Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 896: George I in action

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Regardless of whether or not, since the French declared war on Belgium, Leopold II could only keep up.

Without declaring such a thing without a skin, Leopold II could not do it, and the Belgian people would not agree.

On September 28, 1890, in a panic, the Belgian government released electricity to publicly declare war on France.

There is no doubt that this telegram was not only for the French, but more for Austria.

It seems to be saying: Boss and younger brother are on, now it's up to you.

On the afternoon of the same day, Franz gave an anti-aggression speech at the Imperial Parliament, denounced France's shameless behavior, and then the delegates unanimously passed a bill to declare war on France.

The following day, Franz published the "Book of the People of France" in the Vienna Palace, which listed a bunch of war consequences and called on the French people to stand up against the war of aggression launched by the government.

There is no doubt that such an advisory document has no effect at all, and it has already declared war. Naturally, it is impossible to listen to him with a few slurs and close it.

Of course, if the Italians are barely included in the French people, then this political show is the perfect level.

After the announcement was issued, Rome broke out in anti-war and anti-aggression movements, and quickly spread to many Italian cities. If it were not for the Italian independent organization to be too incompetent, it might be another people ’s uprising.

On September 29, 1890, the French government declared war on Austria, and the French invasion of Belgium and Luxembourg on the same day opened the prelude to the European War.

In the Hanover Palace, George I was cursing at the moment: "Damn British liar, all a group of children ..."

It can be seen from the expression that George I was miserable by the British.

The strength of the German Federation is not weak, and there is an Austria behind it, joining the security guarantees promised by the British. George I mistakenly believed that the French target this time is Belgium.

In this context, George I will naturally encourage Austria to hide behind and watch the show.

In order to drag Austria into the water and the establishment of the anti-French alliance, George I actively cooperated.

After continuing to sign the covenant, he thought that the overall situation had been fixed, and with the constant flickering of the British, George I began to work passively.

Anyway, the German Federation is very chaotic, and the slow movements are justified. I am not afraid of allies being held accountable.

In addition to his appearance, George I did not urge all states to expand their arms and prepare for war. Allies urged him to push forward to the Imperial Parliament.

After the two countries declared war on the French, George I secretly celebrated the success of the plan. Who knew that the French did not even let them go to the theater.

Hiding is impossible, because of the butterfly effect, Luxembourg is still a member of the German Federation and has not gone out independently.

As the "Gibraltar of the North", such a strategic place as Luxembourg, the French cannot naturally let it go.

Otherwise, the French could only cry when the Germans were killed from Luxembourg when the war had reached a critical moment.

Facts have proved that the British guarantees are not valuable on the French side. Regardless of whether or not the German Confederation entered the war, the French had already started anyway.

Unless George I can sit back and watch the fall of Luxembourg, they will fight this war.

"Your Majesty, breathe anger! The British will settle their affairs in the future, and it is imperative to mobilize as soon as possible to ensure the safety of the western land.

At the same time, strengthen ties with allies, eliminate previous misunderstandings, and find ways to win this war. "Prime Minister Aval said

Ignoring the Prime Minister, George I asked, "What did the British say? If something like this happened, shouldn't they give us an explanation?"

The central government of the German Federal Government dominated by Hanover is pro-British from top to bottom, and even the most pro-Austrian factions in the German Federation are very few here.

The traditional friendship between English and Chinese has a long history. For a long period of time, both countries have a common monarch. For the past 100 years, the two countries have been the closest allies.

Now that this is happening, the impact on George I can be imagined, and even the Prime Minister with pro-British leaders is gone.

"The British government said it was a misunderstanding, and they are communicating with France, let us keep calm first." Foreign Minister Wei Delunde replied anxiously

It can indeed be regarded as a misunderstanding. At least the two countries have not declared war on each other. In theory, there is a possibility of mediation.

Calmness is impossible. The French are attacking the Luxembourg area. George I can calm down, but the frontline officers and soldiers can't calm down.

No matter how pro-British, George I is not a fool. If the British government strongly announces its intervention, he can wait and see, and misunderstand the misunderstanding, which is a fool.

"Misunderstanding a ghost, is the French army going to Luxembourg to go on holiday?

Tell the British that if the French do not withdraw from the German area within 24 hours, then war!

The first, second, and seventh divisions stationed in the Rhineland region were ordered to immediately reinforce Luxembourg, and the ninth and eleventh divisions were ordered to move to the Belgian region to prepare for reinforcement of Belgium at any time.

Inform the representatives of the states to convene the Imperial Parliament this evening. The government immediately issued a national mobilization order in the name of the central government.

Arrange it, I will go to Berlin tomorrow. At this stage of the matter, we must fight for the support of Prussia.

... "

At a critical moment, George I still showed the qualities a monarch should have, orderly issued a series of orders.

If you don't want to go to war with the French, it doesn't mean that the German Federation hasn't prepared for war. The German region has been fighting for hundreds of years, and all the princes who can survive are all of family origin, and there is no fuel-efficient lamp.

The situation in Europe is tense, how could everyone not be prepared? The biggest problem of the German Federation is the difficulty of coordination, not other.

George I was fooled by the British, in fact, forced to help. Because at this time fighting with the French, regardless of the outcome, more than 99% of them may lose the throne.

If you lose the war, you will either be ousted from the throne by the French, or be ousted by the people.

After winning the war, the German-Austrian merger is the general trend. In the German region, the Gotha dynasty could not compete with the Habsburg dynasty, and Hanover could not compete with Austria.

For a monarch to lose the throne, it is not just a lack of a name, but a shame for life.

The promise of the British was a life-saving straw, and the desires deep in his heart drove George I to believe.

Now the lies have been taken through, and George I has sobered up. Since war cannot be avoided, it is necessary to face reality.

After winning this war, he still has the capital to talk about the conditions. Even if he can't keep the throne, he can have a decent ending.

If you lose the war, you lose all your initiative and can only rely on the support of the British to maintain the system of governance, and you can be overthrown by the people at any time.

After experiencing what just happened, George I has lost faith in the British and is ready to become self-reliant.

To fight the French, the importance of the Kingdom of Prussia is reflected. With the glorious record of confrontation with the Russians, the Kingdom of Prussia is the force of the German Federation.

Despite the heavy losses in the previous war, and after the war was dug by Austria, the Kingdom of Prussia still has good fighting power.

"Your Majesty, in view of the current complex international situation, the British are very likely to stand with the French, and I propose to suspend the payment of British loans." Prime Minister Ayval remedied

The German Commonwealth was pitted by the British. As the leader of the pro-British faction, I believe Prime Minister Ayval promised by the British must be responsible.

Ivar, who did not want to follow the end, decided to cut with the British, and the pro-British faction became an anti-British faction.

As a political figure, changing your face like turning a book is normal operation, and Prime Minister Aywar has no slight pressure.

"I'm afraid it won't work. The British government is supporting the French, but it's all secret. Britain is still a neutral country on the bright side.

When we declare a debt default at this time, it is very likely that the British will really be forced to the French, and the situation will be even more detrimental to us. "Weidlund

It is now the 19th century. Laying debts is not fun. The use of force to collect them is a common thing. The European countries that succeeded in relying on debts this year are the Russians.

In the face of British creditors, the German Commonwealth obviously does not have the power to repay the debts. If the face is torn, they will still be unlucky.

After hesitating for a while, George I gritted his teeth and said, "Due to the financial strain of the outbreak of war, we generated electricity to the British and told them that we would delay payment of the loan.

This time they put us together. If there is no accident, the London government will give us some comfort.

Now that the payment of debts is delayed, the British shouldn't be much involved. Remember to be sincere in tone, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs should try to appease the British.

When necessary, we can make a promise to the British, and we will resume payment as soon as the French withdraw. "

George I was forced to rely on the British account. The German Commonwealth had money, which was the money of the local state, and the central government had never been so good.

Taxes cannot be collected, and even the central government of the German Federal Government cannot even pay the salaries of the staff. Many times it cannot be paid out, and must be paid in advance by the Hanover Finance.

The war is to devour gold beasts again, and the huge amount of war funding will certainly not be paid out by the central government.

It is another protracted nonsense to ask the governments of various states. At this juncture, it is possible to save one point or one point. Deferring payment of British debts is always better than financial bankruptcy.

By the way, the British can also be warned not to go too far, otherwise the German Commonwealth will be over and their debts will be over.

It's a pity that George I lacked confidence, and the warning was blown away.

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