Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 893: Forced Palace and Fuse

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On September 11, 1890, the German, Belgian, Austrian, Greek, and Black countries closed their trade channels with France, and the material embargo officially began.

For a time, the European continent was trembling, and everyone knew that it was a precursor to the storm, and the European war may be inevitable.

Persuade the French to give in?

The material embargo of the anti-French alliance directly forced the Paris government to the corner. Taking a step back is not the sky, but the abyss hell.

Persuade the anti-French alliance to calm down?

This is even worse. The anti-French alliance is the victim. If the French were not ambitious to invade Central Europe, there would be no such thing.

The worries of the people who eat melons are only worried about the European wars affecting the pond fish. It is not how much they love peace, and true pacifists cannot take power.

At the Palace of Versailles, Napoleon IV, with dark circles under his eyes, once again convened a political meeting. There is no way, waiting is the most anxious.

With the development of the situation, I originally wanted to benefit from the two countries, but now it has evolved into a decisive battle that determines the future destiny of France.

Foreign Minister Karel Kadletz: "Austria has begun to form an anti-French alliance, and now it has attracted four countries including Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, Greece and Montenegro to join.

Switzerland and the Netherlands have begun to waver, and the anti-French voice in the Spanish government is also rising. Most of the mainstream public opinion in Europe is inclined to anti-French alliances.

Recently, Austria has strengthened its ties with the Nordic Federation and Portugal. If it continues to drag on, the situation will only become more disadvantageous to us. "

Brain supplements are the most terrible. The Austrian government frequently contacts with politicians from various countries and also announces that this is to strengthen business cooperation.

It is okay for the Austrian government not to explain, and it is difficult for Karel Kadletz to doubt it.

In the era of free trade, most governments do not interfere with economic operations, and there is no cooperation at all.

In fact, the same is true. Although Austria has a high frequency of contact with other countries, it has not signed a treaty, at least not on the surface.

Karel Kadletz did not know the details of the negotiations, but he still received the news that the representatives had a good time.

Whether it is intentionally disgusting France or really intending to join the anti-French alliance, this is not a good thing for the French government.

Prime Minister Terrence Burkin: "Now we are not only in trouble diplomatically, but also in the procurement of strategic materials.

In just a few months, the price of strategic materials we plan to purchase has nearly doubled, and some commodity prices have even doubled directly.

In the name of quelling domestic prices, many countries have raised tariffs with us, which has greatly increased the cost of corporate purchases.

Affected by the insufficient supply of raw materials, some domestic companies have begun to reduce production capacity, which is very unfavorable for the war that is about to begin.

There are all indications that all this is controlled by Austria. They tried to use these means to defeat us outside the battlefield! "

The war between big powers is not only on the battlefield, but also outside the battlefield is also full of swords and swords.

In this regard, France is undoubtedly a loss. Austria ’s foreign trade volume is several times that of France, and the domestic market is far more than France.

The political and economic impact of the two sides has long been not of a grade. Coupled with the influence of historical issues, it is almost inevitable that the French government is at a disadvantage.

Napoleon IV frowned: "Not so serious, if all European countries really support the anti-French alliance, they will join the blockade against us.

As long as they all join, we can't fight against all countries, and abandoning the China-EU strategy is an inevitable result.

The current situation is more like Austria's one-handed control, pulling the big drama prepared for us by various countries, in an attempt to make us self-defeating. "

Having been the emperor for so many years, Napoleon IV has long been nothing new. There is no secret in politics, and national political diplomacy revolves around interests.

Starting from the perspective of interests and analyzing what is most beneficial to a country, one can roughly guess what each country wants to do.

Undoubtedly, it is in the interests of everyone that Fawau loses both sides. In this context, except for the two foreign parties that Bide can't hide from, everyone is the main reason to watch the bustle.

With the exception of Greece and Montenegro, which have no choice but to support Austria, the rest of the countries have no reason to join the anti-French alliance.

In the eyes of Napoleon IV, the current practice of various countries is to boost the flames, cheer the Austrians and strengthen their determination to fight against France.

Economic Minister Elsa: "Your Majesty, you can't drag on anymore. When we have completed the preparations for the war, the enemy has also completed the preparations for the war.

We are not a member of the free trade system. In terms of purchasing strategic materials, we are at a disadvantage. The domestic economy is also slightly inferior to Austria, and it is not suitable for contracting Austria for a protracted war. "

Napoleon IV understood that it was not the ministers who were anxious, but the domestic capitalists who were anxious.

After confirming that the French government will implement the China-EU strategy, the capitalists have started full production.

With the passage of time, the commodities in everyone's hands increase day by day, and the liquidity decreases day by day. The war still does not break out, and everyone can't help it if they don't want to worry.

In the unlikely event of a major change in the middle of the road, it is suddenly said that the war will not be fought, or that it will be delayed for three years and five years, and everyone will be finished.

The commodities sold are money, and the commodities that are backed up are not assets, but liabilities, because storage also requires costs.

It's enough for the government to purchase in advance, and it's impossible to achieve it. The reason is very simple: the French government doesn't have so many warehouses to store materials.

In this context, the capitalists want to digest the inventory in their hands and can only let the war break out in advance.

The ministers clamored to start the war ahead of time. Not everyone was bought up, mainly because they knew it could no longer be stopped.

Either the government takes the initiative to provoke war and take the initiative in war; or the capitalists start to provoke war, and no one will know how the situation will develop.

Before Napoleon IV made a decision, the attendant hurriedly shouted outside the door: "Your Majesty, there is an urgent military situation on the front line."

The situation in Europe is already very tense. At this time, even if the anti-French alliance comes first, no one will be surprised.

Hearing the urgent military situation, Napoleon IV naturally did not dare to neglect: "Get in here!"


After a moment of effort, Napoleon IV said slowly: "On the front line, when three soldiers patrolled the border between us and Belgium, they were suddenly attacked by the enemy, and both died and disappeared."

This is not the first time that border friction has occurred, but the situation of the dead has never happened.

Because of the key to the tense situation, security has been strengthened on the border for a long time, and soldiers patrolling in groups are also in groups, and the adjacent distance will not be too far.

Under normal circumstances, an accident occurs and the surrounding troops will arrive immediately. The dead can still understand that the disappearance is intriguing.

As long as there is no water in their minds, the two countries will not do such wonderful things. But at this juncture, no one would care so much.

Irrespective of the unreasonability, the French government wants to go to war. This is a ready war excuse.

Even if he knew that there was a problem, Napoleon IV could not go further. Otherwise, if you find something, the French government will be ashamed.

But the discomfort is inevitable. The dead are French soldiers. Did not die on the battlefield, because some people wanted to provoke the war ahead of time, they suffered the indiscriminate disaster.

Everyone bowed their heads and said nothing. They were embarrassed when this happened!

Earlier or later, it's okay, but this is not the time now.

Just now everyone had persuaded the emperor to go to war, and there immediately appeared an excuse for war, which seemed like a forced palace.

This misunderstanding is politically fatal. If they change a strong emperor, they can go home now.

Under the sharp eyes of Napoleon IV, Prime Minister Terrence Burgin said bitterly: "Your Majesty, this kind of thing happened, we should immediately be held accountable to Belgium.

Order the Kingdom of Belgium to surrender the murderer within 48 hours, release the captured soldiers, and compensate us for the loss.

To ... or else ... "

Seeing Napoleon IV's increasingly ugly complexion, in the end, Prime Minister Terrence Burgin couldn't say anything, and his voice became choppy.

It seemed to be almost the same. Napoleon IV narrowed his murderous eyes and said coldly: "Just follow the Prime Minister's intentions, but it's better not to mess up."


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