Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 858: Intensify

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The University of Berlin has been the cradle of German nationalism since the defeat of the Russo-Prussian War, and various radical ideas have emerged.

Because of the defeat of the war, the Kingdom of Prussia was carrying huge amounts of debts. In order to pay off the huge amounts of debts, the Prussian government had long been overwhelmed and had no money to develop the economy.

The pressure of people's lives is high, and the dissatisfaction with society is high, which naturally intensifies the spread of ideas.

After joining the German Confederation, he received financial assistance from the central government, and the economy in Prussia has slightly improved.

However, all this is now over. With the signing of the coal export treaty with France, the era of the German federal reliance on high-priced coal for profiteering is over, and the central government's fiscal revenue is greatly reduced.

Without this piece of income, the states are reluctant to pay taxes to the central government, and the central government itself has fallen into a situation where it cannot make ends meet. Naturally, it cannot help the Kingdom of Prussia.

In this context, except for the Rhineland, which is rich in coal, the most intense reaction is the Kingdom of Prussia.

From the beginning, the Prussian government had resolutely resisted negotiations with France, but they were so slight in the Federation.

Being able to get them into the Imperial Parliament is the result of many years of diplomatic efforts and has no decision-making power at all.

The arms are thigh-less, and the Berlin government can only accept it passively. The government accepted the reality, but the people couldn't help it.

As in all regions of the German Confederation, anti-French march movements of varying sizes broke out.

At the University of Berlin, a group of young students are having a heated discussion, and knowing that this is planning a boycott against the French.


A young student walked onto the podium: "Students, the demonstrations now going on have no effect at all, the French cannot see them at all, and the weak government dare not fight the French.

To change all this, we must take more active measures to let the **** French know that we are not bully. "

Anti-French demonstrations are effective. Domestic newspapers and magazines have stopped entertainment news and supported the patriotic movement organized by the students.

Workers, middle class, capitalists, and even government officials joined the demonstrations.

In some small states, the monarchs ran out to join in the excitement and appeared in the crowd of demonstrations.

The influence is enough, but the effect is not very good, the French did not choose to compromise, nor did the German Federal Government dare to tear up the treaty.

"Fritz, what is more positive action?

Could it be that the French embassy was besieged?

It's useless. The decaying central government has long sent troops to block the embassy area. We can't get in at all!

It is even more useless to ask the government.

The Berlin government has always opposed compromising with the French. In fact, with the exception of Hanover, all states do not support compromising with the French. "

As a state government, this kind of thing to be scolded must of course be opposed.

Except for the central government of Hanover, who has to go up to hide, how far others have gone.

From the fact that the Imperial Parliament did not veto the treaty, it is known that compromise is the common wish of many states, but the black pot has let the Hanover family bear it.

Even William II, who had just succeeded to the throne, issued a letter of reprimand, which scolded the French and the central government together.

Anyway, under the system of the German Federation, the central government could not help the monarchy of the states, if they scolded, they would scold.

Prussia was willing to cooperate with the central government before. That was to obtain financial assistance. This was also the condition for Prussia to agree to form a second house empire with Hanover.

Now the aid in the pledge is gone. William II didn't turn his face, just swear a few words without pain, it is already very face-saving.

Fritz shook his head: "Of course not. The central government is too weak. Hanover colluded with Britain and France to betray the interests of the empire. This cannot be solved by the petition.

The best way to change the current situation is to let the French see our determination and force them to give in.

Although we called on the public to refuse to buy French goods before, it was not enough. To make the French compromise, we have to do more.

I have roughly calculated that between the German Federation and France each year, the total annual import and export trade is about 67 million Aegis.

Among them, the export of polished coal accounts for a quarter. Doesn't the French want to plunder cheap coal? We can't buy them a piece of coal.

The coal exported by the British alone is not enough for the French. As long as the trade between the two countries can be cut off, there is no fear that the French will not compromise. "

This is a fact. Once the German Federation stopped exporting coal to France, the French could not find enough substitutes in a short time.

The main coal-producing countries in Europe are Britain, Germany, Russia, and Austria. The Russian coal is sold at a high price, and Austrian coal is rarely exported.

Although the British coal exports are large, the sudden increase in the market gap cannot be made up for two days a day.

The enlarged version of France, the coal consumed every day, is an astronomical figure. Once there is a shortage of supply, the French economy will soon have problems.

But it was not only the French economy that was unlucky, but the German Confederation also failed.

Cut off trade between the two countries, the German Federation will also suffer heavy losses, countless enterprises will be bankrupt, and millions of people may be unemployed.

Hearing this crazy plan, the rational Hans exclaimed: "Fritz, your plan is crazy. If you do this, the French will go crazy!"

What is lost is a minor problem for nationalists.

After all, most of the people who can enter the university have a better family background. They have not yet been beaten by society. I do n’t know how heavy the economic losses are. The focus is still on the French reaction.

Don't look at the loud slogans of everyone, I'm not afraid that the French are just talking. If the French come over, everyone is still in a panic.

Fritz sneered: "How can we defend our national sovereignty without risk?"

Even if the French are really calling, what can they do?

His Majesty Franz has publicly promised to protect our safety, and everyone ’s reputation is clear about his old man ’s credibility.

With the power of all the countries in the German region, we are not afraid of the French, and our strength is even stronger.

What they are afraid of now is the decaying central government. They worry that the outbreak of war will lead to the unification of the German region and the loss of their power. "

Looking at the emotional crowd, Hans was caught in self-doubt. It seems that war broke out, and it's not so terrible.

Although the French are strong, the German Federation + Austria are not weak. No one knows the gap in the army's combat effectiveness before this fight.

But on the fundamentals, Deoga is really beautiful together. The population is twice that of France, the total economy is 2.7 times that of France, and the heavy industry is 4 times that of France ...

In fact, the steel production of the Federal Republic of North Germany is the same as that of France, especially steel production is still above France.

Leaving aside other factors, just looking at these data, you really can't find a reason to be afraid.

Even if the French army's combat power can burst the table, everyone can pile up the number. The Russian-Russian war has proved with facts that as long as there are enough quantities, no matter how high the quality is, it will be buried.

From the beginning to the end, the opinion of Franz, the party, was represented by everyone. He tacitly believed that he would fight for the unity of the German region.


To cut off trade between the two countries, it is easier said than done, at least the students at Berlin University are not yet capable of it.

A vigorous tandem movement spread from Prussia to the entire German region.

Once the number of participants is large, it is impossible to keep secrets, and the cascading of students quickly appears on the table of the leaders of the states.

After receiving this news, William II, who was in the place where the storm originated, was stunned and troublesome.

Multiple choice questions are not easy to do. Newborn calf students dare to gamble. This does not mean that the rulers dare to put all their worth in to gamble.

Having personally experienced the defeat of the Russo-Prussian War, William II did not have the arrogance of the original time and space, and the current Prussian kingdom is not the second empire that is arrogant.

It is natural to be able to force the French to compromise without war.

But what if the situation gets out of control?

Once the war broke out, as part of the German Confederation, the Kingdom of Prussia could not be alone.

If you lose the war, the Huohengsolun dynasty, which is in an unstable position, will be directly destroyed; even if you win the war, it will also be a wedding dress for others.

If it were not certain that Austria was not ready for war, William II would have to doubt that this was a conspiracy of the Habsburg dynasty.

Of course, William II had another option, which was to immediately stop students from connecting and avoid the outbreak of a nationwide anti-French movement.

It will only affect the prestige of the monarch, and it may even be considered by nationalists as a betrayal and weaken its foundation of rule.

Also in a state of confusion was George I, as the central government of the German Confederation, they assumed almost all the firepower.

Sometimes George I really wanted a wave of recklessness, winning the emperor of the empire, losing the king of the country, and saving so much bird spirit.

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