Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 860: Political art

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There is no accident. After Austria took over the black pot, the relationship between France and Austria deteriorated sharply, and the foreign ministries of the two countries fought every day.

Suddenly there was a lot of doubts in Europe, Britain and Russia met on the issue of Central Asia, and France and Austria were entangled together for China and Europe.

Rounding it up is about the same: the Anglo-French alliance and the Russian-Austrian alliance are up.

Two points in the world, this is clearly the prelude to the outbreak of the European War.

The most annoying is the two countries, because of the aggressive relationship between the French, they have been standing in line.

It seemed that Austria had shot them out and actually pushed them to the opposite side of France.

Originally, the three Franciscan countries are also expected to reach agreement on the issue of coal exports to avoid escalation of conflicts. Unfortunately, once blended in by Austria, there is no possibility of relaxation.

Because of the interests, French capitalists will not tolerate government concessions; the two countries, Belgium and Germany, where nationalism has risen, are now also unable to concessions.

The problem has fallen into an endless loop, no matter how to deal with it, all parties can not be satisfied. The contradiction was temporarily suppressed, only to accumulate power for the outbreak.


In the Afghan region, the British army swept all the way through, but it was finally in trouble.

I do n’t know when the guerrillas in the Afghan region came out and attacked the British logistics continuously.

Especially in the last month, not only the logistics transport team was attacked, but even the main force was attacked dozens of times.

The damage caused by a single attack is not great, but the number of attacks by Afghans is too great!

Now that the British army does not dare to act alone, but if the number is less than one company, they will be ambushed when they go out.

I don't know, I was shocked. Just last month, 112 British soldiers were killed and 313 British soldiers injured under the attack of the Afghan guerrillas.

This is just the loss of the British soldiers and Indian soldiers, not counting.

If all are added together, only last month, the British army lost the strength of a regiment.

This casualty figure is in no way inferior to the casualties of the Afghan government army in the final battle, and the number of daily losses is slightly exceeded.

Looking at the increasing number of casualties, Lieutenant General Patrick is about to collapse, and he has absolutely no idea how to write a report to London.

Kabul, British General Command

A middle-aged military officer with a bandage on his arm filled with indignant suggestions: "His commander, the guerrillas are too rampant, we must take the initiative to attack."

There is no doubt that this officer was the unlucky and lucky man who was injured in the guerrilla attack.

Generally speaking, high-level officers like him are under layers of protection, and the guerrillas are inaccessible.

Unfortunately, Makau ’s bad luck was hit by the Afghan indigenous artillery into the temporary headquarters, and a shrapnel hit his arm.

Relative to the many officers who were killed collectively at the scene, he is the only leftover, undoubtedly lucky.

Lieutenant General Patrick nodded and said slowly, "Colonel Macau, calm down. Everyone knows the importance of killing guerrillas.

But we took the initiative to attack dozens of times, and none of the expected results were achieved.

The enemy didn't fight us at all, these guys entered the mountain just after the siege.

When we withdrew our troops, these guys, like psoriasis, were glued again. As we looked back, these guys ran away again.

If you don't find the weakness of the guerrillas, no matter how you attack, you will return without success.

Judging from the news from Central Asia, most of our allies, the three Khanates of Central Asia, are unsustainable. At the end of the year, we will become neighbors with the Russians.

Before that, we have to clear them. If these mice are hidden in the ground, or let them hook up, it will be a big trouble. "

In fact, Patrick ’s words are not finished. Is the hidden danger in Afghanistan only guerrillas?

The bigger problem is essentially religious fanatics. These talents are the main force of the attack, relying on local religions, and most like to attack the British soldiers who have left the order.

The British who have just arrived here have not yet figured it out. Most of the accounts are written in the guerrillas.

Of course, this is not wrong, they are originally a family-Afghan resistance organization.

Everyone ’s nominal leader is King Emir, although this unlucky king is hiding in the old forest of the mountains, he dare not come out.

Another officer suggested: "I think it is still necessary to grab the Afghan king first, without the leader of Emir, these resistance groups are just a piece of sand."

Colonel Makau didn't buy it and said, "Come on, Hudes. The Afghans are extremely hostile to us, and we don't have any foundation in the area.

Who knows where the Emir ’s mouse ’s cave is, he ca n’t go over the mountains and fight one by one?

Moreover, the Afghan resistance organization has always been scattered. The presence of the leader of Emir has little effect.

This can be seen from the fact that they attacked us. There were many attacks, but the number of people they dispatched each time was limited.

Ever since the defeat of the Afghan government forces, who of you has encountered a resistance of more than three thousand?

It was all a group of scattered soldiers wandering bravely, unable to withstand a blow on the front battlefield, and could only hide behind and shoot a black gun. "

This is the difficulty of the problem. Although the resistance organization is a group of people, but this group of people is not slippery!

Hudders sneered: "Well then, these mice are also going to eat. It's no big deal. We pulled the net to block them and trapped them in the mountains."

Urgent, we can also set fire to the mountains and burn them all the way.

If this is not possible, the local people will be heavily taxed so that they will not have food to support the guerrillas.

It is also possible to carry out a continuous sitting method, but whenever someone colludes with a guerrilla, all residents within a five mile radius are executed.

I do n’t believe that Afghanistan has been destroyed by us, and there are guerrillas that ca n’t be destroyed. "

It sounds pretty good, but it ’s not that simple to implement.

Pulling the net blockade, you know that this requires a lot of force.

The area of ​​Afghanistan is not small, and it is densely covered with forests. It is simply not something that these infantry divisions can block.

It seems to be very simple to set fire to the mountains. In fact, not any mountain can be burned at once, and a large amount of fuel needs to be put in to ignite.

Not to mention the heavy tax collection, it is necessary to establish a local government first, and count on the British soldiers to collect taxes. It is estimated that the local people have to go to the guerrillas.

The real deterrent is probably even sitting, but it is not easy to operate. If it is not done, more people will participate in the guerrillas.

After seeing no objections, after weighing the pros and cons, Lieutenant General Patrick said slowly: "If you don't have a better way, then give it a try!"

I will seek reinforcements with the country, but this requires everyone to speak the same way. The Afghan guerrillas alone cannot attract the attention of the gang of lords in London. "

To shirk responsibility, this is the traditional skill of the bureaucrats without a teacher. The weight of the Afghan guerrillas is not enough, it can only be attracted to the Russians.

After some artistic processing, the result of the Afghan guerrillas attacking the British army fell on the Russian army.


The black pot that fell from the sky, I don't know how the Russians feel, anyway, the London government is very angry.

If the Russians did anything in secret, this kind of grand attack on the British army would violate the rules of the game.

After receiving the news, Gladstone snarled quite a bit: "The Russians are provoking Britain and we must retaliate."

There is no doubt that the front-line battle report is true or not. Isn't Prime Minister Gladstone a fool?

the answer is negative!

It is the basic skills of politicians to pretend to be confused. It was clear that the Russians could not fly to Afghanistan, but Prime Minister Gladstone could only admit his nose.

Otherwise, there would be no way to account for the losses of the British troops on the front lines. Although the main responsibility is the military, they also cannot run away as cabinets.

The arrogant British people can tolerate hundreds of thousands of losses when the great powers broke out, but they could not tolerate the thousands killed by the indigenous guerrillas.

This pot can only be carried by the Russians to minimize political influence. By the way, it can also make the Congress appropriate and send reinforcements to the Afghan region.

As for the wrongfulness of the Russians, that is not a problem at all. Anyway, in Central Asia, Britain and Russia are destined to be enemies. If the relationship deteriorates a little bit, where can it be worse?


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