Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 887: Vittorio Emanuele III

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After Napoleon III annexed the Kingdom of Sardinia, Vittorio Emanuele II, who was in exile to London, formed the Sardinian government in exile with the help of the British.

Later, the French annexed the rest of Italy, and for the needs of the Italian anti-French movement, Vittorio Emanuele II passively became the leader.

The reason is very simple. Those who are barefoot are not afraid of wearing shoes, and Vittorio Emanuele II, who has nothing, has the courage to die with the French.

In contrast, the other royal states are different. Although the country was taken away by the French, the crown was nominally hung, and an annuity can be received every year.

In this context, although everyone was very dissatisfied, they did not have the courage to jump out and die with the French, but only secretly engaged in small actions.

The original Sardinian independent organization was only supported by the British, and the organizational structure was generally stable. Later, it expanded into an independent Italian organization, and the situation changed.

Austria has also become a supporter of independent organizations. With the addition of a gold owner, many things become complicated.

In 1878, after the death of Vittorio Emanuele II, his 9-year-old son succeeded to the throne, and a little fart child naturally had no ability to quell internal conflicts.

The Italian independent organization survived and gradually divided into four waves, representing the four states of the Kingdom of Sardinia, the Papal State, Naples, and Tuscany.

The Italian independence movement also fell into a low tide. Even after the outbreak of the Paris Revolution, they followed the uprising, but it was only a flash in the pan.

Lions beat rabbits with all their strength. With the outbreak of the European War, Franz naturally wants to attract all the forces that can be attracted.

Although the strength of Italian independent organizations is weak, their appeal among the Italians is strong!

Think about it, how critical the picture was when the Italian soldiers in the French army suddenly stopped picking out the French-Austrian War.

There is no doubt that the most powerful and most influential Italian independent organization is naturally the independent Sardinian organization of Vittorio Emanuele III.

Not to mention that the kingdom of Sardinia has been annexed by the French, and there is a certain crown on the head of the French emperor, but Vittorio Emanuele III is the recognized king of Sardinia in Europe.

No matter how powerful France is, the illegally snatched crown, the European aristocracy does not recognize it. In this respect, Franz also made great contributions, but the Habsburgs took the lead in denying the Bonaparte's legitimacy to the Sardinian throne.

In a manor outside London, two men, one old and one young, are fishing. It can be seen that both of them are absent-minded, and the suspended matter on the water is constantly being pulled and ignored.

Austrian Minister in London Jonas: "Your Majesty, the outbreak of the European War, your chance to return is here."

The young Vittorio Emanuele III smiled slightly: "That's just an opportunity. The French are still strong.

It is still very difficult for Italy to get rid of French rule. Unless your country can hit the French on the battlefield, the strength of an independent organization is simply death. "

This is the key to the problem and the focus of controversy.

Jonas hoped that the Italian independent organization would first launch the uprising and shake the French military's heart to increase the odds of the Austrian army on the battlefield.

Vittorio Emanuele III hoped that Austria would first defeat the French on the battlefield, and the independent organization would then launch an uprising.

Jonas shook his head. Vittorio Emanuele III was vigilant. He understood that the relationship between King Sardinia and Austria had always been bad.

If the French were driven away and Austria was ushered in again, it would be that the front door went to the tiger and the back door went into the wolf.

"Your Majesty, there is no free lunch in this world. It is impossible to achieve national independence without paying a price.

I know what you are worried about and understand the mood, but you should know that Austria never treats allies badly.

Now that we have made the commitment to support your country ’s independence, we will honor the agreement.

However, Austria also pays attention to equivalent exchanges, and takes as much loot as it pays.

If you wait for the bigger picture to decide to participate again, then we will not be able to guarantee the territorial integrity of your country. "

This is a naked "threat". Obviously, Jonas believed that Vittorio Emanuele III could not cooperate with the French. If he wants to return to his country, he must have the support of Austria.

Vittorio Emanuele III's complexion changed greatly, and he was still too young to be ecstatic.

"His Minister, guaranteeing the territorial integrity of the Italian region is our bottom line! If this is not possible, then there is no need to talk."

Minister Jonas reminded: "Your Majesty, you are only King Sardinia, and you are not qualified to represent the other three states.

In fact, we have reached an agreement with the representatives of the three countries, and now we are only talking to King Sardinia. "

Italy was just a place name this year, and the four states are now recognized internationally. The Italian independent organization is the Caotai team and does not have any legal significance.

Hearing this answer, Vittorio Emanuele III's face became more ugly.

As the leader of the Italian independent organization, he thought that after driving away the French, he was the king of Italy.

However, the reality is very slapping. Jonas told him clearly that this is impossible.

The Italian independent organization represents nothing, Austria recognizes only Sardinia, the Papal State, Naples, Tuscany.

Austria does not admit that the Italian king has no way of talking. Vittorio Emanuele III was very unwilling, but unfortunately he did not have the confidence to turn his face.

He is unwilling to cooperate with Austria. Don't think that the members of an independent organization will be as tall as they are. People will have to eat.

As a king, even if he was in exile, he could still live a flamboyant life, but the following followers were tragic.

Even if they are rich, they are almost consumed after so many years of hard work. The poor people have already found work in London, and relying on the subsidies issued by independent organizations has already starved people to death.

After so many years, the former hot-blooded teenagers have long been worn away by life, and the only opportunity for them to come back is to restore their country.

Whether it is Italy or the King of Sardinia, as long as they are able to establish a regime, they can transform into a superior ruler.

No one will let go of the last life-saving straw. Whoever obstructs everyone's way, who is everyone's enemy, even the nominal leader of Vittorio Emanuele III is no exception.

After a while, after adjusting his thoughts, Vittorio Emanuele III said slowly: "My Excellency, we can find a way to contain the French, but we are not capable of directly confronting the French with our strength.

Seeing that the goal was achieved, Jonas replied with a smile: "Your Majesty, please rest assured that Austria will not hang out with friends.

After the outbreak of war, you only need to engage in destruction in the rear and affect the logistics and transportation of the French army. You do not need to go directly to the battlefield.

For example: spreading rumors and shaking the French military heart; calling on Italians not to sell their lives for the French; destroying roads and bridges, organizing workers ’strikes ...

In order to reduce losses, you can also call on the people to be non-violent and uncooperative, these are all contributions. "

Hearing Jonas ’s explanation, Vittorio Emanuele III breathed a sigh of relief, and they were the best at calling the slogan. The shortcoming of the independent organization was military.

As long as they don't fight the French and engage in destruction in the rear, they can still do it.

After a pause, Minister Jonas added: "Your contribution to this war will determine the benefits you receive after the war.

As long as the contribution made is large enough, there will be territory and war compensation. It turns out that the disputed territory between King Sardinia and the French, you also have a chance to get it back. "

This is not a pie. As long as the war is won, no matter how they perform, the disputed territory will be divided into the kingdom of Sardinia.

Austria has no appetite for annexation of France, and the hatred between France and Austria will certainly deepen after the war, and it may not even be solved for decades.

For the stability of the Western Front, the Austrian government must weaken France. In addition to the independence of the Italian region, the French homeland is actually very stable, and it cannot be split at all.

Even if it is forcibly split, it will be unified again in a few years, and Franz cannot do useless work.

Against this background, the Austrian government does not have a very good solution except for drawing up neighbors and dividing up together.

Moreover, it is not just land that is divided, but the hatred that accompanies it.

Take the French land, you can only die with the French. There is no choice but to hug Austria's thighs.

Without any hesitation, Vittorio Emanuele III resolutely replied: "My Excellency the Minister, rest assured that we will do our best to add chaos to the French!"

The conditions are very favourable, much better than what Vitorio Emanuele III had expected before, and Austria has no idea to fight the territory of the Kingdom of Sardinia.

The only regret is that Austria is opposed to his unification of the Italian region, but this is not a problem for Vittorio Emanuele III.

From birth to exile, Vittorio Emanuele III also experienced vicissitudes, although he was young, he missed the second.


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