Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 876: French plan

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After a pause, Napoleon IV nodded: "It's not really good. The response is too direct, and our allies will feel uncomfortable.

Would you like to reorganize the language, talk more about the difficulties we are facing, and appease their broken hearts? "

Karel Kadletz stopped talking. No matter how you reply, you cannot change the fact that the French government is a fisherman.

Perhaps before the outbreak of the Anglo-Russian War, the French government had to take care of their feelings. Now it is no longer necessary.

Even if Britain and Russia have grievances, that is what happened after the war.

The current international situation is very obvious. Austria supports the Russians. France ’s position will directly affect the outcome of this war.

If France maintains neutrality or supports Britain, this war can continue. If France supports the Russians, Britain will not be able to contend with the three major powers at the same time.

How can you give up this kind of opportunity?

Stimulating the UK and Russia is actually for the two countries to give more sincere prices. After all, people cannot recognize themselves at any time.

Prime Minister Terrence Burgin proposed: "Your Majesty, the Anglo-Russian War has broken out, and it seems that it will not end in a short time. We consider implementing the next strategy."

For the French Empire, knocking on the bamboo sticks of Britain and Russia can only be regarded as a small profit.

The biggest benefit to France from the outbreak of the Anglo-Russian War was that the shackles imposed on them were gone.

The only thing that can control France is Austria, but this is only a restriction, and it is not enough to make the French government afraid.

Foreign Minister Karel Kadletz: "Let's wait until the end. The Anglo-Russian war has just begun, and the two sides have not yet fought.

Our movements are too large, stimulating their sensitive nerves, and Britain and Russia are likely to stop.

Just like the war in the Near East, Austria wanted to unify the German region, and the countries in the war did not stop.

If the Austrians restrained their emotions and waited until the end of the Near East War to send troops, I am afraid no one could stop them. "

The Vienna government's failure to unify the German region by using the First Near East War that year triggered intervention in various European countries. In the end, it only merely annexed South Germany.

From Karel Kadletz's point of view, it is a ready-made negative example. If there were more days to wait for the Russian army to hit Constantinople, it would be a completely different result.

The Minister of Economy Elsa objected: "The failure of Austria to unify the German region is not only due to the interference of European countries, but also the fierce opposition of the Kingdom of Prussia.

The Vienna government did not have the courage to fight a civil war and could only sit back and watch the division in the German region, even if it waited until the end.

We are in a different situation now. We just want to transfer a few coal mines than Germany, and instead of directly annexing the two countries, the British and Russia will endure no matter how dissatisfied they are.

The only person capable of interfering is Austria. Both countries have no courage to fight against us. I do n’t think the Vienna government will fight us for the two countries. This is not in their interest.

As long as the established facts are created, most of the Austrians will shout, and the Foreign Ministry will come to appease them.

In recent years, our economy has recovered rapidly, but there are still some difficulties to get past the peak.

The main factors restricting our economic growth are insufficient domestic coal supply and high prices, which increase the cost of industrial production.

It may not be intuitive to say this, for a simple example:

After the outbreak of the Anglo-Russian War, the export trade of all European countries has increased. Just last month, our total export trade increased by 0.7 percentage points year-on-year, setting the highest growth rate in eight years.

However, the total export trade of European countries mostly exceeded 1 percentage point, and the total export trade of Austria increased by at least 2 percentage points.

We are behind again. This is not because the domestic industry is not working hard. In fact, no one works harder than the capitalists on the issue of making money.

However, there is a shortage of coal in the country, and there is obviously excess production capacity in the two countries, but they have to hoard and force us to pay more to buy.

They are a group of vampires, lying on the head of the French business community and devouring our wealth.

Now for a day, France will be lost ... "

It is too difficult to annex the two countries. Even if only one family is annexed, it will cause great trouble.

Although he has not been beaten by society, there are still traces of the shadow of the anti-French war.

In order to reduce the risk, the French government quietly lowered its target and subdivided the plan to annex the two countries, preparing to blackmail several mines from the two countries.

"Hoarding strange" is just an excuse Elsa found out, in fact, the rise in coal prices is just normal business behavior.

Capitalists want to make greater profits, naturally they will not give up any opportunities. After the outbreak of the Anglo-Russian War, the prices of many commodities in Europe have increased slightly.

It's just that the capitalists in France couldn't bear it anymore. They were originally prepared to make a fortune in war, but suddenly found that the price of energy had also risen.

Those who are expected to earn ten million francs can only earn nine million francs due to rising energy prices, which is equivalent to a loss of one million francs.

French capitalists are naturally unwilling to share profits with others. In order to maximize profits, everyone has launched their influence and encouraged the government to grab coal mines in the two countries.

Foreign Minister Karel Kadletz shook his head: "Do n’t forget that the coal mines are all owned. What if the governments of the two countries refuse to deal with us on the grounds that their private property is sacred and inviolable?

Send troops to fight and grab, are you sure they dare not fight us?

Even in Belgium, the strength of the German Federation is not weak. Once those piles of small states are united, even we cannot win it in a short time.

Once there is a stalemate in the war, the Austrians will take advantage of the fire and the British and Russian nations will contribute.

If only the Austrian family can withstand it, the problem is that they will encourage the European countries to fight against us together.

No matter how powerful the Imperial Army is, it cannot compete with the European countries. Once the war begins, we cannot control it later.

In order to be safe, we had better wait for Britain and Russia to fight the real fire and force European countries to stand in line.

After the European countries split into two waves, we forced the two countries to make concessions. Even if the situation is out of control, we will not fight alone in the presence of an alliance. "

Failure makes people grow. As a French foreign minister, Karel Cardellitz deeply understands the root cause of France ’s defeat in the anti-French war-fewer allies and more enemies.

In order to avoid repeating the same mistakes, Karel Kadletz has always advocated: provoking contradictions among European countries and dividing relations among countries.

In this British-Russian war, his contribution is indispensable.

After hearing the explanation of the Foreign Minister, the eager heart of Napoleon IV cooled down. Having passed the age of ignorance, Napoleon IV also learned to weigh the pros and cons.

"Karel is right. It is not the best time. The most important thing now is to continue to advance the process of the Anglo-Russian War.

Only when they are both defeated, our eastward plan can proceed smoothly.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stimulated the Russians again and told the tsarist government that as long as they conquered Herat or the Wakhan Corridor, we would issue them billions of francs in war bonds. "

There is no way to agitate the Russians. The British government is too sensible and it is too difficult to foole them.

Once the British army succeeded on the battlefield and expelled the Russians from the Afghan region, the British government would take it away.

Changing the tsarist government is different. Once the Afghan region is conquered, the Russians ’strategic focus shifts to India.

No one can stop the Russians' ambitions for India. The British government cannot compromise on this issue, and the two sides can only die.

In this regard, the judgments of France and Austria are consistent. The Vienna government also contributed money and supported the tsarist government to fight all the way to India.

As for the question of whether the Russians will become bigger after seizing the Indian region, this worry is completely unnecessary.

The British Empire this year is not easy to provoke, and once fought together, it is enough to move any country.

Based on the strength of the Russians, the attempt to seize India from the British could not be accomplished overnight.

Without the support of the gold master, it would not take long for the Russians to be dragged down by huge military expenses.

Prime Minister Terrence Burgin reminded: "Your Majesty, the Anglo-Russian War has broken out. As an ally of the British, we are now issuing bonds for the Russians, which is outdated."

Pit allies should also pay attention to ways and methods. It is okay to dig holes in secret. Such flags declaring destruction and hindering the legs will violate the rules of the game.

The international reputation of France was completely over, and no country dared to play with them.

Napoleon IV smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter, we just have to change the way of operation, the British have nothing to say.

For example: we issue a billion francs of commercial bonds for Austria, and the Austrians lent the money to the tsarist government. "


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