Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 856: Tim

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There is no accident. As a responsible big country, Austria will naturally provide security protection for Belgium and North Germany.

On August 1, 1888, Franz issued the "Report to the People of Europe", which clearly stated that Austria will be committed to maintaining the balance and stability of the European continent and resolutely fighting against the evil forces that undermine the European order.

As for whether the two governments dare to believe, this is not known. However, this announcement still has positive significance, and has won wide support from public opinion.

Obtained the promise of Austria, the two countries also had a sense of confidence at the negotiating table.

There is really only a trace, because the two countries that suffered the most losses from the outbreak of the war, no one knows who wins or loses in the two countries, and they are the losers anyway.

The fact that the governments of the two countries can be rational does not mean that the people will also be rational. After receiving affirmative responses from Austria, a massive anti-French movement broke out between the two peoples.

In Brussels, the people who have demonstrations have blocked the streets. Even in the deep palace, Leopold II can clearly hear the protests of the people.

There is no doubt that all require the government to be tough on the law. Nationalism has risen, and the conditions proposed by the French deeply stimulated everyone's self-esteem.

Prime Minister August: "Your Majesty, now we can't give in any more. The French will never die, this is just the beginning.

Blind concessions not only do not solve the problem, but also make the French think that we are weak and can be bullied and even more deserved. "

Obviously, Austria ’s clear position and the support of mainstream European public opinion have affected the Belgian government.

Augustus, the consistently well-respected Prime Minister, was also agitated by the French's unreasonable demands and turned to support toughness.

Leopold II nodded, and he thought hard, but he had no idea!

Belgium and Austria have a close agreement, but the outbreak of war will take time before the arrival of the Austrian reinforcements. In the early stage, they still have to bear it first. The possibility of the battlefield in Belgium is as high as 99.99% ...

In case the Austrian counseled, or even a few days late, Belgium would cease to exist. Leopold II had no confidence in blocking the French invasion.

It cannot be stopped militarily, nor can it be retreated politically and economically.

If you look at the people gathered outside, you will know that if you really agree to the unreasonable demands of the French, the country will explode first.

Not to mention economically, the Belgian government is waiting for bankruptcy if it loses such a large sum of money!

Leopold II asked: "How is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs communicating with the Germans? Do they agree to advance and retreat with us?"

Foreign Minister Jule shook his head and sneered: "The Germans are busy communicating with the British, hoping that the London government will interfere with the French's actions."

Leopold II asked in a very surprised way: "Did they have a long brain?

To interfere with others has already expressed its position, and it is whimsical to expect the British to intervene at this time! "

Unsurprisingly, Leopold II was surprised and knew with his knees that Britain and France had just formed an alliance. However, at this point in time, the British government would not turn over for them and their most important allies.

Even Austria, which is most likely to interfere, has only made its position clear and has not directly intervened in this negotiation.

In Leopold II's view, instead of continuing to struggle with the British, it is better to take the opportunity to promote the alliance of the three countries of Bideau, and jointly curb the expansion of the French.

Foreign Minister Juul explained: "It may be that the British gave Hanover what promise, and George I has always rejected the closeness with Austria.

However, other states in the German region are communicating with Austria, and Grand Duke Baden will also visit Vienna in the near future, which may have something to do with this incident. "

Not to mention that the Federal Republic of North Germany is scattered, but on the issue of safeguarding national interests, everyone's goals are still the same.

The British withdrew from the International Coal Export Coalition and continued to maintain high coal prices against France. However, it is even more impossible to sign a low-cost coal treaty with the French.

In a sense, the approach of the Federal Republic of North Germany is in its own best interests. As the central Hanover embraces the thighs of the British, the small states in the country seek the support of Austria.

If you do n’t look at the face of the monk and look at the face of the Buddha, even if the negotiation fails, the French ca n’t risk it.

Only in this way, Belgium suffered. The relationship between the North German Commonwealth and the British Olympics is simply not comparable.

This year there is no shortage of men who squander blood for the nation. Once the French invade North Germany, no matter whether the Austrian government is willing to participate in the war, domestic nationalists will push Austria onto the battlefield.

Even if the central government does not want to fight, the defenders on the border will engage themselves. Anyone who dares to block can not get along with the public opinion.

Although Britain does not necessarily turn face to face with the French, Queen Victoria's face will be wonderful.

Even if you don't turn your face on the bright side and secretly engage in a little action against the French, it will still happen.

Belgium does not have this treatment. Although the relationship between Britain and Belgium is good, it is only good. The two countries are not allies with military obligations.

Because of its volume, Belgium is not very important to Britain. Of course, the French annexed Belgium, and the British did not want to see it.

But it was just a beating, which was not within the scope of British interference.

Not to mention Austria, from the moment of independence from the Holy Roman Empire, Belgium is no longer its own.

Although the two countries have signed a secret contract, it does not mean that they will not be sold. The French want to annex Belgium, and Austria will definitely fulfill its obligations.

If only beat them, Austria will not be sure whether to fight against the French.

In fact, Leopold II is now most worried about not being annexed by the French.

It is very hateful to annex a country on the European continent. The French did not dare to risk the world without the acquiescence of the great power.

The current military threat is to beat you up and change the government. For the ruler, this is similar to the demise of the country.

After hesitating for a long time, Leopold II said slowly: "First appease the people outside and tell them that the government will never accept the unreasonable demands of the French.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs continues to negotiate with the French, and coal export prices can fall, but they cannot be lower than the international average export prices. "

No matter how threatening the French are, Leopold II still has the responsibility of a monarch, and he first chose to appease the people of the country.

After the appearance of the two alliances, the smell of gunpowder on the European continent became stronger and stronger, and Leopold II was not unaware.

It is a pity that Belgium is only a small country, and it has not become a tide-making capital. Even the conflicting North German Federation is much better than them.


In Paris, looking at Franz ’s "Book to the European People", Napoleon IV looked ashamed.

It was a temptation. Austria didn't think that it had just started.

The support of major powers and the lack of support of major powers are two distinct concepts. There is no doubt that at this time it is impossible to allow the two countries to accept the conditions.


With a cold drink, Napoleon IV threw away half of the "Report to the European People" and cursed: "The **** Habsburg dynasty is really full of ghosts. You are everywhere!"

The French and Habsburg dynasties have been dying for European hegemony for hundreds of years, and the grievances between the Bonaparte and Habsburg dynasties also permeated the war against France.

In recent decades, although the situation has eased, the conflict between the two countries has not decreased, but has been increasing.

It's just that in order not to cheapen other countries, the two governments subconsciously conceal the contradictions and conflicts on the bright side, and secretly the two sides have no idea how many times they have recruited.

Prime Minister Terrence Burgin comforted: "Your Majesty, there is no need to be angry about this trivial matter.

Although we did not allow the two countries to accept our conditions, the bottom line of each country was still tested by us.

Even Austria, which looks the toughest, is also just a shout. If they really want to take the lead for the two countries, they will directly participate in the negotiations.

In this way, it seems to support the two countries, but in fact it is limited to spiritual support.

No substantive action has been taken, and it is really necessary for them to fight against us for the two countries. "

In a sense, Napoleon IV really did not need to be angry, and the results now are much better than expected.

Without Franz's disgusting "The Book of European People", it would be perfect.

Napoleon IV sneered: "What about that, the bottom line of European countries is indeed very low, but what we have to do still challenges their bottom line.

The three countries of Britain, Russia, Austria and Austria do not want us to make up for the shortcomings, even our good allies, haven't we warned us? "

To the outside world, among the big powers, only Austria has publicly expressed its support for the two countries and condemned the actions of the French government.

But in secret, Britain and Russia also expressed their dissatisfaction with the French government.

Perhaps this secret warning is not very strong, but for the French government, it is still an invisible pressure.

Prime Minister Terrence Burkin: "Anyway, this is a good start.

Although European countries still exclude us, they are no longer united and have their own small calculations.

On the issue of besieging us, the three major powers of Britain, Russia and Austria have already diverged. If it is not limited by geographical location, I am afraid that Austria will not be so active.

The spirits of the governments of the two countries have been beaten down by us. In the following negotiations, as long as we make a slight concession, the two governments should accept it.

The decline in coal costs will definitely promote the domestic industry and economy. It is not far from the new prosperity. "


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