinion and add some trouble to us, which is not enough to form an absolute advantage. "

The international situation is still so chaotic. There are no absolute enemies and friends in front of interests, and only common interests.

Russia and Austria are allies, but on the issue of the Suez Canal, Weisenberg is not sure whether the tsarist government will support Austria. After all, the Vienna government cannot share the benefits of the canal with them.

On the contrary, it is the French who are at war. They agree with Austria on this issue and will definitely oppose the international condominium Suez Canal.

Prime Minister Carl: "As long as it can drag us to defeat the French on the battlefield, all this is not a problem.

At that time, we can take advantage of the French to buy Spain and Switzerland, plus the Italian state after independence and our current allies, continental Europe is what we say.

However, before this, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs could not relax its vigilance, especially since the Afghan war has recently eased, and more care should be taken. "

There is no way, there is no eternal friend in international politics, only eternal interests. No betrayal happened, it was just because the chips to betrayed were not enough.

Now that Fau is competing for European hegemony, the Austrian government has to be vigilant because there are already enough chips on the table.

Leaving aside the direct war in France and not mentioning it, Britain and Russia, both qualified for hegemony, are also likely to jump out and pick peaches at a critical moment.

Looking at Austria’s military operations, we can see that the battlefields in Africa and the Suez Canal did not involve any local troops. The colonies were responsible for the implementation, or the troops mobilized by Africa.

The more than three million troops mobilized one after another. Only the hundreds of thousands of troops on the southern line were actually put into the battlefield. The remaining troops are still lying at home except for the reinforcement of the millions of troops in Central Europe.

It stands to reason that as long as these troops are sent out, they can already meet the current operational needs. However, the follow-up mobilization work is still in progress.

Of course, there are also concerns about the French exploding and losing the frontline, as well as the factors of distrust of the Russians.


The government's decision has not affected the battle on the front. There is no turning arrow when opening the bow.

It took too much time to fill the Suez Canal by shelling alone. In order to speed up, the frontline troops had to threaten the enemy's artillery to fill the river and make land.

Looking at the car hit by the enemy's artillery, climbing halfway along the black smoke, Colonel Boardman frowned.

To know that cars are rare items, except for the large amount of domestic main force preparations, overseas troops have only a small amount of equipment in the logistics department.

The garrison in the Middle East is fortunate, because it produces oil itself, and Austria also has oil refineries here. It is convenient to replenish oil, and there is only one car company per regiment.

However, this was limited to the pre-war period, starting with the military expansion, and such a good thing ended.

The newly-produced military vehicles have to give priority to satisfying the local troops, and very few have been allocated to the Middle East theater.

Without any exceptions, Colonel Bodman's infantry division was also expanded, expanding from a regiment to a division before the war.

There are other weapons to open the warehouse, the number of cars is still the original car company, mainly used to transport logistics materials.

Looking at these babies, they fell on the battlefield like this, and Colonel Bodman's heart kept bleeding.

After hesitating for a long time, Colonel Bodman seemed to have made a difficult decision, and said fiercely: "Order the car to suspend operation and wait until evening!"

There is no way. The goal of the car is too big. On average, it runs three or five times, and one car is brave and righteous.

As long as you can win, it is worthwhile to lose more cars. The problem is that at the current speed, the car will be finished before the Suez Canal is filled.

Waiting for the follow-up reinforcement is certainly possible, the problem is that time has passed. At the same time, the army that initiated the river reclamation was not only the division of Colonel Bodman, but the Austrian army attacked more.

Anyway, the defeat of the French army will also blow up the canal, fill in a few more roads, and it’s no big deal.

"Colonel, stop now and transport by animal power alone, I'm afraid it will be difficult to complete the task first," the chief of staff reminded

As the first force to blow up the Suez Canal and initiate a river reclamation, if a road cannot be filled in time for the army to cross the river, Colonel Bodman really has no future.

"There is no way, the target of the car is too large, it is difficult to escape the enemy's artillery fire. The enemy built a perfect fortification, and we have no way to destroy their firepower in a short time.

If we persist, our losses will be very large. Unlike these exiled criminal laborers, the car company is a technical arm, and if the seeds are hit, there is no way to supplement it. "

Thanks to Franz’s greening strategy, a large number of criminals are exiled to the Middle East every year, and these guys are naturally transformed into laborers when the war breaks out.

Labor is a precious asset of Austria, but once the word "criminal" is added, the value of the money suddenly drops suddenly, from the precious "wealth" to a social "tumor".


The Cairo French Army Command, since the news of the Austrian army filling the river, the governor of Jacob has been in a bad mood.

Originally he planned to seize the Sinai peninsula, based on the Suez Canal, to build a powerful war for France.

Unfortunately, the plan did not change quickly. He had just taken action, and the Austrian army on the African continent was killed. For a time, Egypt fell into the embarrassment of all enemies.

Faced with a wolf-like enemy, the troops on the border could not resist, and Governor Jacob had to shrink the line of defense while drawing reinforcements to the front.

The forces drawn to the front of the canal have also become inevitable. After all, a major unrest broke out in the Egyptian region only a few years ago, and the population loss was serious. Even if the Governor-General Jacob wanted a poor soldier, he was not strong enough.

The governor of Jacob originally hoped that the Austrian army would be afraid of international pressure and would not dare to easily destroy the Suez Canal, known as "eternal neutrality."

As long as it lasts for a few months and waits for the homeland to win or lose, the Egyptian region will be victorious.

It is a pity that the "international pressure" tiger deterrent is too low, which only delayed a few days before it was breached by Huwei.

The bad guys turned to the bad guys. Governor Jacob still had a little confidence in the canal defense line he operated. Even if he could not defeat the enemy, he would not be able to break through in a short time.

"Order the troops on the front line of the canal to rely on the fortifications to defend on the spot, hit the enemy head-on, and strike the mighty French army..."

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